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California is just Fucked-Up
(03-24-2022, 07:27 PM)yuppa Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 04:10 AM)LookingForABetterLife Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 02:46 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 02:24 AM)LookingForABetterLife Wrote: My short take on what to do with California.  To start a GoFundMe page to raise enough money to buy explosives or whatever to detach Calf. from the rest of the country.  Hopefully it would float away and just become part of the giant Pacific garbabe patch.

The $$$ would just be sent to Ukraine.


Remember that scene in the movie "2012" where Calif slides off into the ocean. I had a dream that really happened. I was thinking of buying beach front property in Nevada.
So true.  Even if we send all the Californians to Ukraine then China will take over the state to make it part of their country.

One day it WILL slide into the ocean.

Not soon enough!  smalltappingfoot
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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(03-24-2022, 07:27 PM)yuppa Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 04:10 AM)LookingForABetterLife Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 02:46 AM)EndtheMadnessNow Wrote:
(03-24-2022, 02:24 AM)LookingForABetterLife Wrote: My short take on what to do with California.  To start a GoFundMe page to raise enough money to buy explosives or whatever to detach Calf. from the rest of the country.  Hopefully it would float away and just become part of the giant Pacific garbabe patch.

The $$$ would just be sent to Ukraine.


Remember that scene in the movie "2012" where Calif slides off into the ocean. I had a dream that really happened. I was thinking of buying beach front property in Nevada.
So true.  Even if we send all the Californians to Ukraine then China will take over the state to make it part of their country.

One day it WILL slide into the ocean.
Sliding off caused by all the fat foreign investors moving there?
If I am not here then I am probably someplace else.
It really has to SUCK to be a Tax Payer in California.
You have NO Say in where your Money is Spent.

Quote:California city is planning to give universal basic income (UBI) to transgender and nonbinary residents regardless of their earnings level.

Transgender residents in Palm Springs, California are eligible to receive a UBI of up to $900 per month solely for identifying as transgender or nonbinary — no strings attached.

The new pilot program will have $200,000 set aside for allocation after a unanimous vote by the Palm Springs City Council last week.

Former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio, a Republican who served as the first openly gay member of the city council, called the program "outrageous and discriminatory."

"We're completely opposed to guaranteed or universal basic income programs, because they ultimately cause inflation and raise the cost of living on everyone — they don't work," DeMaio said in a statement.

"But at least some of them have minimum income requirements to qualify, whereas this one is no-strings-attached 'woke' virtue signaling to the LGBT community in a way that is not only offensive but discriminatory," he continued.

Twenty transgender and nonbinary Palm Springs residents will receive the free money funded by the taxpayers for 18 months, with advocacy-based health center DAP Health and LGBT advocacy group Queer Works managing the program.


It sounds like to qualify you only need to say your are a Transgender.
What proof are they asking for,,,, None!

Some of the LGBT community is upset as they should be.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(04-05-2022, 08:17 PM)guohua Wrote: It really has to SUCK to be a Tax Payer in California.
You have NO Say in where your Money is Spent.

Quote:California city is planning to give universal basic income (UBI) to transgender and nonbinary residents regardless of their earnings level.

Transgender residents in Palm Springs, California are eligible to receive a UBI of up to $900 per month solely for identifying as transgender or nonbinary — no strings attached.

The new pilot program will have $200,000 set aside for allocation after a unanimous vote by the Palm Springs City Council last week.

Former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio, a Republican who served as the first openly gay member of the city council, called the program "outrageous and discriminatory."

"We're completely opposed to guaranteed or universal basic income programs, because they ultimately cause inflation and raise the cost of living on everyone — they don't work," DeMaio said in a statement.

"But at least some of them have minimum income requirements to qualify, whereas this one is no-strings-attached 'woke' virtue signaling to the LGBT community in a way that is not only offensive but discriminatory," he continued.

Twenty transgender and nonbinary Palm Springs residents will receive the free money funded by the taxpayers for 18 months, with advocacy-based health center DAP Health and LGBT advocacy group Queer Works managing the program.


It sounds like to qualify you only need to say your are a Transgender.
What proof are they asking for,,,, None!

Some of the LGBT community is upset as they should be.

I think this may backfire. The need is too great for way too many people. When people are hungry and homeless, they don't feel they have anything to lose. This is very likely to make transgenders a bigger target.

Right now, things are so bad for so many people that many people just don't care anymore. They are doing crazy, crazy stuff out there, all over the US. This will bleed into all the States. People are attacking innocent strangers, just because they feel miserable and they want someone else to feel as bad or worse than they do. It is crazy out there.

Just two nights ago, I was coming back from a case, it was early morning, and not in the best part of town. This woman walked right into the middle of the road, deliberately trying to get me to hit her. Thank goodness I was on high alert, because of the time, and the location, or I would have hit her and likely killed her, the way she approached my car.

She didn't care. In that moment she wanted to die. We have had several people do the same thing with the trains. They just walk onto the track before the train can stop. Too many people feel desperate, then they just don't care.

When they don't care for their lives anymore, they don't care about yours either.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(03-18-2022, 09:03 PM)Chiefsmom Wrote: Good lord.   A public nuisance!

The problem with these idiots, is that they are NOT staying in California. 
They are moving to other states, and trying to ruin them as well.

