08-29-2020, 07:30 PM
(08-29-2020, 06:50 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Hydroxychloroquine to the rescue.Don't bother, they weren't roomates in college. That's the big tie to rest of the claim so it's a pretty big pillar to get wrong
Just take this with an antibiotic (I use colloidal silver) and zinc. This has been proven in many studies to prevent CV.
I just read today that the FDA has lifted it's ban on hydroxychloroquine, so there is no reason not to go get some from your doctor.
There! That takes care of THAT agenda.
I have a friend on another platform that sent me a video that shows how Fauci and Gates are in this together. They were roommates in college, and they planned this long ago.
There is no way for me to share it here. DAMN! I wish I could. After watching it, there would be no way to deny that this entire virus has been a scam on the entire world.