12-10-2017, 10:52 AM
(12-09-2017, 10:47 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I had a muscle once - a long time ago. I'm sure it's still around somewhere, but being old, I've forgotten which box I packed it into during my many moves, and have lost track of it. I KNEW I should have gotten that tattoo when I was in my 20's that said "If found, return to..."!
May I suggest that by observation of the dangling remains of hikers and ramblers that adorn your front-fence,
the muscle for your trigger-finger is still in fine fettle?!!
I recently moved my son's possessions back home from his apartment and I was startled that this fifty seven year-old
body didn't operate in the same manner as when I was twenty. The next morning, muscles that women used to swoon
over ached and failed to look ripe under my skin, I suppose there's a medical name for it.
Also, the lines around my eyes and scarcity of head-hair, these are worrying factors. Is it standard for humans to acquire
a certain age and then instead of enjoying mature, well-groomed hair on one's head, experience cable-like tresses of the
stuff coming out of my ears and nose?
Heck, even my eyebrows have become curly-length of fishing-line and laugh at scissors now!
Does anyone know of a Doctor that is skilled on transplanting pubic hair onto a head...? I'm sure that stuff down-there
is the link between us and Bigfoot. It never changes.
I'm babbling.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.