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For YOU Crypto Types

There are no Government-backed official  'Sasquatch attack' accounts that I can find and this should be something
that is discussed.

The reasons are obvious I suppose, because to to general public it indicates that these alleged creatures are just that,
alleged. But to some, that would also be suggested as the exact reason they're not recognised by officialdom!

Before I go on, I do believe such large bipeds exist as I also believe they're capable of seeing the world in the manner
we do as humans. I think we underestimate their mental aptitude due to our bias of believing 'hair-covered' is a sign
that these beings are animal-like and ergo think like other forest animals we encounter.

To put it another way, our arrogance as top predator stifles us appreciating their existence. If Bigfoot doesnt desire a
fast car and a nice house, he must be therefore, doltish and incapable of self-improvement.
I also believe this is why we're incapable of collecting decent imagery of them, they might not know what we're thinking,
but they may well know how we think.

It would be easy to broach the situation of why Government and scientific bodies do not recognise the Sasquatch as
a real entity with the obvious answer is that they don't exist. There's never any irrefutable evidence and all witnesses'
accounts can be placed under the two catagories of mistaken-identity and trickery.

Both titles have stock as a shape in the woods can be anything and with a recent account of Randy Lee Tenley dressed
in a Gillie suit being run over by a vehicle in Montana -whist attempting to incite a Bigfoot sighting, hoaxing can make any
interested party decide the whole thing is fake.

Some reports have offered the idea of a professional outfit of military personnel that come in and 'clean up' a dangerous
situation involving angry beasts and terrified hunters or Bigfoot enthusiasts who unwittingly enter an area these creatures
are believed to deem their own.

But again, no ironclad evidence is presented and it doesn't matter how earnest a telephonic-voice is on a podcast, the
general public need more that tones of concern. Then such testimony becomes nothing more than entertainment.

Of course, if there is any credibility to these reports of black-clad military men policing out-of-control Sasquatch situations
and the knowledge is being deliberately repressed, then it's a dangerous tactic in itself if it is ever properly exposed.

Staying with that assumption, the question of why such suppression of a Sasquatch reality must be asked.
Bears and mountain lions are dangerous and even though they tend to avoid encounters with humans, Government-approved
agencies provide information to -not only protect tourists, but assist in maintaining the animals' existence.

In the Bigfoot fellowship, it's often proposed that the scientific and ministerial communities refuse to recognise Sasquatch's
presence due to the world-changing reality that our standard premise of humanity could effect many aspects of global control.

Our paradigm of who we are and where we came from would not only need revision, it could take us into areas of thought
that could seriously damage the journey that mankind is supposed to take.
We covet, we acquire and we conquer, this who we are and what we do. Humans see inertia for a species as perilous and
could lead to the decay of the fabric we call civilisation. This -in the corridors of rationalism and control cannot be allowed.

There are plenty of examples where it's reported that human were attacked, but every time, the definite proof fails to appear.
Take the Ape Canyon account.

July, 1924. A small prospector's pine-log cabin in a gorge southeast of Mount St. Helens in the state of Washington. 
Five men looking for gold in the area, were attacked by a group of Sasquatch during the night after going outside
earlier for water and encountering a seven-foot tall creature.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6411]
(An obvious 'Posed-For' photograph from a newspaper of that time.)

Fred Beck -one the men in the cabin at the time, stated: 
"...The only time we shot our guns that night was when the creatures were attacking our cabin.
When they would quiet down for a few minutes, we would quit shooting. I told the rest of the party,
that maybe if they saw we were only shooting when they attacked, they might realise we were only
defending ourselves..."

Why would one think like that...? Why assume an animal -because that's how Sasquatch is generally perceived, would understand
that the actions of the prospectors were merely a defensive behavior? To consider this as a possibility is to accept that the rock
-throwing shaggy brutes outside the cabin had high-thinking mental processes than involved morality and astuteness.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6412]
Fred Beck.

Mr. Beck added in an interview that he recalled a fellow-cabin-dweller singing "If you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone, and we'll
all go home in the morning!" and Mr. Beck had the the impression that the "Mountain Devils" as he called them, might understand his
friend's crooning and go away.
Again, there's the hint that these men believed their attackers were perceptive to alternatives of outcome.

When daylight approach, the assault stopped and cautiously emerging from the damaged cabin, Fred Beck alleged he shot at one
of the apelike creatures that was standing about eighty yards away near the edge of Ape Canyon. He states his target toppled over
the cliff and down into the gorge, some four hundred feet below.

