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Here Come da Judge, Here Come da Judge!
Love her or hate her, she's got balls. lol

I personally like this rant more than most I've seen because as we all know...It's all FRIKKIN' TRUE!

Hang on folks, one Month to go and we ain't seen nuttin' yet!


minusculehail Judge Jeanine Pirro  minusculeclap  True Very True  minusculeclap
Thank You Jude.  smallgreennumberone

But as we all know, Fox News Will Be Trashed By Other So Called New Outlets, Sad So Very Sad.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Standing ovation!   minusculeclap 

Taking this one to FB and Twitter in 3, 2, 1...   minusculecheers
(10-09-2016, 02:28 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Standing ovation!   minusculeclap 

Taking this one to FB and Twitter in 3, 2, 1...   minusculecheers
[Image: 32b328e4beaf74e99b29f7e647058bddc66f03f4...=800&h=350]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(10-09-2016, 02:48 AM)guohua Wrote:
(10-09-2016, 02:28 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Standing ovation!   minusculeclap 

Taking this one to FB and Twitter in 3, 2, 1...   minusculecheers
[Image: 32b328e4beaf74e99b29f7e647058bddc66f03f4...=800&h=350]


Hey wait a minute....

I thought they said there were no women supporters for Trump?
Ha, knew they were full of shit (as usual)

Nice sign, pretty close to the truth minusculebiggrin

Good video BTW!!

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

And ???? Games rigged ...... all the evidence in world against killery theyll still put the corrupt bitch in office .....
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

(10-09-2016, 02:48 AM)guohua Wrote: [Image: 32b328e4beaf74e99b29f7e647058bddc66f03f4...=800&h=350]

Anyone else here see the irony...?!

Donald Trump get's it in the neck for saying something in private that's considered derogatory
about the women that he's met and the mainstream media condemn him.

Hillary Clinton's husband actually does something in private with women that's considered
unprofessional for the Leader of the Free World and after assisting in covering the incident
up, Hillary's conduct is never mentioned.

Bill does it and by the way, so does Hillary with the same gender as her husband... not a
word of past incidents of infidelity from the brown envelope-accepting media outlets.

Trump comments in private about it eleven years ago... not films himself having sex or
abusing anyone's trust and all hell breaks loose!

The swaying, head-nodding Hillary Clinton is on the ropes and her team know it.
(She was doing it again in the debate!)
Pulling this type of dated-crap out of the dusty files is proof of this.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
...It's like this piece of crap that's been doing the rounds, It shows how
low the Clinton campaign people will go attempt to influence the celebrity
-oggling public.

However, all may not be as it seems!

"He talks how he'd like to punch people in the face? Well, I'd like to punch him
in the face."

The clip of De Niro was originally produced as part of a series of 100 video
statements recorded by celebrities including Leonardo DiCaprio and Julia Roberts
as part of the #VoteYourFuture campaign encouraging Americans to vote.

It is thought De Niro's rant was an outtake not intended to form part of his
published message...'

I like Mr. De Niro as an actor and I think he's very good at pretending to be someone for money.
That's what actors do and it's a shame that Hillary Clinton is leaning on those who can suspend
reality and ergo, those of us that believe the roles they play are real.

Can we wheel the adults out on stage at some point?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
My idea of Actors and Actresses is simple, They pretend for Money, They Lie For Money, They Say What They're Told To Repeat and Believe For Money!
They're no different than who they're supporting, they are Liars and Fakers and Cheats.
Most don't even live in this Reality anymore, They Live In Their own Little protected Bubble.

I don't Respect The Actors and Actresses now a days. No, there's no more Gary Coopers or Gary Grants and others that actually Served Our Country.
I won't Piss On De Niro or DiCaprio and so many others if they were on Fire.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
What a Great video !!!

Finally someone who says things as they are !

People want change in the United States of America? Hillary represents the status quo, she represents the same type of garbage that's been around in your government for decades and decades now.

