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FBI plans to release summary of Clinton interview to Congress
[Image: c48d352b75674c4a83072b924d45184f.png]

Oh boy, not that anything will come of this, but assume Hillary will claim Right Wing nuts or the Russians are behind this.

Quote:The FBI is planning to release to interested congressmen a record of its interview with Hillary Clinton and potentially other documents related to the criminal investigation into her use of a private email while she was secretary of state, officials familiar with the decision said.

The release is the latest sign of how the FBI has tried to offer an unusual level of transparency into its handling of the case, which has now been closed after the Justice Department declined to press charges. Typically, when a probe has been finished, documents associated with the investigation are not released to anyone.

Hillary Clinton’s so-called “302” — the bureau’s report of its interview with the former secretary of state — is expected be among the materials turned over to legislators in at least some part, along with possibly the same reports from the bureau’s interviews with her aides and others.


"Comey said that while he believed Clinton was “extremely careless” and classified information did improperly traverse her personal server, investigators did not find evidence that she intended to do wrong, and her case did not present some of the aggravating factors that typically convince prosecutors to bring criminal charges."

I still have issues with the 'she did not intend to do wrong'.
Um the minute she had the damn server set up in her basement, that alone should have been considered "intent".

Of course, if on your own server instead of the State Dept, you would be free of any FOIA that was requested one would assume.

And the bullshit she spewed of having only one device was proven incorrect when an interview she did a couple of months previous showed her on camera talking about having 4 devices -- an IPhone, Blackberry, IPad and IPad mini.
Pretty nice collection of devices I must say for having only one. smh.

Now how can they claim that was not intent?
Guess the only intent they had on her was the intent to lie.

Regardless, we all know nothing will come of this.
The Clinton's are untouchable and can do as they please.

Have to give them credit where credit is due tho.
They are one helluva shrewd couple that are masters at the DC games.
They know just how close to the line they can walk without getting caught and going over the edge.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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FBI plans to release summary of Clinton interview to Congress - by senona - 08-16-2016, 08:35 AM

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