04-28-2019, 06:33 PM
AGT International – The Clinton Foundation Scandal Worse Than Uranium One – Covered Up by FBI/DOJ Before 2016 Election –
The Clinton Scandal that was covered up by the FBI/DOJ runs deep. The Gateway Pundit has published a series of articles going into detail of what occurred.
Links to the previous articles are included in this one so you can catch up.
Quote:In 2016 the DOJ/FBI suppressed and buried a criminal investigation involving the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and donors to the Foundation. The investigation revolved around the illegal sale of controlled US Homeland Security technology to Russia and China in the years before the 2016 election by a company named AGT International.
The DOJ terminated its internal investigation in 2016 despite clear and irrefutable evidence of criminal activity and hid this investigation from the public!
This Clinton Foundation scandal is similar to the Foundation’s Uranium One scandal and maybe worse due to the ITAR classified technology involved.
Sounds like information the public needs to know, right? We MUST all learn who is involved so we don't trust these people and allow them back in office again, and to learn how things are done behind the scenes.
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