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Hate Hand Symbols
Mystic touched on a good point in regards of this latest topic, the nonsense that's obvious -but overlooked.

This type of alleged political social-disunion is indictive of a group of people that appreciate the success of
dumbing-down the society they wish to exploit. Hand-gestures are just external actions and have no bearing
on what a person actually thinks or uses to deliberate towards a conclusion.

 I'm surprised anyone who supported the Democrats in the last US election hasn't come to realise that.

But it's external, like announcing you're a man when you're female and visa-versa. It get's attention.
That attention is needed because of the poor confidence in one's own undeveloped perception, it's the manner
of a child using the same antics from a playground and the only surprise is that it has obtained a foot-hold in a
debate about social interaction.

"You're a racist, you're a misogynist, you're a Nazi..." it's the name-calling of the young and it is now used in
social and mainstream media. I can assure you that it's not the fact that someone has a different view to you
that's the problem, the problem is that -just like a child, we make any debate emotive and 'feel' better after
we accuse someone of being something you believe you're not.

These hand-signals belong in the same schoolyard as the kids who howl and scream because of something
they don't wish to hear and those who trained them to believe it's appropriate, should be seriously looked at.
Thanks to this sort of conditioning, the art of conversation has been lowered to who can make the best banner
for a rally.

'I hate Trump/Hillary' -I'd wager most who say that, have never even met him or her, but around the emotional
carousel we go, throwing insult after insult because it feels better and whatever their policies are, we oppose
them because we don't 'like' the figurehead spouting them.

That's okay, a person can be initially perceived as someone you don't like, the way they conduct themselves
may be accepted as false and that's deemed a negative. Again, I'd have thought the back-stage people for
political candidates would have that sort of thing covered, but in the last US election, it seemed they hadn't.

We've become dumber, people... we've been duped. Amicable argument and honest, fact-based discussion
have been replaced with face-covered black handkerchiefs, loud falsehoods and burning trash-cans because it
looks good and it makes it feel like it's serious and grown-up.

The news outlets proclaim every day of a new protest where middle-class people chant about shit and have
no idea the damage they're doing to the next generation's social-psyche. These regular antics are diluting the
real causes that people like Martin Luther King stood-up for and I'd suggest that the angry protesters who
show up to the rallies should -instead of looking for the external benefits a march down main-street would bring,
they'd be better off listening to the words he said 

But of course, nobody would see them and no attention would be gleaned.

Schoolyard antics creating torpid perception for the masses, well done Soros et al... well done.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
Hate Hand Symbols - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-05-2017, 06:47 PM
RE: Hate Hand Symbols - by guohua - 05-05-2017, 07:23 PM
RE: Hate Hand Symbols - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-05-2017, 07:28 PM
RE: Hate Hand Symbols - by BIAD - 05-06-2017, 10:31 AM
RE: Hate Hand Symbols - by Mystic Wanderer - 05-06-2017, 04:08 PM
RE: Hate Hand Symbols - by BIAD - 05-06-2017, 05:18 PM

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