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Why the difference in death rates from covid 19
We've been drawn into a narrative with the use of science and wordage-trickery.

For example, if you have a virulent mutating-disease that is fairly new to the world, a fair-minded medical
person will relate its scientifically-explored rate and infection-life based on past similar strains of a disease
that act in an agreed manner.

Flu mutates, it tends to use the discharge from animal's respiratory system in order to travel and due to
its nature of 'binding' with a cell of its host, can alter its effects during a spread of infection.

This 'imagined' medical person will continue with an explanation of how an outbreak will happen.
Where the trickery comes into play is when the gate-keeping media, panic-sympathising activists, news
-generating influencers and politicians step in.

Cures and prevention can make the medical person's outline of an infection-spread redundant and technically,
it would make his/her statement incorrect. It's true, it would. But he/she wouldn't be wrong. The infection -not
treated, would behave in the way described and that's where the group-above's dishonesty comes into play.

Covid-19 is a title that's been created for the masses to fear. It's flu... usually a Page-Four column in a newspaper
that vaguely mentions it's that time of year again. Flu can cause serious damage to anyone with aliments connected
to respiratory problems and of course, the elderly and unfit make prime candidates.

We're being fooled, ladies and gentlemen... the accepted conduit of information is dying due to technology and the
young not watching and reading the traditional routes of news. The political systems around the world are no longer
trusted and the same world is awash with fiat money.
That's why this current situation is a reset.

But the effects on the masses won't have the same effects as a real recession -an ideal situation for Governmental
over-reach and a grand environment to push oppressive laws through, there's always some collateral damage when
such an event occurs.
Lives and jobs will be lost, the public will become frightened and look to their leaders for leadership and the way that
the message gets out...? the mainstream media, of course.

But only if the message is conducive to promote that medium and assists in continuing its success.

A cure or a effective treatment spoken of at the wrong time cannot be allowed to stop the resetting towards past values.
However the 'hope' of a cure is a great way to control the public as former-President Obama utilised within his speeches.

Hope costs nothing and can be imagined into anything. The world will be better, the flowers will grow and unicorns will
delight the young. Ignore getting up at in the morning to work a ten hour shift at the steel-mill and instead, bathe
in the Eloi sunlight and talk about rainbows.

That's why the trendy word 'imagine' is used so often, you do the imagining, you mentally design the background of what
someone has told you to fit into your paradigm. Reality drops away. This current social-project has connections to exploiting
needs of particular commodities, divisive rhetoric via ethnicity, a much-yearned for global 'green-deal' and the need to grab
your cash from you.

A suitcase of money under your bed is only accessible to you, but in a bank... it becomes theirs and the physical nature of
the currency means nothing to those who utilise your wealth. I know this sounds laughable, but look into the concept of
worth and how it is represented in our world.

It's flu and we're buying into a cruel narrative from people who don't give a shit about whether your loved-ones live or die.
It's a reset by using something that visits us every year.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: Why the difference in death rates from covid 19 - by BIAD - 08-07-2020, 09:48 AM

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