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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead. No, Really!
First off, I'm glad in a sad way the woman is finally at peace. Disagreed with her on issues but IMHO the struggle with cancer transcended that.

It would be good if they honor her passing before everyone in the media cranks up the 'next nominee' noise.

The social psycho-ness probably did not need this fuel to add to its fire. But I guess if it's already past the point of reason, one more match won't make much difference.  

I hope Trump nominates a female, pan-sexual, race indeterminate, pot smoking vegan who is a giant 2A supporter. Just watching heads explode trying to spin that will be worth the price of admission.

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RE: Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead. No, Really! - by ABNARTY - 09-19-2020, 02:51 AM

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