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What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had?
I had a bizarre dream a few years back. I was on my Ipad, and was looking for advice on Facebook. I can't recall what I was looking for advice on. So anyway, I hadn't gotten any replies and was just about to log off when I received a friend request from Vladimir Putin. I thought it was a joke at first, but somehow he was able to verify that he was indeed Vladimir Putin. He got on FB chat, said was interested in me, and had hacked into and spied on my Facebook wall. I was angry when he told me this and was about to tell him to get bent.  

Then he made some confession that he had been in my shoes at one time, and felt compelled to give me advice. He quoted some past historical figure, maybe Mark Twain (go figure on that). He gave the advice, and apologized for bothering me. He said I could go ahead and unfriend and block him if I felt compelled to do so. In the end, I was a softie and said I wouldn't do that as long as he promised he would not hack into any of my stuff anymore. He promised he would not hack me and wished me well. I closed the chat by saying "thank you Mr. Putin, and by the way, please stop this damn war in the Ukraine".  

That was the end of the dream, and I awoke to my alarm going off. I was very disoriented for awhile after getting up, actually felt like I was going to be sick for awhile. I hadn't had any adult beverages in days, so it wasn't that. I felt weird and out of sorts most of the day. 

It's just so opposite of me in the real world. No way I would have believe some yahoo claiming to be Vladimir Putin who admits to hacking me, and then I have a friendly chat. Not how I roll.  

I'm trying to figure out if this dream means anything, or if it's just my subconscious punking me.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=8180]

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RE: What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had? - by ChiefD - 07-10-2020, 03:21 AM

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