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Farmer caught having sex with donkey told he must Marry the ass
OK, so a guy shags a Donkey.
The Donkeys owner (understandably) does not like this guy shagging his Donkey, so he reports him to the authorities.
The authorities decide that the guys "punishment" should be to MARRY THE DONKEY???
So, presumably he will legally be allowed to shag the poor beast ANY TIME HE LIKES NOW????

It's not the bestiality element of this story that I find most disturbing. It's the solution (or punishment) that the leaders and authorities of this community have decided upon.
If they recognise that it is WRONG to shag/abuse a donkey... then HOW THE HOLY F*CK can it be RIGHT to marry the donkey off to it's abuser/rapist????

Stop the world, I want to get off.


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RE: Farmer caught having sex with donkey told he must Marry the ass - by gordi - 06-25-2017, 10:23 AM

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