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URGENT WARNING! Operation Spray Bottle!

I've watched Field McConnell for the last few years. If you had seen what all he has exposed you would understand he is hell bent on getting his sister arrested. His sister is Kristy Marcy.  She is the at the head of SERCO and plotting all the evils they have allowed to occur with other top government officials around the world.  She is also good friends with Hillary, if that tells you anything.
There is way too much to put in this post, but when I have time I'll come do a thread on some of the things I've learned.

The people spreading this warning on Twitter have also released some great research they have shown to be factual.  I have learned to pay attention to what they post. The reason these "insiders" are spreading this is to warn the public about intel that has been leaked to them.  They must be pretty high up to know this kind of stuff.   If nothing happens, I hope it will be because of all the warnings they got out before it happened.

Yes, there is an actual war going on in the government.  The people today use the word "False Flag" and "Staged Event" for certain actions they take.  It might not be the correct definition, but that is the "label" they have applied to it.  (I've been over this with you before.)
I use that term so people will understand what has taken place.  In other words, FF and staged event let's them know the incident was not an "accident" but something planned.
I guess it's kind of like the words different generations have used to describe something; like "Groovy" turned into "Far Out", to "Neat", to "Cool", and now today they use the word "Sick" to describe something we called "Groovy" in our teen years. 
Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Please don't downplay this warning. This needs to be taken seriously.

Messages In This Thread
RE: URGENT WARNING! Operation Spray Bottle! - by Mystic Wanderer - 02-04-2018, 05:56 PM

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