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Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet
I was watching a video awhile ago where the members in the chat room were asking questions and the guest was answering.  

One question was about the weather. She said the farmers in the UK (at least I think she said the UK) were told to plant their seeds early so they could harvest early and avoid the predicted drought later in the year, so they did. Then, after they sprouted through the soil, a hard freeze came through last week and killed over half the crops. 
She was wondering if this was done on purpose using weather control, namely HAARP, as a way to control the amount of food people have so TPTB can keep the price up on the market. 

The answer the guest had was, YES! It was all a well orchestrated plan using HAARP. 

This is a video from 2014, where the same thing was done in the U.S., and we know how they kept CA in a drought situation for years so they couldn't grow any crops.


As I mentioned in the shout box earlier, we had temperatures in the upper 80s last week, then 6 inches of snow in the mountains over the weekend. I had to turn the heat back on. Lows in the lower 40s at night! Something is very wrong with this picture! This is extremely rare for May here, even in the higher-elevated mountains.  
I've seen a lot of posts on Face Book about people having much colder weather than normal too, all across the U.S.   Very strange. 

I guess the point of my post is, TPTB could be behind part of this global freeze they say we're in store for. They have HAARP, so they could stop it, if they wanted to.  I think they just want the masses to live in fear of what lies ahead.  It's always something to scare us they're throwing out there. 

They need us in a state of fear so they can control us.  tinysure

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RE: Another Arctic ice panic over as world temperatures plummet - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-09-2017, 03:59 AM

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