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Isaac Kappy: Death Becomes More Mysterious
I don't know, the Witness Protection Program (WITSEC) is ran by the US Marshal Service and the Department of Justice (my husband says) and is not that easy to be placed into, there needs to be a Federal Judge to make that decere and you need to be under arrest and have Really, Really, Really Factual Incriminating Evidence against someone the Fed's Want.
Something is needed to justy the 24 hour a day protection by a detachment of US marshals and the Complete name change and a little facial reconstruction and all your documents on who you were must be being replaced.
If you are really important, then your entire family can be but in the program and moved and giving new identities and new jobs or a monthly living allotment courtesy of the American Taxpayer.     
Everyone in WITSEC is serving time, a reduced sentence or Life instead of the Death Penalty.  

Now that was an awful lot of typing, I hope I haven't lost you.
In the end, The Clintons wouldn't have him Taken Out (killed) because Epstein is going to get off and know one will hear about Bill and others involvement. The case will be Hushed Up and the MSN will ignore it.
Fox news my report on the Show Trial, but no one else.
You just don't see and of those Feminist groups Bemanding Epstein to be Hanged!
Epstein is Not A Republican or a Trump Supporter, so they could care less if he and his friends Molested Any One!

To make a long explanation short or as a friend of my husband says, "here is the Short of The Long of it" In Our Humble Opinion, Kappy had Mental problems and killed himself.

But, that is just our opinion, I Would Love to see people jump in here and Debate or tell me I am wrong.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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RE: Isaac Kappy: Death Becomes More Mysterious - by guohua - 07-07-2019, 05:19 PM

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