02-05-2020, 09:57 AM
(02-05-2020, 01:12 AM)WalksInSilence Wrote: I am not sure what your opinion is on the pictures you posted...
Well, it's difficult for me because -apart from the perpetual hoaxing, photograph manipulation
and evangelistic-like manner the phenomena is presented, I refuse to believe that every single
person who's ever witnessed an unknown hairy biped is a liar or mistakenly identified a bear for
a Bigfoot.
Even if just one person is correct, then the matter is so serious that it overturns everything we know
as reality. I've written before about all the problems that recognising such an entity existing will bring
in regards of the lack of trust in science, trust in Governments, safety-issues, the effects on industry
(timber-orientated jobs) and even the idea that humans now have an actual living 'cousin'.
Where do we go from here if it's true? Their elusiveness, did we cause that and why?
What qualities for living in the wild have they retained that we may have lost...? And will action be taken
to investigate these traits that could be detrimental to the species?
There's a sh*t-load of effects that await these possible creatures just around the corner.
I want them to be real, but I'm wary of what will happen to them if recognised as real.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.