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The difference between a book and a statue

Odd, I know, but I agree with Phage on this one. Let me explain how I see it. 

People don't walk by a statue and look at it as a work of art or free expression. The usually wonder who it is and then read the plaque that explains the person. It is most commonly used to celebrate a person and their accomplishments. What did these confederates accomplish? I don't need to see a statue of this mother f-er to know who they are. I learned about it in school, hell I own a few books on the civil war. 

Example, lets say you are a black man walking with your kids in a park. You walk by a statue of Nathan Bedford Forest. A prominent confederate, KKK leader / founder. 

Your kids ask "daddy who is that?" 

"Oh, thats just some guy who thinks we are inferior to whites and he helped fight a war that would they have won, kept us enslaved"

"He sounds like a bad man, why do they have a statue of him?"

"Ummm.....erm....thats just art kids"

Edit to add: I dont think people should go around tearing them down thats just stupid. If they want to get rid of or move them, that should be up to the town or city to vote on.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The difference between a book and a statue - by Wallfire - 06-23-2020, 10:25 AM
RE: The difference between a book and a statue - by FauxMulder - 06-23-2020, 12:00 PM

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