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9 arrested in D.C. Friends helping ISIS ?
(12-28-2016, 03:25 PM)guohua Wrote: I'm still waiting to hear from the Muslims that don't agree with Mr. Williams and others way of thinking.
What has C A I R (Council on American Islamic Relations), I S N A (Islamic Society of Northern America), I C N A (Islamic Circle of North America), M S A (Muslim Student Association), I R (Muslim Relief), A I F for D (American Islamic Forum for Democracy), N A I T (North American Islamic Trust), I I I of T (International Institute of Islamic Thought) just to mention a few Islamist Organizations Based Here In America, What Statements Have They Made about these radicals muslims?

Do they denounce these acts of terrorism and want to be terrorist? Or have they been Silent?
Far to many Islamic Organizations in Our Country and Why is there a Muslim Student Association? 
Is there a Christian Student Association allowed in our Colleges and Universities?

As you know I was a Muslim who spent lots of time speaking out against terrorism. Eventually, I saw Islam for what it really was, but it took a while and it took fighting a losing battle against the rise of extremism from the inside.

MOST Muslims support what most consider at least extreme ideologies, ideologies at odds with our own. There is a huge support for sharia law, and to be honest, when I was Muslim I also supported sharia law in Muslim majority countries. There is a different mindset as a Muslim, as Islam rules over every aspect of your life, from self, to family, to community, to government. 

Therefore, even if you are against people blowing themselves up in order to kill non believers, you may still support things like sharia law, and "moderate" Muslims, do not hold the same values as your average westerners. 

What you are looking for, to be honest, is Muslim left wingers, radical Muslim left wingers.. and they are fewer than the few. Even people like me, who legitimately saw the extreme teachings as wrong enough to stand against and fight on the ideological level, were so few as to be insignificant, and people who would be radically left, so much so as to fight against the teachings of Islam itself, quite frankly they are fewer than a handful.. and I'm not certain you could find a handful. 

I no longer speak against acts done in the name of Islam, because I saw that it was really them who were following Islam, and it was me who was not.. and so I left Islam.

This is why you aren't seeing many people who are fighting against the rise of extremism, it's because they do, they fight a losing battle until they too, see the truth. 

There are more people in the last few years, leaving Islam than ever before in the history of Islam.. at the same time, there are people who are running toward it. And those running toward it, are those like these 9 in Virginia..

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RE: 9 arrested in D.C. Friends helping ISIS ? - by Grace - 12-28-2016, 06:21 PM

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