07-14-2017, 03:20 PM
Okay, the autopsy report is in. I know most people will say, well, he actually DID kill himself after all. Nope, I don't buy it.
The thing that caught my attention with this statement he allegedly left behind is that life insurance policies won't usually honor deaths caused from suicide, at least not for 5 years out, and after an investigation to see if the person was mentally stable.
If he put that in his note, then it voids his insurance claim instantly, if what I've read is true.
The whole thing sounds like someone was standing with a gun to his head that made him write it before they killed him... but, that's just my personal opinion.
Quote:Death records from Minnesota show that Smith, 81, died in a hotel of "asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in confined space with helium" on May 14. Smith was found with a note that said there was "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" regarding his death.
Smith also apologized to the authorities for his death and attributed his final decision to a "recent bad turn in health," according to the records cited by the Tribune, which reported that he also said his $5 million life insurance policy was close to expiring.
The thing that caught my attention with this statement he allegedly left behind is that life insurance policies won't usually honor deaths caused from suicide, at least not for 5 years out, and after an investigation to see if the person was mentally stable.
If he put that in his note, then it voids his insurance claim instantly, if what I've read is true.
The whole thing sounds like someone was standing with a gun to his head that made him write it before they killed him... but, that's just my personal opinion.
Quote:Smith gave his interview to The Journal 10 days before his death. He said he had assembled a group seeking to obtain emails Clinton deleted from the private server she used during her tenure as secretary of state. Smith implied that, when reaching out to several hacking groups, he was working with Flynn. Details on whether Flynn was involved in Smith's mission are not known. Smith told The Journal he knew Flynn but did not say whether Flynn was involved.
Smith's account is consistent with the findings from US investigators examining Russia's involvement in the 2016 US presidential election, according to sources cited by The Journal. Reports compiled by intelligence agencies say Russian hackers discussed ways to acquire emails from Clinton's server and give them to Flynn through an intermediary.
Clinton's emails were a major talking point for Trump and his surrogates during the 2016 presidential campaign, one that only escalated after the FBI recommended that prosecutors not bring charges against Clinton.