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The UK Assimilating With Today's World.
It's an awkward one -this one. How do you report a disgraceful attack without playing against the MSM
'We Love Diversity' narrative? All the reports -whether the few large outlets or the local ones around the
southern-coastal town of Chichester, have the same soft wording and do not deviate with suggestive 

Quote:Woman gang raped by men in doorway of disused Argos shop in Chichester.

'A woman has claimed she was raped by multiple men in the doorway of an abandoned Argos building
in Chichester city centre last week.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5966]

Several men - all described as in their 30's with tanned skin and of slim build - targeted the 40-year-old
victim in South Street last Wednesday night.

The crime was first reported to police on Monday evening of 24 June.
Chichester police issued a statement saying: "The victim is receiving specialist support and advice from
specially trained officers while detectives have been working with her to establish the full circumstances."

No arrests have been made at this stage.

Detective Inspector Sally Arbuckle of the West Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Unit said: "If you were
out and about in Chichester city centre that Wednesday evening, 19 June, and saw any suspicious activity,
especially towards the bottom of South Street near the railway station, we would like to speak to you.

"Officers will be in South Street this Wednesday evening, 26 June, one week on from the crime, so if you are
there and can help please speak to them. "If you can help in any way please also contact us online or by calling
101, quoting Operation Keyhaven.

"This was an isolated but very distressing incident involving a vulnerable person who is part of the local street
community, and we need to trace those involved."...'

Maybe it's just a bunch of white dudes that have returned from holidaying in Spain...?


In an effort to assist Police in the above incident, may I suggest looking at those who promote such views
on women? 

Quote:Former cop threatened to throw acid in ex’s face and get pals to ’s**g her’

'The ex-girlfriend of a former cop was left ‘covered in scars’ after he violently assaulted her in her own home.
Jhangir Rasul, 40, even threatened to throw acid in the face of the woman he was in a 10-year relationship with.

His former partner told the court she would “rather die slowly than at his hands,” after admitting she "endured rather
than enjoyed" the relationship with Rasul.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5967]
A tanned Mr. Jhangir Rasul.

Prosecutor Michael Brady said Rasul was asked to leave the woman’s home in Cheetham Hill, when he grabbed her
head and ‘whacked’ it against the staircase. Brady then described how Rasul pulled the victim off of the floor, hit her
head against the door and the floor, and “scratched at her eyes”.

Rasul is said to have then stamped on her head while screaming
In a statement, the victim, who had two children with Rasul, said she “thought she was going to die.”
Days later she asked if she could go to the hospital because her face was swollen and she was still in “considerable pain”.

Rasul said she could go but she had to make up a story explain the horrific injury, she told doctors she had been in a fight
with a friend. The ex-cop returned to her home on April 26, threatening his “nephew was going to smash her phone” unless 
he handed over money.

He then went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, waving it at her and pressing it up against her neck.
Rasul told her: “B**** I’m going to kill you.”

Desperate, the victim asked him: “How can you do this to someone you love?”
He replied: “I don’t love you. I’m going to throw acid in your face.”
The victim tried to reason with him and told him he would go to prison for the attack.

He said: “If I do, I will do it in a very clever way and you wouldn’t know it was me.”
Rasul then launched into a tirade of verbal abuse, calling her a “sl** and a h**” and threatened to “get his mates to s**g her.”
She then waited until he fell asleep downstairs and called the police the following day.

The court head how she was “'sick of living in fear” and “hates looking at herself in the bath because she is so full of scars”
Judge Michael Leeming sentenced Rasul to 26 weeks in prison and granted the victim a restraining order indefinitely.
The judge told Rasul, of Pleasant Gardens, Bolton: "Being a former police officer, you should be fully aware of the effect of
domestic violence on the innocent."...'
Daily Star:

Wow...! '...threatened to “get his mates to shag her.”...' There seems to be a theme here with the 'tanned' folks.

Let's just hope the readers of such articles don't get the idea that UK-born women are just vehicles for foreigners
to come and live here and enjoy the benefits from a Christian-founded society. I mean, that would lead some to
think the UK has been silently invaded!
A silly thought -indeed.


Then there are those who shy away from the difficult waters of interacting with women.
Sometimes, reaching across to another species is seen as diverse and inclusive too.

Quote:Man who filmed himself stealing sheep and then drove it home and released it into suburban Derby
is given 100 hours community service.

'A man who kept animal porn and filmed himself stealing a sheep on Snapchat has been ordered to complete
100 hours of community service.  

Ali El-Aridi, 23, filmed himself chasing after the terrified animal before catching it on the banks of Ladybower Reservoir
in Derebyshire. After catching the defencless creature, El-Aridi drove the animal 12 miles to Sheffield where he abandoned
it on a street. 

During the shccking footage, El-Aridi can be seen grabbing the defenceless creature and saying: 'I'll eat you tonight baby girl.'  
He then turns to the rest of the flock and says: 'Wallah, I've grabbed one of your pagans,' before bundling the sheep into the boot
of his car.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5968]

El-Aridi, from Sheffield, was finally caught when social media users spotted pictures and a video of the theft and shared it on
Facebook. Derbyshire Police identified El-Aridi and raided his home where they discovered extreme pornography, including
animal porn, on his mobile phone along with footage of the sheep theft...'

Which may explain his 'eat you' comment!!

Quote:'...Within a day, the sheep had been reunited with its owner, having been rescued from the Wincobank area of Sheffield.
El-Aridi was admitted theft and was found guilty of possessing extreme pornography at Chesterfield Justice Centre.
He was sentenced to a 12-month community order and must now complete 100 hours of unpaid work, as well as paying £620
in costs.

PC Andy Shaw, Derbyshire Police's Rural Crime Team, said: 'El-Aridi initially denied stealing the sheep but, after we had a look
at his phone and found the videos, unsurprisingly the next time we interviewed him his story was somewhat different.
'The sheer disregard for the animal's welfare is plainly evident in El-Aridi's video, and in fact he seemed to care significantly more
about the mess it had made to his boot lining.

'This case was a great example of the police and the community coming together not only to recover the animal but also to secure
a conviction. 'It also shows that social media has real value in modern policing, and I hope it foes on to demonstrate to our rural
communities that we are alert to crime and will take action to tackle it and put offenders before the courts.

'Livestock theft is an ongoing problem nationally and one that we take seriously.
'Single animals disappear in cases such as this but we also receive reports of animals being taken on a much larger scale.

'If you have any information relating to livestock thefts please let us know, as this case hopefully proves we will investigate it fully and
if we can bring those responsible to justice.'...'
Mail Online:

It's common now to see the Police request for assistance at the bottom of each editorial, a trend that doesn't bode well
for anyone who doesn't rape women or sheep. But as Mayors have said, get used to it.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by BIAD - 04-12-2019, 09:14 PM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 04-13-2019, 11:53 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 04-24-2019, 07:58 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 04-24-2019, 12:53 PM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-02-2019, 10:25 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-08-2019, 10:24 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-08-2019, 11:46 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-12-2019, 09:59 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-13-2019, 09:34 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-21-2019, 11:51 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 05-31-2019, 12:18 PM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by BIAD - 06-27-2019, 09:31 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 10-21-2019, 11:39 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 10-29-2019, 10:48 AM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 11-04-2019, 01:41 PM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 01-30-2020, 02:45 PM
RE: The UK Assimilating With Today's World. - by Wallfire - 02-22-2020, 11:16 AM

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