08-23-2018, 02:56 PM
Quote:Do you think these earth quakes could affect Yellowstone?
According to Eddie Page, the answer is Yes. He said the U.S. reports won't tell us the truth. I guess they don't want to cause panic in the public. He said to listen to DutchSinse on You Tube for the closest thing to truth.
Ugh... I just recently got rid of all my stored water in jugs sitting in the floor behind my kitchen table (out of sight). Looks like it's time to restock in case the water supply gets poisoned. I need to buy some iodine too.
I still have plenty of canned goods stored, but not as many as I used to.
I would rather go on to better places in the next dimension if this thing occurs, but just in case I'm left alive, I do want to have the necessities I need for my family. According to Eddie, I'm on one of the safe zones, so I guess I better restock.