09-30-2019, 06:47 PM
AG Preparing to Deliver Evidence of "DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY"?
Yes, I think he is.
I've heard many citizen journalists say their D.C. sources have told them that they already have all the information needed to make high-level arrests, but the thing holding them back is, they are waiting on the public to catch up to the truth. More people need to realize how they have been lied to before this all goes public to prevent a civil war. If they released too much too fast, Trump's team would be accused of doing it to smear his political opponents.
Take a look at who's running for 2020 and you'll see who has their name on an arrest warrant. They know it; that's why they got in the POTUS race, for protection.
So, of course, you have the democrat media puppets going full steam ahead pushing the 'Orange Man Bad', IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH narrative. They know they are conspirators and will be going down too if the Dems lose, which they will.