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The Results of the UK's European Members Election 2019.
(06-03-2019, 12:46 PM)gordi Wrote: Hi Nin!
Jings - How to educate someone on the EU??? uhhhm.... GREAT question!

OK - here's a good starting point in the form of an outline article by the BBC...


That was a pretty informative article, and I thank you for it.

There were, to my mind, some disturbing aspects, however. The article almost sounds as if the EU is merely an economic combine and philanthropic organization. The worrisome parts may be in the details and choice of words. Hitting some of it in the high points of your summary:

Quote:It is administered / controlled by 4 bodies: the EU Parliament, Council, Court and Commission.

Here, the disturbing choice of words are "EU Parliament" and "Court". Somewhat less so, "Commission". I'm not real familiar with some European terms, but unless I miss my guess, a "parliament" is an organ of government. "Courts" derive all their legitimacy from a government - else they are simply unauthorized "kangaroo courts". "Commissions" are usually, although not perhaps always, named and organized by a government for certain purposes. Taken together, these terms would seem to indicate that the EU is not merely an economic combine, it is an actual government, or "super-government" meaning it governs over a collection of states. We have the same thing here, called a "Federal government". When a nation makes itself subservient to such a super-government, it is no longer a sovereign nation, it then becomes a state, a subdivision of a larger government, which then becomes a "nation", taking over the sovereignty of the former nations, now it's constituent parts.

I also noted in the article that the EU can somehow prevent constituent states from entering trade agreements with other parties. It mentioned "emerging markets" like China and India specifically. If they can keep you from making whatever friends you like, then you no longer have sovereignty.

Quote:It is funded by contributions from the member states.
The contributions are largely based on the size/population of each member state with Germany contributing the most, then France, UK and Italy...

The size of a "contribution" is determined by the contributor. When the super-government determines how much a contributor can contribute, that is called a "tax". This appears to be a problem of semantics. Who determines the size of a contribution here - the member state, or the EU? That will tell you whether it is really a "contribution", or whether it is really a "tax".

According to the BBC article, the EU then kicks back to nations a portion of their "contribution". I find that odd, but it is done here, too, by the Federal government. What is the purpose of taking your money just to give it back to you? I submit that the only purpose of that is to show you who is really boss, who really controls your life. It appears to me to be a control measure, and a statement at the same time.

Quote:The EU spends its budgets on a variety of things from Research & Training, through Agriculture/Rural Development Funding to Financial Support for Poorer Regions and Defense.
It allows free trade/access to other members markets and free movement of citizens across the EU.

The federal government does that here, too. It's another control measure, designed to demonstrate that Big Brother knows better than you how to spend YOUR money. The key takeaway is that the Federal government does it, and to a lesser degree the state governments.

Quote:The UK, (like other members) has negotiated it's own deal to be a member of the EU.
The UK is therefore NOT bound to join the Euro (single currency) nor is it bound to abide by the decisions on migration etc known as The Schengen Treaty.

There is obviously a LOT more to it than that - but that's maybe the bones of it covered?

That is lovely that the UK still gets to use the Pound rather than the Euro. What do both the Pound and the Euro represent? I believe they represent a value, usually based in gold. The EU does not care what you call your currency, they care only about the underlying gold - they want YOURS to be THEIRS, and care nary a whit what you call it, as long as you keep it coming into their coffers. That is another hallmark of a government, and has been since the days of kings, long before the days of parliaments. A skunk by any other name still smells the same whether Pounds or Euros, whether Kings or Parliaments... or an American "Congress", for that matter. They are all the same thing, whatever the name.

Now, as for the Schengen Treaty, it appears to me that the UK was way ahead of the EU there, and already had an overburden of immigrants, so there was no real reason to hold the UK to that treaty. Hell, if they had, the EU might have had to take some of the UK's immigrant burden onto themselves! The UK appears to already have a superabundance of immigrants, and it seems that ALL of them have a case of the red-ass at this Tommy Robinson character I keep hearing about. No need to distribute immigrants to the UK, so no need to enter them into the treaty that did so.

All in all, I'm not against Scotland Independence, I just think it will be a mistake, and a grave one, to simply trade UK overlordship for EU overlordship. I just don't see the advantage of turning over your sovereignty from one supergovernment to another. Neither one will look out for the best interests of Scotland - the only and entire purpose of a government is to sustain ITSELF, at the expense of it's subjects. The further removed that government gets from you, the citizen, the less it will benefit you, or care about you or your well being at all.

If Scotland is to gain independence, then Scotland should maintain it's independence, and it's sovereignty. Otherwise, you're just pissing into the wind in my opinion.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: The Results of the UK's European Members Election 2019. - by Ninurta - 06-06-2019, 06:54 AM

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