Gathering some supplies, the quintet left the area and made for a Ranger's Station at Spirit Lake. However, Bill Welch -the Ranger
could not assist them in identifying what they'd seen. Later -after returning to Kelso in Washington, the media raced in and advertised
that "Mountain Devils" or "America's Abominable Snowmen" were roaming this particular area of Washington State.
This brought big game hunters hurrying to catch themselves a unique trophy and a tourism boom as well.

Mr. Beck accompanied a detective two reporters from Oregon back to the location, but apart from footprints, no bodies were found.
Today, there still a hunt, but now it's for the cabin that seems to have been burnt down and disappeared. Again, possible lost evidence.

This account follows many others where vital proof never surfaces and all we're left with are verbal anecdotes and elusive questions.

Did Mr. Beck and his comrades believe that the mere ability of these creatures being upright, with thumbs and organisational skills to
attack in a group warranted the title of 'human-like'? If their assailants were bears, would he have thought that bears would be capable
of the 'defence' reasoning he suggested?

There must be an assumption, an easily-reached-for inference that such creatures think on a level similar to man. But even though this
may be true, our first goal is to produce intransigent evidence that Sasquatch exists.

And to do that, we -the general public, may have to sadly perform an act that the Sasquatch are certain we would resort to, and kill one.


Quote:hmmm.... but doesn't the big fella still live IN the forests and deep woods (as opposed to roaming the
open savannah) There'd be no real reason to do a "homo-sapiens" and lose the fur... would there?

Oh, and the naked mole-rats that were mentioned... we REALLY need to look closely at those guys.
They don't "age" like we do and are naturally protected from Cancer by having an elevated amount of
"extremely high-molecular-mass hyaluronan" (HMW-HA)!!

I agree, the theory of hair-loss for our ancestors is a bit flaky at best. It would imply that only our section
of primates had the where-with-all to lose our pelt in favour of certain environments.

Academia seems fine with allowing acceptance that the dumb-assed Chimps, slow-witted Orangutans
and the clown-car Gorillas are following their animal brethren and we are somehow 'special'
I suppose science and religion aren't that far-apart after all!!

One would be tempted to ask if shedding of one's weather-resistance is so logical, then is there evidence
of Himalayan-people or those of the Arctic regions evolving in reverse in regards of hair-growth!
I'd like to call bullsh*t on that theory.

With the mole-rat's remarkable abilities, all I can suggest is that it may well be that Boy In A Dress is
somehow related to them!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-18-2019, 08:33 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-18-2019, 08:47 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-18-2019, 09:01 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-18-2019, 09:00 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-19-2019, 04:31 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-22-2019, 01:14 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by gordi - 09-23-2019, 11:05 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-22-2019, 02:24 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-22-2019, 05:34 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-23-2019, 11:41 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-24-2019, 11:36 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-24-2019, 04:34 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-24-2019, 05:27 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-24-2019, 07:42 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-24-2019, 07:54 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-24-2019, 07:59 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Wallfire - 09-29-2019, 04:20 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-24-2019, 08:03 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 09-24-2019, 08:18 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 09-29-2019, 03:05 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Wallfire - 09-29-2019, 04:13 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-02-2019, 01:38 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by gordi - 10-07-2019, 11:07 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-07-2019, 11:15 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 10-08-2019, 09:03 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-08-2019, 09:24 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 10-08-2019, 07:02 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-08-2019, 08:28 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 10-09-2019, 08:41 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-04-2019, 09:52 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 10-06-2019, 09:37 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-07-2019, 10:35 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-05-2019, 10:19 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-11-2019, 03:20 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 10-12-2019, 05:54 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Wallfire - 10-12-2019, 10:08 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 10-12-2019, 03:32 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-24-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 10-24-2019, 10:26 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-25-2019, 09:10 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 10-28-2019, 09:58 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 10-28-2019, 08:57 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-05-2019, 02:07 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-06-2019, 04:33 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 11-07-2019, 03:26 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 11-06-2019, 05:06 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 11-07-2019, 04:16 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-06-2019, 11:09 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by guohua - 11-07-2019, 06:42 AM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-07-2019, 12:43 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 11-07-2019, 05:51 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-07-2019, 08:24 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-07-2019, 07:07 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by BIAD - 11-15-2019, 10:10 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Mystic Wanderer - 11-15-2019, 10:49 PM
RE: For YOU Crypto Types - by Ninurta - 11-15-2019, 11:43 PM

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