(05-04-2017, 05:42 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: The book is already on sale at Amazon. Pre-Order Link
The description doesn't mention anything about Ms. G's OP, so I wonder where this information came from?
The Mail-Online is a reputable news outlet and though it's seen as mainstream and establishment, they
wouldn't risk their reputation unless they believed this is authentic.
One of the many comments at the bottom of the article says in regards of renaming the book:
"Profile of a Manchurian Candidate".
I believe the poster of the comment has no idea how close he is to the truth!!
Edit: ...And in the Amazon description is this:
'...Garrow reveals as never before the ambition, the dreams, and the all-too-human struggles
of an iconic president in a sure to be news-making biography that will stand as the most
authoritative account of Obama’s pre-presidential life for decades to come...'
I would suggest that this is a euphemism for what The Mail-Online was really saying!