06-13-2016, 04:04 AM
Quote:NO ideology, no matter what it is, has the right to decide who lives and who dies.
This is my issue with ANY religion......
Using a "God" to kill people who you do not like
Using a "God" to kill people for their land
Using a "God" to kill people due to their sexual orientation
Using a "God" to kill people due to them not looking like you
Using a "God" to kill people ....just because
It is all bullshit
There is no God (deity) that would wish for violence upon others
If there is, than he is no god.
Only Man.
It is Man that makes up these bullshit religious rules, whether it be Christianity or Islam.
Christians have done their fair share of killings in the past, yes.
Horrible things they have done, "All in the name of God"
And here it is 2016, and it is not the Christians we have to fear anymore.
But rather the Radical Islamist, many of whom live by the outdated and ghastly Sharia Law.
No, not all Muslims are bad.
In fact, the moderate Muslims are in danger as well if they speak out against it.
But that is for another day.