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Another Hit Piece on President Trump
(09-06-2020, 04:59 PM)Schmoe1 Wrote:
(09-06-2020, 01:56 PM)Sol Wrote: I gotta say it.

I never fully understood American politics and the solemn belief in being a patriot while holding one's party into a do or die scenario. I'm right, you're wrong being the motto, no matter which party the patriot is in.

We have 'patriots' here in Eastern Canada that have mimicked your way of political thinking. They are right and the rest of Canada is filled with idiots, peasants and assholes.

No one will ever agree that it doesn't matter which party is in power. You get the short end of the stick no matter who is. But it's much better playing the 'I'm right / you're wrong' game. It makes THEM right, all the time, even though THEY're wrong, master bullshit artists and corrupt pieces of trash.

Why politics will never change. Ever. It's way too easy to divide people. Way too easy.

Just an opinion, out of context and off topic, please ignore.

/end spasms

I've never understood it either.  In my opinion, it's become more about rooting for your sports team, the team you were raised with, or the team you were told about by your friends, instead of what you really believe in.

I've never been a republican or a democrat, I've always just wanted the best person for the job.  I think it's a joke that the choices over the past few elections have been Trump, Hillary, and Biden.  There really doesn't exist better people to run the country?  Do they even truly run the country?

How do moderates not dominate the numbers?  How can so many people strictly believe in either republic or democrat principles?


What people are missing about this election is that it isn't just another election; it's literally a vote for keeping our freedoms as we've known them, or handing them over to communist leaders.  That's it, plain and simple.

Trump was asked to run in 2016 because he's an outsider, not a politician. He has no blackmail material on him that "they" can use to control him. He has plenty of money, so he can't be bought; he was/is the only person for this job to "drain the swamp".
He may have a streak of narcissism, but he is getting the job done; that's all that matters to me.
I don't care about his past personal life, I care about his ability to lead us back to the great country we used to be before Obummer, Bush, and Clinton came in and planted the commies and radical Muslims in our government. I overlook his faults to see the fighter he is, the patriot he is, and the kind of strong leader we need to lead us forward and win against all odds.

I fight so hard because I want the America back that I remember from my youth.
I like being able to walk down the street and see kids playing on the sidewalk safely, riding their bike alone to the local candy store, not worrying about some deranged person knocking me in the head as they pass by me, not standing in line for groceries, not depending on socialism to tell me how much food I get this week/month, keeping my gun(s) for my personal safety, speaking my mind, choosing if I work in a factory or work for myself, not being censored on the internet, standing and proudly saying the pledge of allegiance to my flag, freedom of religion, not having terrorists in my backyard, etc.

We only have two months left. I pray/meditate everyday with the strongest of my ability that people will wake up and see the danger of voting for Biden in November. People see him as the old democrat party candidate, but they're not seeing that he is being controlled by Socialists in the background.  If he wins, our country is toast. He'll sell us out to China so fast it'll make your head spin!

If you don't mind giving up the freedoms I listed above, then move to China or Venezuela. You will be welcome with open arms there, but don't stay here and try to turn our country into what they are.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Another Hit Piece on President Trump - by Wallfire - 09-06-2020, 01:51 PM
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RE: Another Hit Piece on President Trump - by Sol - 09-06-2020, 01:56 PM
RE: Another Hit Piece on President Trump - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-06-2020, 05:48 PM
RE: Another Hit Piece on President Trump - by Sol - 09-07-2020, 05:59 PM
RE: Another Hit Piece on President Trump - by Sol - 09-07-2020, 01:46 AM

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