06-19-2018, 02:48 PM
Quote:When You grasp that the "government" is a corporation (ALL "governments" are), owned by the psychopaths in control on Our planet, and that NO corporation is going to allow Jo(e) Public elect Their officers, it is clear that Trump was SElected for the role of CEO. And there is evidence He was selected LONG before He actually became Their CEO. Trump is an actor, with His show ("You're fired!" - do You think His string of firings is just happenstance? It's all part of the script) running a fair while. ALL the selected People on both sides are actors, giving Us the ILLUSION of choices while They tell Us who won.
Yes, I know Trump was "selected" by several high-level military personnel. When they saw what Obummer was doing to our country, and the plans for Killary to finish the job, they stepped in and asked Trump to run for President.
There were plans to perform a coup with a militia of Patriots, but Mr. Trump agreed to run, so they put that plan aside.
I think there is more to what's going on in our world right now. I see it as an act between good and evil on a spiritual level. The "good" must win, or else the world is doomed and left in the hands of Satan worshipers and all the evil deeds they do.
If we don't destroy the evil ones, or at least take them out of power, we are finished as a human race.