(02-03-2017, 07:29 AM)Ninurta Wrote: ...Now here's where the Walking Dead comes in again. just take a look at Soros - have you EVER
seen a more zombiefied looking human being? Bastard HAS to die some day, looks like he's already
past his last legs, and STILL keeps walking along and flappin' them gums...
Kissinger seems the same, if one accepts that the trappings of wealth and power tend not to be
garnished with salads and a physical workout every morning, it's surprising to some that he's still
shuffling around in the halls of control.
But then again, taking a quote of his...'Power is the great aphrodisiac.' I can see why the old snake
is till going!
What I've found as my hair dwindled and my bones began to click, is that no matter what God people
say they adhere to, it's the shiny coin that they really adore. They can't help it.
I used to say that the Knights have all gone and the Dragons are dead, but I now think that there
were never any dragons and my idea of Knights was just an youthful dream of hope.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.