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yesterdays prophecies / todays headlines
(12-24-2017, 01:46 AM)guohua Wrote:
(12-23-2017, 08:31 PM)guohua Wrote: Mr.G. Here.

I'll say I'm Sorry in advance.  tinybiggrin

But, what is really being talked about is the last days.
The Messiah Returning to Earth.
(So where has he /she been this whole time?)

The Messiah, (Jesus Christ), will return at the very end of the coming ‘Apocalypse’ to save the remnant of Israel from the armies of the world which will one day gather against the Nation of Israel. He will then rule and reign over Israel and over ALL The Nations of the World. (Really) 

Jesus says when He returns to rule there will be no question it is Him. When He again steps forth from Eternity every eye will see Him Coming In The clouds, with Millions from Heaven, in Power and Great Glory. (REALLY?) 

Here are just some verses I remember.


     He is coming with Clouds, and EVERY eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the Earth will mourn because of Him "

     (Revelation 1:7)
OK,,, Ask yourself, What is the reference to Clouds?



  "For behold,

     the LORD will come

     with Fire and with His Chariots, like a Whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with Flames of Fire.

     For by Fire and by His Sword, the LORD will judge all flesh and the slain of the LORD shall be many."
     (Isaiah 66:15-16)

Ok,,,, what are his actual Chariots?

I'm Sorry, but first.
Neither, God or Jesus has been seen or heard from in How Many Years?
Did the All Knowing God or the Loving Jesus Stop Hitler, Stalin, Mao or some many others.

Sounds a lot like to me, we're waiting for the arrival of our Alien creators.
I don't know what to say about your keyboard problems,,,,, sorry.

But my Husband said that He Did Apologize in Advance for his post  :smallgreenangel:

Ha! I don't know what to say about my keyboard problems either! It's only happening on the laptop.  

Anyway, my frustrations were with losing all I typed, not once but repetitively - as I'm sure you can imagine - not with Mr. G  OR his comments . :) I guess I could have worded that a bit better, and for that I apologize. 

So.. I'm on the phone and have a TON of baking to do today but ill just say this to Mr. G (have him read this) 

Hello Mr. G. 

The one thing I'm sure you know by now, is that the Bible explains itself. In my post immediately prior to your comments, I had mentioned that we cannot understand prophecy without God.. This is a good way to have God help us, read the definitions directly from the Bible. 

So let's go with Isaiah here. You quoted 66:16. 

Sword needs defined so let's define it biblically.  

"Put on Salvation as your helmet and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians" 6:17

So, swords are defined in the Bible as the Word of God. Why would it be described that way? 

In Hebrews 4:12 it says:

"For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

So, the word of God is described as a sword because of this. FYI, Jesus was also described as having a sword coming from His mouth in Revelations 19:15 because He speaks the Word of God and that Word is what will be used to judge men. 

An FYI is that when men are slain, it is describing an unsaved state. Life is Eternal life in heaven with God, and Death is judgement in the negative and eternal separation from God, the second death as the Bible calls it. This is the slaying the Word of God does... the second death after being judged by or according to, the Word of God. 

So... we now have sword and slaying described and interpreted.  

Fire in the Bible is depicting sometimes God's presence, other times His wrath in the figurative sense, other times it's describing the trials and tribulations God's people face that ultimately benefits them, that is called refining in fire, or purification by fire... fire meaning the trials and tribulations.  

So... since there are many possibilities with what fire is according to the Bible, using some measure of logic we can determine what it can be talking about in the context presented in Isaiah:

"So by fire and by Sword, the Lord will judge all flesh and the slain of the Lord will be many. "

Therefore, in context we can accurately say that fire here as it's a means to judge people by, is not God's wrath as wrath is judgment only and not a means to judge by.. therefore we can accurately say that fire here is describing trials and tribulations - as people's reactions to that show man the heart of himself. 

Nothing like learning yourself through hard times, and how you react to those hard times says a lot about you. Some people rise above it all, even in the worst of situations, others let the situations define them - am I right? 

So in this passage we see what God is saying, and accurately interpret it to mean:

"So through trials and tribulations, and by the Word of God I will judge all men - and many are those who will see the second death and be separated from God for eternity."

Jesus is also called the Word of God, and can rightly be called Judge as we will be judged or saved depending upon whether or not we accept salvation through His finished work on the cross.

Clouds - so you know, can rightly be defined as the Glory of God... The Glory of God all through the Bible is depicted as a Cloud or Clouds... 

But what the Glory of God is, is His presence and/or His nature - nature including both His being the Just Judge as well as His Mercy... 

Jesus is (did) coming on the clouds or with the clouds describes the coming of Jesus in the nature of God..  basically, when Jesus comes back it will be in the fullness of the Glory of God. Not a light, not a cloud, but as the full embodiment of the nature of God.

(THINK, and in that day I will pour out my spirit on all flesh... although that doesn't mean everyone will react the same way to it. :) )

When the Bible says that men look for signs but no sign will be given it but the sign of Jonah, (which is speaking of the death and resurrection of Christ) This is why... we see the nature of God embodied in His Mercy and His Judgement - in short, in the finished work of Christ (Hebrews 1:3).  THAT is the sign. ... that is the ONLY sign that matters.. that Christ lived, died, and on the third day rose again and is seated at the right hand of the Father. That is the power of God, His unfailing Mercy, and the ability to Judge men by that Mercy.  

And that are what those passages in Isaiah are speaking of.  No aliens involved. . Lol.

Love you... ttyl. (I'm sure I could have worded all that better, but I'm kind of rushing... so if I need to explain better later I will)

Like Nin said, if you spend all your time looking up in the sky for Jesus to come in clouds, your just going to end up hit by a bus.

ETA: This is also why the Bible says when people say here is the Christ or there is the Christ not to believe them (Matthew 24:23)... it's not a physical thing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: yesterdays prophecies / todays headlines - by Wallfire - 12-17-2017, 01:43 PM
RE: yesterdays prophecies / todays headlines - by Wallfire - 12-23-2017, 11:11 AM
RE: yesterdays prophecies / todays headlines - by Grace - 12-24-2017, 12:18 PM
RE: yesterdays prophecies / todays headlines - by Wallfire - 12-25-2017, 10:49 AM

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