(02-26-2020, 10:04 AM)Wallfire Wrote: So this "person" wanted a vagina and a penis ??, would this make him "Bi"sexual.
Help im so confused
Yes, but then again, who wouldn't want both!
Think of the money save on nights out on the prowl in singles bars purchasing childless females
expensive drinks and offering empty compliments about her shoes.
Ponder -if you will, on the idea of not having to shell-out on High Karate/Denim aftershave in order to lure
a half-drunk-willing female back to your lair for lust-venting. No vomit to clean-up and the endless texting as
you perform the love-making act.
Evaluate the problems of finding that shoe under the bed and with an armful of clothes, ringing for a
taxi before telling that half-asleep girl that you'll call her later... honest I will.
Contemplate the notion that you'll no longer have to endure the bullshit given by males as they attempt
to persuade that their Lamborghini is still in the mechanics and he actually owns the house and it's just
that his parents are visiting that particular weekend.
(So keep your voice down.)
Excogitate on the fact that the snoring, farting and the laying in the damp-patch will be just a faint memory.
That terrible twenty-minute stench he creates after using the lavatory will be no more, the damaged headboard,
the crumb-filled beard, the two minutes of grunting-coitus that solely benefits him and distorts into an hour of
rampant sex when boasted to his male peers.
All gone.
Now, one can pleasure oneself. With a simple tucking manoeuvre, such carnal enjoyment can take place whenever
and wherever the need arises. Now one can feel confident that the duel task in the toilet -of leaving piss in the seat
AND spraying the stuff on the floor and walls, can be accomplished at the same time. Thrush, Vaginal rash, Yeast
infection, Balanitis, Phimosis and Smegma... all things to look forward to.
Who wouldn't want both organs?
And by the way, the insult "go and f*ck yer'self" will never feel the same again!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.