(10-01-2018, 01:25 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Another great deep dive article/thread from Neon Revolt about Kavanaugh and more here: The Existential Threat of #JUSTICEKAVANAUGH and the Inflection Point for the #GOP and America. #NewQ #QAnon #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #MAGA #KavanaughConfirmation
I clicked onto a link provided by the page you kindly offered and it was about Ms. Swetnick
and her claims of 'train-raping'.
From the moment of Ford's claim, I've noticed that the narrative is being driven by the so-called
questions asked by the same mediums and in my view, they're deliberately missing the point.
If Kavanaugh committed any of these crimes, his nomination to the Supreme court shouldn't even
be more that an after-point. The crime he's accused of should be the focus.
But just as the 'Creepy Porn Lawyer' -Michael Avenatti tweeted, it's kept in the narrative because
that is the true goal.
(Creepy Porn Lawyer's Tweet)
'...Below is my correspondence to Mr. Davis of moments ago, together with a
sworn declaration from my client. We demand an immediate FBI investigation
into the allegations. Under no circumstances should Brett Kavanaugh be
confirmed absent a full and complete investigation...'
They can't help it. If they were really concerned of the allegations, Ford's and Swetnick's local police
forces would be involved and yet, we're treated to another example of drama and the MSM clambering
for viewers and readers.
It's another display of why Trump was voted in, drummed-up intrigue that only involves the east and
west coasts.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.