(02-08-2019, 07:29 AM)Ninurta Wrote: ETA: If they think they can dispute that all that white was not reflecting their Klan support, they can fuck off...
Yeah, wouldn't you think that someone in the Democratic Public Relations section would've raised a hand
and said "er, excuse me... I think a group of people all in white may be bad optics here"
The word 'white' is inflammatory to some young voters regardless of skin colour.
The media have been brainwashed (or paid) to cause chaos by using the divisive art of racism through
visual and literacy trickery.
Displaying a Klan-related parade of apparel worn by females-only, could imply that all the minority categories
we've been using to segregate the country are now being celebrated by the women of the Democratic Party
regardless of the concerns these groups have.
You can be white, you can be female and you can be a burning-cross carrier too, the Democrats represent
everyone and particularly wealthy women sitting in Congress.
But eh, what do I know. I used to just clean toilets for a living. These people are better than you and me.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.