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URGENT WARNING! Operation Spray Bottle!
(02-04-2018, 03:34 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: All kinds of things going up on Twitter tonight about a FF at the Superbowl tomorrow night.  


Is this a coded message?

[Image: DVJdg-wVQAAZOKP.jpg]

I've got serious doubts about any attack at the Super Bowl, which I understand to be some kind of ball game. For example, Twitter does not generally  blow up over actual top secret plots - they're, well, top secret, and Twitter isn't of a secretive nature, hence would not get a needs-to-know heads-up that anything real would be going down. It's hype, maybe a psyop by God knows who for God knows what reason.

Hell, if they gassed the whole damned field or diamond or whatever they call those things, I doubt they'd manage to kill a thimble full of brain cells. Generally speaking, if one goes to war, he wants to kill some brain cells, because not-brain-cells are not dangerous enough to bother with or waste resources on.

The train wreck was not a "false flag" or "staged event" or distraction. I'm led to believe it was an actual attack in a shadow war going on at the moment, but we'll just call that hearsay.

I worked for G4S, but never heard of this "Serco". Maybe after my time. G4S used to be Wackenhut, but was sold out by George to a Danish security outfit, owned by a brother who was trying to compete with his brother who owned another big name security outfit that was breaking into the US market.. I quit when they changed the name to G4S after some soul searching - I came to the conclusion that it was wrong for foreigners to be running US security, so when they handed me the G4S badge, I walked. There were some corporate shennanigans leading up to that event, such as splitting Wackenhut into two separate entities so that one of them could still work US government contracts (which were some of the contracts I worked) as a shell for foreigners, and that made me pretty uneasy.

I'll have to research Serco to find out what it is, but I won't be researching through any "Able Danger" or Field McConnell, as I absolutely do not trust either of them. They bear all of the hallmarks of being agent provocateurs for some psychological operations. I would not trust either of them as far as I could throw them. They are Pied Pipers.

I humbly suggest that you look into this rumor mill regarding the Super Bowl, and get to the bottom of who is starting this rumor, and probably more importantly, WHY they are starting it. If you manage to get to the source, I am as certain as certain can be that you will NOT  find what you expected.

If you want the left hand to do something without notice, you always direct all attention possible to the RIGHT hand which is doing nothing at all. There appears to be a lot of attention directing going on here. Do the math.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: URGENT WARNING! Operation Spray Bottle! - by Ninurta - 02-04-2018, 10:01 AM

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