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Here is an updated post on Linda Moulton Howe's website, Earth Files.

Quote:So far there is no laboratory report about what the white substance is covering the body. The Egyptians did at times use natron, a naturally occurring mixture of sodium carbonate, like soda ash mixed with sodium bicarbonate, during mummification ceremonies because natron absorbs water and is a drying agent.
[Image: NazcaNatronQuestionDioramaFieldMuseum.jpg]
Diorama depicting ancient Egyptians pouring natron (salts) on bodies for mummification.
Source: Field Museum Library, 1990/Getty Images.
However, there is no example in Egypt or South America or anywhere else so far known in which the entire body is coated with the white substance that covers the Nazca mummy above in the Gaia YouTube video and other smaller mummies found in what is described as an underground tomb.
Nazca Peru's Famous and Mysterious
Ancient Lines and Glyphs
The name Nazca is from the Nazca culture that flourished on Peru's Pacific coast desert, one of the driest regions on Earth, between 100 B. C. and 800 A. D. Most of the geoglyphs and lines are dated from 200 B. C. to 500 A.D. Is it a coincidence that the strange white mummies have also been carbon dated to the time period of  245 A. D.  to 410 A. D?

Whether it was the Nazca natives or Something Else, that very dry Peruvian plateau 250 miles (400 km) south of Lima is covered by strange, large, ancient land glyphs and lines between the towns of Nazca and northwest to Palpa. Pilots say there are land glyphs even much higher in the hills rising toward the Andes Mountains.
[Image: NazcaPeruRedWordsPalpaMAP.jpg]
[Image: NazcaHummingbird.jpg]The Nazca hummingbird is 310 feet (93 m.) long. Aerial image © 2014 by Lorin R. Robinson.

On June 25, 2017, the following interview was recorded by Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe with Melissa Tittl,'s Director of Original Content in Louisville, Colorado.

[Image: NazcaMelissaTittlGaiaMummyProduction.jpg]
Melissa Tittl is Director of Original Content for in Louisville, Colorado.
Melissa traveled to the Nazca region with a camera crew in the spring of 2017
to investigate the “weird” mummified bodies found in a tomb. Video frame by in June 20, 2017, YouTube “Special Report: Unearthing Nazca.”

Linda: “Melissa, I did a search today for YouTubes containing 3-fingered hands and came up with two from January 15, 2017, in "Beyond Science," and in a February 17, 2017, presentation by long-time South American explorer Brien Foerester. Both videos show a whitish hand not connected to a body that has 3 long fingers that contain six bones and a close-up of one finger shows a human-looking fingernail. What is the relationship between these and what you are uncovering in the Nazca region?

Melissa:  No, that’s a different hand. We got word of that, too, and I believe that hand is even longer than the hands on the mummy we’ve been showing in our Gaia promo. But that is not part of what we are doing.  Jaime Maussan gave us the lead on the bodies we are investigating. We have found other things that will come up in other updates, but the January/February 2017 YouTube hand is a different hand.
Linda: Is it true that you have found multiple bodies mummified like the first one?

Melissa: We have. We have found multiple bodies and I think the next update coming out is going to show and explain some of those other bodies that have been found. But I can’t share the details yet.
Linda: When does the next update air?

Melissa: We are hoping to have it out next week – possibly Thursday, June 29, 2017.
Linda: How many bodies and are they all the same?

Melissa: They are different. I can’t really comment on how many bodies have been found, but there are more than one and they are a little bit different than the one in the first Gaia promo.

Linda: Do they all have three long fingers?

Melissa: They do, which relates them even though they are slightly different.
Linda: What are the differences?

Melissa: The one that we’ve been showing, which is a bigger body (5-foot-6-inches), when compared to a human, the anatomy seems quite close to a human, except for the three long fingers and three long toes. And the head. The face and head shape are a bit different from humans.
[Image: NazcaDiagramMummyBody.jpg]
Video frame by in June 20, 2017, YouTube “Special Report: Unearthing Nazca.”
But in comparison to the other bodies that we’ve found, the others are like a different type of species.

Linda: Are you talking about something that is taller and something else that is shorter that's in the hybrid category? Or children?

Melissa: This whole investigation is so fascinating because we don’t really know what they are and that’s the point of our investigation. From what I’ve seen and who I’ve talked to and the information that’s about to come out next Thursday, June 29, 2017, they are NOT cloned. That makes it more difficult to say that this is some kind of creation that somebody just made this up. The bodies all have differences like you would if you were a human. Not all human bodies are exactly the same.
They have a prototype, but they are slightly different. So that’s what I find really interesting about those other bodies compared to this one in our promo.

Linda: So it's definite that some bodies are taller and some are smaller?
Melissa: Exactly. Some are taller and some are of a smaller build.
Several Mummified White Bodies
Together Underground — Is It A Tomb?

She did say in the article, "“I couldn’t find one piece of that (white mummy) body that looked like it was put together (with hoax glue). There are certain marks on the bone of how that would happen.’”
- Mary Jesse, M.D., Asst. Prof., Radiology-Diagnostics,
School of Medicine, Univ. of Colorado-Denver

There is a whole lot more to read on this from Linda's website link at the beginning of this OP.  Please go there to see all the Q&A.  Due to copyright laws, I can't share everything here. 

As of now, it appears the first major report will be released July 11.

Messages In This Thread
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 06-20-2017, 09:48 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 06-20-2017, 10:17 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 06-24-2017, 04:04 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 06-24-2017, 05:08 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 06-25-2017, 01:34 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by Mystic Wanderer - 07-01-2017, 03:04 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-01-2017, 05:15 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 06:58 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 04:04 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 04:50 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 05:13 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 06:15 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-16-2017, 07:50 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-25-2017, 06:43 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-29-2017, 02:17 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 07-30-2017, 03:39 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 08-27-2017, 02:36 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 08-27-2017, 03:37 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 09-14-2017, 10:20 PM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 09-25-2017, 02:40 AM
RE: SPECIAL REPORT: UNEARTHING NAZCA - by guohua - 03-13-2018, 05:23 AM

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