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Child Sex Trafficking/Pizzagate/Pedogate/Organ-Harvesting
I know what you're thinking, tall chimneys and the chime of Big Ben.  A chirpy street-urchin doffing his cap as
a lady passes and grey clouds threatening rain over the capital of a country that once ran two-thirds of the world.

Maybe you're contemplating the land outside of London, rolling fields of green dotted with quaint villages where
the faint sound of a radio in a cottage window reassures the passer-by that the BBC hold standards high above
other countries.

Then there's ruddy-faced Scotsmen who'll marvel at the countryside that braves the elements rarely seen in the
south. The faint tune of a bagpipe and a canny wink of admiration of a bonny lass washing her ankles in the cold
waters of a loch.

The Welsh sing of their valleys as they tramp home from another shift at the coal-face. A language of their own
in a place of rugby and the birthplace of the Stonehenge monoliths. The mountains of Snowdonia watch over its
people and daffodils nod in their peaceful groves.

Ireland, the land that stares down the Atlantic. With Guinness flowing like the peaty streams winding their way towards
the rocky coasts, Banshees and Leprechauns endure Ireland's modernisation along with the ghosts of famous scribes.

But not anymore.

Quote:FGM: Mother guilty of genital mutilation of daughter

'A woman who mutilated her three-year-old daughter has become the first person in the UK to be found guilty of female
genital mutilation (FGM). The 37-year-old mother from east London wept in the dock as she was convicted after a trial
at the Old Bailey.

Spells and curses intended to deter police and social workers from investigating were found at the Ugandan woman's
home, the trial heard. Her 43-year-old partner was acquitted by the jury.
Prosecutors said the mother "coached" her daughter "to lie to the police so she wouldn't get caught".

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5195]
Police said they found evidence of "witchcraft" in the woman's home, including limes stuffed with written curses.

The defendants, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, denied FGM and an alternative charge of failing to protect
a girl from risk of genital mutilation. Mrs Justice Whipple warned of a "lengthy" jail term as she remanded the woman into
custody to be sentenced on 8 March.

FGM - intentionally altering or injuring the female external genitalia for non-medical reasons - carries a sentence of up to
14 years in jail. During the trial, the woman claimed her daughter, then aged three, "fell on metal and it's ripped her private
parts" after she had climbed to get a biscuit in August 2017.

Medics alerted police to the girl's injuries after they treated her at Whipps Cross Hospital, in Leytonstone.
She "lost a significant amount of blood as a result of the injuries they had delivered and inflicted on her", jurors were told.

While the parents were on bail, police searched the mother's home and said they found evidence of "witchcraft".
Prosecutor Caroline Carberry QC said two cow tongues were "bound in wire with nails and a small blunt knife" embedded
in them.

Forty limes and other fruit were found with pieces of paper with names written on them stuffed inside, including those of police
officers and a social worker involved in the investigation. "These people were to 'shut up' and 'freeze their mouths'," Ms Carberry

"There was a jar with a picture of a social worker in pepper found hidden behind the toilet in the bathroom," she added.
It is only the fourth FGM prosecution brought to court in the UK. The previous cases led to acquittals.
FGM campaigner Aneeta Prem, from Freedom Charity, said convictions were hard to secure because cuttings were
"hidden in secrecy".

"People are scared to come forward, professionals are scared to come forward to report this," she told the BBC.
"The fact that we have a conviction today is a really historic moment."

Home Secretary Sajid Javid said FGM was a "medieval practice".
"We will not tolerate FGM and not rest until perpetrators of this horrific crime are brought to justice," he added.

Lynette Woodrow, from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), said the "sickening" offence had been committed against a
victim with "no power to resist or fight back".
"We can only imagine how much pain this vulnerable young girl suffered and how terrified she was," she said.
"Her mother then coached her to lie to the police so she wouldn't get caught, but this ultimately failed."