Yep we see them down here in florida . They are typically easy to identify along with the jersey crowd wearing their masks in parking lots, while driving, bike riding, beaches, and stores despite Floridians not wearing them.
I understand there is Only One Person in California bringing this Bill to the Attention of the People.
A Civil Rights Attorney by the name of Leo Terrell found this Bill the Sneaky Democrats want to Shove Down Every California's Throat!
Why? Because Illegal's are Votes to them.
Thugs from the Murdering Drug Cartels Members from Mexican are Upstanding Citizens to a Democrat.

Quote:Leo Terrell rips California's 'ludicrous' bill that would let non-citizens become police officers
He is a Good man, hope he can stop it.
Quote:Democrat bill will allow non-citizens to join law enforcement in the state
Yes they would.

Quote:Fox News contributor Leo Terrell slammed California on "America's Newsroom" Thursday for trying to "devalue citizenship" as Democrat lawmakers propose a bill that would let non-citizens become police officers. 

LEO TERRELL: California is trying to devalue citizenship. They're trying to basically say, look, it doesn't matter. How can this person qualify in a background check? How can an illegal alien take an oath to uphold the law Dana, when he broke the law? It's ludicrous.
This is an open-border state. They're competing with New York City to basically say citizenship doesn't matter, and it tells me one thing, that until this state removes itself from being a one-party deep blue state, we're to get these crazy... open policies regarding illegal immigration. They don't want any distinction between citizenship and illegal aliens. 

Citizenship means Nothing to them.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-23-2021, 09:35 PM)Ninurta Wrote:
(07-23-2021, 09:03 PM)hounddoghowlie Wrote: i can't see this going on to long. stores will close up. say TJ Maxx gets hit by 1100 times in a month, it could be possible there are 122 store in kommiefornia. that's a million bucks if they push it right up to the 950 limit.

no business is gonna put up with that if they do they deserve what they get.

what will more than likely happen businesses that are nation wide will more than likely raise prices in all their stores across the country to cover that shit in kommiefornia.

maybe some will hire their own armed security. but then there would be liability on the store.

best thing would be to place charges along the san andreas fault and cut kommiefornia loose. and them fend for themselves.

Stores hire armed security to reduce their liability from using in-house security. Most of the liability falls on the guards and the company employing them, which is why the guards and the companies are bonded.

BUT - hiring armed security will not resolve this issue, since it's legal there now to steal up to 950 dollars from any store you choose. Well, not exactly legal, but not really criminal, either. No one is going to risk their neck or their bank account to arrest shoplifters who are not going to be prosecuted anyhow. That is a zero-sum game.

If the stores just raise their prices nationwide to cover Commifornia thefts, their revenue will decrease as shoppers find alternative, and less expensive, places to graze. They are better off just closing their doors and fleeing from Commiefornia, and leaving that polity and it's denizens to fend for themselves.

I'm good with separating the state at the fault line to let it just drift off to sea, never to be heard from again. When you get cancer, you excise the tumor to save the rest of the body.

If it works, we can start looking for a suitable east coast fault line to rid ourselves of the New York and DC tumors, too!

There was talk that Texas would secede , but haven't heard much from that anymore. If only Florida would . 
Commiefornia is on a planned self-destruct path, and the problem is that any commies leaving the state and heading for red states (here in Florida for one) will have sold their over inflated expensive home in commiefornia for 10 times what the same home is here, and with what they have left they go and buy more properties, thus raising the prices for all investors in the state  minusculebonker
The Liberal Progressive Utopia California is a Crime Ridden Sewer Dump. You can Thank Your Democrat Governors and Mayors and of course lets not forget your Hollywood Elites.
Quote:An LA woman was filmed being mown down by a Dodge muscle car so muggers could steal her watch as the city's terrifying follow-home robberies soar.   

The video from Monday, one of five such robberies that occurred over just 48 hours, shows the unidentified victim fleeing the muggers silver Dodge Challenger after they smashed her car window when she stopped at a light in Downtown LA. 
She tried to run off, the robbers struck her with their car. The thieves then got out and snatched the woman's watch off the road after she ripped it off her own wrist in a bid to get them to leave her alone. They then snatched the timepiece and fled. 

Police say the victim had been shopping for the watch in the city's jewelry district, as cops say the so-called follow-home or follow-off robberies are a new phenomenon that have left them horrified. 
Los Angeles has been plagued by roving gangs of 'follow-home' bandits targeting upscale districts and mugging shoppers of their expensive jewelry and goods, police say.
[Image: 56575065-10715129-image-m-4_1649866047924.jpg][Image: 56575419-10715129-image-m-6_1649866621919.jpg]

Quote:More than a dozen Los Angeles gangs are targeting some of the city's wealthiest residents in a new and aggressive manner, sending out crews in multiple cars to find, follow and rob people driving high-end vehicles or wearing expensive jewelry, according to police.

In many cases, they're making off with designer handbags, diamond-studded watches and other items worth tens of thousands of dollars — if not more — and then peddling them to black-market buyers who are willing to turn a blind eye to the underlying violence, police said.

In some cases, suspects have been arrested but then released from custody, according to police, only to commit additional robberies.
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Yes, the poor Scum Bags are Released be California is SOFT on Crimes IF you are Not White!!!!!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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