(02-17-2019, 09:39 AM)gordi Wrote:(02-16-2019, 09:30 PM)guohua Wrote: So, after the U.N. declares this to be an accepted right and gives Rights to these Robots, are you going to accept them into your communities without any questioned ask?
By "robots", do you mean the actual hardware? The computer-driven, android sex robot things?
I've only just skirted over this, but uhm... aren't they (Digisexuals) asking for equal rights/protections for
themselves (rather than for the sex robots)?
From what I've read so far it looks like they want protection from discrimination against Digisexuals, in the
same way that Homosexuals and Ethnic Minorities are protected in law.
How could you give Human Rights to a sex toy??? It doesn't make any sense to me.
How I miss the good old days when you could poke fun at anything and everything without a snowstorm developing!
Stop The World, I Want To Get Off Now.
If I may, you're correct Gordi. The real crux of the 'Digisexuals' (eye-roll) is that they need to be noticed.
Of course, the dying mainstream media will cling to any rock in this information war at the moment and so
write an article that seems light-weight on its surface.
It's not about the cooing machine that says she's got so much to give and then picks up the C.B-chatter from
a passing taxi and it's not even about the male owners who can't get real girlfriends.
It's about ideology-dilution.
In 2017, Saudi Arabia granted citizenship to Sophia, a robot with a human face that initially was seen as a
milestone for minorities who like to put batteries in their underpants. The reality -that was lost on the young
screaming-meemies, was that real women in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to do the things Sophia can do.
Walk around without a male guardian. A non-Muslim cannot attain citizenship in Saudi Arabia, so a machine
has a better privilege than the average human? If the robot is deemed 'Muslim-friendly' and can walk the
streets, where is her hijab...? Muslim women are required to wear them.
In 2018, the talking box of circuits was given a visa in Azerbaijan, did Sophia jump the queue...? and if so,
It could well be that the article regarding Digisexuals is a diversion-tactic, to take away the narrative from
what this type of technology is really being used for. Science eradicating dangerous religions.
It happened in the West, the majority of belief-structures adhere to a non-aggressive mode of society that
embraces many variables that range from abortion, cell-research and certain types of 'Anglo-friendly' education.
The counter-argument is that science is denying the idea of a soul and offering the physical has more merit
than the spiritual. So it could be debated that science is killing God.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.