07-09-2016, 06:07 PM
ABSOLUTELY! I read something the other day (looked but couldn't find the article) about where the Big O is trying to federalize ALL the police across America so they will be under his command when he calls for Martial Law. That way, there won't be anyone out there to fight back. That's also his agenda for pushing the No Guns to citizens. He wants us all to be completely vulnerable when they come to take us to the FEMA camps!
I might have posted that article in my thread about the Cabal Take-down. I haven't looked there.
Quote:Nope, it's about Federal control over every little burg in the country under the guise of "standardization", and minimizing the power of localities to find their own solutions that actually work for them and their local constituents in favor of centralized iron-handed control from hundreds of miles away.
it's about building an empire and subjugating the citizens.
ABSOLUTELY! I read something the other day (looked but couldn't find the article) about where the Big O is trying to federalize ALL the police across America so they will be under his command when he calls for Martial Law. That way, there won't be anyone out there to fight back. That's also his agenda for pushing the No Guns to citizens. He wants us all to be completely vulnerable when they come to take us to the FEMA camps!
I might have posted that article in my thread about the Cabal Take-down. I haven't looked there.