(07-28-2018, 06:57 PM)guohua Wrote: ...Just Disgusting! Where do these people Wash Their Hands!?
A person who defecates on a public street doesn't worry about such things!
In many instances, children can live in a low-class environment and not have certain disciplines
of hygiene taught to them.
But as they grow and observe their peers around them conducting themselves in a certain manner,
they will change their behavior to 'fit into' the tribe.
So in this case of San Francisco, the people crapping in the streets are either from an environment
where everybody behaves -and has always behaved this way and it is seen as a normal practice, or
they've no respect for the State that has accepted them.
It'll be the latter. If you invade a place that caters for you for emotive reasons, the hosts are seen as
weak. Give me money, now wipe that up... weakling.
In the old days, it was called 'plundering' and care was never high on the list.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.