Trump may be a narcissist, he may be a bully but he's the only alternative that could bring change to your way of doing things. Clinton clearly isn't.

When our time came to choose a new Prime Minister for Canada or re-elect what was already there, Trudeau was attacked with ads that were aimed at the populace to convince everyone that he was too young and wasn't ready.

It kinda reminds me of the ads the Clintons are pushing against Trump. Showing him off as someone who does not belong.

Trump needs to put ads out there, not to do the same to Hillary - I think most understand she's as corrupt as can be and is an opportunist that'll do anything to get what she wants for her own political gains - but an ad that shuts them up with what he plans to do, an ad that clearly shows what he's made of.

That is exactly how Trudeau won the election. After those ads had run for weeks, he came out with an ad, stating that it was true, he wasn't ready; he wasn't ready to follow the status quo, he wasn't ready to lose jobs as the current government had done, not ready to put important issues aside, pretending they didn't exist.

He capitalized on what his opponents were saying and swayed a lot of the public opinion to his side by showing what he'd do if elected. The rest is history.

Trump lacks on what he plans to do. He needs to work on that and capitalize on it, making his opponent look bad by doing so.

There will always be fanatics that'll vote for Hillary - even if she shot someone in point blank rage, in full daylight, on national TV.

But there are a LOT of undecided voters out there. Videos like this one above won't make the mainstream media at large. As good and true as it may be.

Presidential campaign ads would.

Trump is the only alternative that could bring change to your way of doing things. He needs to start showing it.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
(10-09-2016, 10:58 AM)guohua Wrote: ...I don't Respect The Actors and Actresses now a days.
No, there's no more Gary Coopers or Gary Grants and others that actually Served Our Country.
I won't Piss On De Niro or DiCaprio and so many others if they were on Fire...'

Well, don't feel too bad about it, G... after all, if this was an 'outtake' and not meant for
publication, Hillary's crew pissed all over De Niro too!

I'd wager they never had his consent.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(10-09-2016, 11:17 AM)Sol Wrote: ...It kinda reminds me of the ads the Clintons are pushing against Trump.
Showing him off as someone who does not belong.

Trump needs to put ads out there, not to do the same to Hillary...'

I agree and he should extol the fact 'he does not belong' He should state to the
public that he isn't part of the Beltway gang pushing for laws that benefit the rich
enlarging the gulf between the have-and-have-nots.

He should say on every television around the USA AND the world that he is proud
to be seen as not belonging to the money-draining crowd that shuffles and jostle
in the hallways of politically-corrupt Washington arenas.

He should shout that he's not one of the 'in-crowd' that strives to undermine the
might of his country and fawn to the oil-wealthy realms elsewhere.

He should lean forward to the camera and whisper that he is an outsider... just
as the US populace are seen as outsiders to the silk-tied fops sucking up to a
woman who's only goal is bring the United States to it's knees and who's only
concerns are to feather their own nests.

Outsider=Outremer=Crusader=... Rogue.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Above, one way looking at the Wikileaks-leaked emails and perusing the points of each
message in a sensible manner. Then...

...This conglomerate of ass-heads who are the satellites around Wall Street that have their
hands in your pockets.
It's disgusting.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(10-09-2016, 10:58 AM)guohua Wrote: My idea of Actors and Actresses is simple, They pretend for Money, They Lie For Money, They Say What They're Told To Repeat and Believe For Money!
They're no different than who they're supporting, they are Liars and Fakers and Cheats.
Most don't even live in this Reality anymore, They Live In Their own Little protected Bubble.

I don't Respect The Actors and Actresses now a days. No, there's no more Gary Coopers or Gary Grants and others that actually Served Our Country.
I won't Piss On De Niro or DiCaprio and so many others if they were on Fire.


One of the World's sexiest actresses actually tells it like it is. AND she was a Clinton supporter until she discovered the truth. Proof of integrity.

