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Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether
(06-19-2018, 01:46 PM)Wallfire Wrote: @Amaterasu Solar   wrote
Quote:When You grasp that the "government" is a corporation (ALL "governments" are), owned by the psychopaths in control on Our planet, and that NO corporation is going to allow Jo(e) Public elect Their officers, it is clear that Trump was SElected for the role of CEO.  And there is evidence He was selected LONG before He actually became Their CEO.  Trump is an actor, with His show ("You're fired!" - do You think His string of firings is just happenstance?  It's all part of the script) running a fair while.  ALL the selected People on both sides are actors, giving Us the ILLUSION of choices while They tell Us who won.
To a very large degree what you wrote is true, some years we get the puppet we agree with, some years we get the puppet we disagree with.
Its called democracy. 
Are there "evil" powers controlling everything that happens ? I think not, the massive rebellion going on in the EU at the moment proves that there is no "all powerful" controlling force.

Not so.  They project the ILLUSION of a demo(n)cracy.  They let Us "vote" (having registered to vote, giving Our sovereignty, Our SELVES, to the state, to do with and to Us what They choose, in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth) and then tell Us who "won."  And yes, money has allowed a group, that inbreed to retain the psychopathic gene, to own most everything on Our planet, and then tell Us what "reality" is.  From 9/11 to Sandy Hook to all the other "shootings," "vehicle attacks," "bombings" and such in the "news."

You may not think this is so, but it surely explains perfectly what I see.
"Revolution in ideas, not blood."
"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."

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RE: Electrogravitics: Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether - by Amaterasu Solar - 06-19-2018, 03:39 PM

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