06-27-2017, 03:16 PM
(06-27-2017, 02:53 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...Since blogs are supposed to be continued at least once or twice a week, I think your story about BIAD
on the ship that you didn't bring over to this site would be great. I loved reading the next post everyday.
It was great!
Something involving BIAD's antics, for sure, would be a hit. Maybe he goes camping and meets Sasquatch? LOL
*Boy In A Dress looks at his shoes and nibbles his bottom lip*
"Would that constitute a blog...?" he asks, pulling nervously at his hem. "...I mean I could tell the tale
of what they asked me to do at Hopkinsville or even about the flock of missing geese that turned up
thirty-five years later down in Florida" he mumbled and moved his sightless gaze back towards his shed.
I waited a minute or so as BIAD mulled over the idea beneath that dark mane, the rain attempted to pat
a back-beat against the window as the bare-thighed creature thought whatever bare-thighed creatures
"Okay... but I'll have to be careful" the Man-Girl said softly, "...there are things you're not supposed to
know... things that might get you thinking" he whispered enigmatically and without another word, left
for the shack at the bottom of the garden.
So now I wait.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.