Ms Woodrow said FGM victims were often affected physically and emotionally for "their entire life"...'

Neutral reporting because of their Diversity Department, it's a shame Trump doesn't get the same pass.

Then there's the problem of when you leave this land...

Quote:Sick perv jailed for having sex with dead body in coffin at Co-op funeral home

A twisred pervert who broke into a funeral home and had sex with a corpse has been thrown behind bars.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5196]

'Evil "monster" Kasim Shazada Khurum, 23, broke into a Co-op undertakers in Birmingham where he carried
out the sick act. The court heard he had lifted up the lids of “multiple” coffins in the funeral home in Great Barr
before selecting his female victim.

He then removed the body from the coffin, took off her clothes and then "interfered with her" in the chapel of rest,
leaving her face down on the floor. Another female body was found face down in a coffin with her lower clothing
pulled down while seven other corpses were disturbed, the judge heard.

Police were then alerted by the parlour's alarm and turned up to find the depraved pervert still at the scene where
he was "more concerned" about leaving his watch inside. Khurum, who had been drinking vodka and smoking mamba,
told officers: "I bet you think I've been 'sh***ing them don't you?".

He then sickeningly added: "Every hole is a goal".

Jobless Khurum, who was previously sectioned, pleaded guilty to charges of penetration of a corpse and burglary in
December. Today he was told his offences "offended all human sensibility" as he was sentenced to six years in jail at
Birmingham Crown Court.

Khurum, wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and khaki trousers and sporting a goatee, wept in the dock as evidence
was read out. The victim's family also sobbed as they heard details of what Khurum did to the bodies of their loved ones.
Sentencing, Judge Melbourne Inman QC said: "The offences you have committed offend all human sensibility.

"It would be difficult to think of a greater deprivation of the dignity of the dead other than that which you did to the victim.
"I have not been able to find any similar case. "Your intention was to steal anything you could find of value inside.
You broke into the office and then you went further into the building.

"There were nine bodies at rest in the chapel of rest and you set about disturbing all nine.
"By the time you was arrested it was found all nine coffins had been disturbed.
"One of the lids had been left on the face of a person leaving a mark. Another female had been moved out of the coffin
with her lower clothes removed. "It was total degradation of the dead."

Robert Price, prosecuting, said nine bodies were at the funeral home at the time and one lid was left open as relativ
had attended that day to see them in chapel of rest. He told the court how three coffins had been "disturbed or moved"
while a funeral urn containing ashes had also been moved.

Mr Price said: "Members of the family involved sought counselling and medication. It was the violation of a beautiful person.
"The family have been caused immeasurable hurt."
In a statement read to the court, the family said: "The actions of this monster is like a thunderbolt to the heart of our family.
We were already dealing with grief. "The pain caused by this cannot be expressed."

The court how psychiatrists said Khurum's mental state "was all over the place" and he had been "behaving in a disturbed
manner". A doctor described his mental state as "psychotic and manic" and concluded he was suffering from a mental
condition at the time of the offence.

Joseph Keating, defending, said: "Nothing I can say can stop the suffering they have endured for what he has done.
"He has had the victim impact statement read to him and he became upset. "He hopes over time his actions he undertook
will not tarnish the memories the loved ones will have of the victims involved.

"The offences were committed at a time when he had consumed alcohol and drugs.
"He had been drinking vodka and smoking mamba. He stated that his head was all over the place.
"He was walking past the Co-op and saw it as a place to get money. He didn't know in his fuelled state that it was a funeral home.
"He only changed his intentions when he saw what was in the building."

Keating added: "He knows the impact this had had on the families and is deeply remorseful -he knows his actions were disgusting
and abhorrent. "He wanted an opportunity to say sorry to the families and realises he won't get that chance today but through me he
wants to say sorry."...'

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RE: Child Sex Trafficking/Pizzagate/Pedogate/Organ-Harvesting - by BIAD - 02-01-2019, 10:39 PM

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