Can you believe she's 69 yrs old? Smart, talented AND Hot! tinyloveit tinyloveit
Hillary has the political polish to sound capable of being president but the ethics of a criminal. She could very well end up being elected by the knuckleheads in America and then she could be the first person to be impeached before taking office. I would pay money to see Hillary, the DOJ, IRS, FBI, and a few democratic congressmen and senators, do the perp walk on every news channel, specially MSNBC. 

Yes it is time to clean house, and take out the trash.
(10-09-2016, 10:50 PM)Marlin Grace Wrote: Hillary has the political polish to sound capable of being president but the ethics of a criminal. She could very well end up being elected by the knuckleheads in America and then she could be the first person to be impeached before taking office. I would pay money to see Hillary, the DOJ, IRS, FBI, and a few democratic congressmen and senators, do the perp walk on every news channel, specially MSNBC. 

Yes it is time to clean house, and take out the trash.

It's DAMN Nice To See You Marlin.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I think it's a sad day in politics when one candidate for the Presidency can say
this to an opposing one without the worry that the comment to far-off the mark.

 ..."Because you'd be in jail."

This worrying statement came during the second round of the Election Debates
and for Donald Trump to say, an idle onlooker would expect a returning barrage
of insults for implying his rival to the Oval Office had committed what most, believe
were crimes.

Yet, Hillary Clinton merely turned away and never responded.

Let's take a look at the key points that may assist in the next President of the United
States in growing it's economy and helping it's citizens have better lives. (slight sarcasm)

:: Donald Trump's lewd remarks.
'Hillary Clinton says the video represents exactly who he is and alleges Mr Trump
has insulted women and embarrassed women throughout his campaign - as well
as immigrants, African-Americans and people with disabilities.

:: Bill Clinton claims.
Mr Trump claimed although he had said bad things, Mrs Clinton's husband had done
bad things - with allegations swirling about sexual misdeeds.
When speaking about the former president, the billionaire said: "There has never been
anybody in the history of politics in this nation that's been so abusive to women."

::Hillary Clinton's email server scandal.
Mr Trump vowed to get a special prosecutor to look into the deletion of 33,000
of Mrs Clinton's emails if elected - telling her: "People's lives have been
destroyed for doing a fifth of what you've done."

There were roars from the audience, and Mrs Clinton said Mr Trump needed
fact-checking, telling the audience: "It's awfully good that someone with the
temperament of Donald Trump is not in control of the country."

He was fast in replying: "Because you'd be in jail."

So... as you can see, this debate was about Trump saying negative comments
about women he's met and although he said them in private, he still said them
and no other man in the world has ever boasted like this and in this manner.
(Another dose of slight sarcasm!)

Also, his speeches that supposedly implied he was a racist and someone that
emulated Hitler, with a hatred of those with disabilities were commented on.
Personally, I would expect such speeches wouldn't go down too well with
the American public if he actually framed his words like this!

Donald Trumps response was to mention that Mrs. Clinton's husband AND a
former President, didn't presumably talk about his trysts (not alleged) -with
women he wasn't married to, but actually acted-out his carnal fantasies in and
outside the hallowed Office of The President and during his time as Governor
of Arkansas.

I think it was nice of Mr. Trump to leave out the cocaine parties in Arkansas and
the poor performance of a certain Coroner that oversaw seemingly mass suicides
in the same State during Bill's term in office there. Mr. Fahmy Malak.

In regards of the email scandal, if the FBI haven't thrown away the key on Hillary
by now, I would suggest a prosecutor would be hard-put to do the same.
Hell.... he-or-she would probably end-up committing suicide!

So, Hillary fought back with her 'temperament' comment and in doing so, it seems
to me that she's unconsciously let slip her belief structure on law-breaking.
In my view, she hinted that Donald Trump was one of those people who sees
things in black-and-white... yer' know, one of that rare breed?!

I believe she perceives (and the recent WikiLeaks back this up) that only the
commoners commit true crimes and her Wall Street cronies and those in big
business live in a more malleable system -where what those same commoners
deem are crimes are merely means-to-an-end.
Simply put, people like her should be -and are beyond the laws of the land.

"Because you'd be in jail"... that's a helluva thing to say.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
minusculeclap  @"BIAD"  You're Correct, Not for of the Mark At All.

If the Clinton's and Obama didn't Own the Head of the DOJ and FBI in their Corner there'd Be A Trail.

If Trump was ever to be Elected I'm Positive the New Head Of The DOJ and FBI would reopen the file.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(10-10-2016, 11:27 AM)guohua Wrote: minusculeclap  @"BIAD"  You're Correct, Not far off the Mark At All.

If the Clinton's and Obama didn't Own the Head of the DOJ and FBI in their Corner there'd Be A Trial.

If Trump was ever to be Elected I'm Positive the New Head Of The DOJ and FBI would reopen the file.

That's true, it's a case of 'who pays your wages?'!!

I just think it's poor that that the 'Down-And-Dirty' segment of a political campaign-that is
'supposed' to be a time when one candidate offers a more sensible alternative to a proposal
from their opposition, has been replaced with a stage where low-brow slurs and accusations
of criminal corruption are mentioned as a reason for them to be not elected.

Of course Trump is a braggart, a rich businessman who's self-generated wealth has sated his
wants that oodles of cash can purchase. I would say that he has and has-had everything a
person would desire because of the accepted lust for money.

Maybe he'll make a crappy diplomat when meeting dignitaries from around the world and
maybe he won't get to grips with the nuances of being a powerful player on the world's

But... we have people for that. Believe it or not, Presidents are not the best players on
the chessboard regarding negotiations. It's an art that is rarely discussed during election
campaigns because it's not a vital tool to have in one's bag.

Maybe he's only in the race to the White House for the power...? But since it seems his
hard-wiring is based on acquiring power-for-wealth, the constrained position of being
President wouldn't really give the freedom to get his fingers into global pies that his
current status offers.

Mmm... Trump is already a billionaire and maybe he wants more? What could a publicly
-accountable Official want that he couldn't already acquire in a position that held less
His finger on the red button? Well, we have people for that as well.

Forbes has him at $3.7 billion, so I'd say if money wasn't his thing, then it's either
he wants to blow up the world or find out what's in Area 51.
And we have people to watch-out for people who wish the first suggestion and others
who will tell him to shut-up about the latter!

Maybe... just maybe, he is the bully in the playground that holds a big bag of marbles
and the geeky-ones who trade their glass beads in the corner of the yard are scared
that he might stop the swap and take theirs off them.
Just an idea.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Sat down during this second debate, kept my mouth shut as my gf prefers Killery over Trump so didn't want to get into an argument like last time around...

but I have to say....

He kicked her ass.


I doubt that anyone in her life has ever cornered her like he did on delicate issues, AND on National TV. I can only imagine her getting home and throwing a tantrum - which would never be televised btw - and shouting insults and blame at her 'nervous dicky' of a husband for making her look bad...

She tried to smile it off, make Trump look unfit but he absolutely nailed her to the wall.

Now, as far as the media a one way street, and it isn't a Trump one.

Commentators - even on this side of the border - were all appearing to be disgusted at what had happened during the debate, and especially how Hillary had won it, despite the tornadoes of insults sent her way.

Just wow. I guess they never saw the presidential candidate ads made by Hillary to discredit Trump, right? Oh wait...they broadcast them...

Then they said that the polls were already showing him falling down hard, after the release of the video, and that he missed the opportunity to gain points back.

Who's frickin' polls are these?

Cause I look in the comments sections of a LOT of articles that come out there and the pulse is going towards Trump as he could change the establishment. At least 2 to 1.

Damn...I've seen wrestling matches that weren't as rigged as this election.

Even the Moderators - once again - were aggressively all over Trump's back...and almost depositing flowers at Hillary's feet.

Don't get me wrong, put any of these two on lie detector tests and both machines would blow up. But damn...Biased moderation during debates?

The more I look into this, the more I think that the dice have already been loaded.

My American friends, your next President will be Hillary Clinton.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~

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