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Child Sex Trafficking/Pizzagate/Pedogate/Organ-Harvesting
This Sick Bastard needs to be Fired and Investigated for Pedophilia.
Quote:MIT professor defended Jeffrey Epstein associate in leaked emails, claimed victims were ‘entirely willing’
Yes, this is one of the people influencing young minds.
I want to know, those emails they found, were they to a Pedifile Organization He Belongs To?
[Image: Richard-Stallman-Getty.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]
I Need a Bath after looking at his picture,,,, SICK PIECE OF SHIT!
Think all the computer media "Professors"  need to resign and try hiring sane people who don't live in their mommies basement still.
Typical Progressive. They can do anything, even if it is illegal, immoral, or unethical. They are so Special that nothing matters but themselves..

Quote:Famed Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) computer scientist Richard Stallman is under fire after a leaked email thread showed him defending an associate of the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, claiming that his alleged victims were “entirely willing.”

In the email thread, leaked by MIT alum Salam Jie Gano to VICE on Friday, Stallman argued that the late Marvin Minsky – an AI pioneer who died in 2016 and is accused of assaulting one of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Giuffre, - had not actually assaulted anyone.

“The word ‘assaulting’ presumes that he applied force or violence, in some unspecified way, but the article itself says no such thing. Only that they had sex,” he wrote, referring to an article about Giuffre’s testimony against Minsky.

“The most plausible scenario is that she presented herself to him an entirely willing.”
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Looks like we're getting in the big fish pond now.   minusculebiggrin  Wonder if he was in Jeffrey's little black book?

Pennsylvania state Sen. Mike Folmer arrested on child porn charges

[Image: mike-folmer.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1]

A Pennsylvania state senator was busted Tuesday on child porn charges, the state Attorney General announced.
Republican Sen. Mike Folmer, 63, was charged with sexual abuse of children, possession of child pornography, and criminal use of a communication facility after law enforcement found images of child pornography on Folmer’s cellphone when they executed a search warrant at his Lebanon home.

Officials said an investigation into the matter began after authorities received a tip that a user of the microblogging site Tumblr uploaded an image of child pornography to the site.

The investigation led officials to Folmer’s home.
“This defendant serves as a state Senator and was entrusted to honor and represent his community in the Pennsylvania Capitol,” said Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said in a statement announcing the charges against Folmer.
“I will continue to say it — no one is above the law, no matter what position of power they hold. I will continue to work to protect children and hold those who abuse them accountable,” Shapiro said.

Folmer, who was elected to the Pennsylvania senate in 2006, was reelected to his fourth term last November.
The lawmaker played a key role in the passage of a bill that legalized medical marijuana in the state in 2016.
Folmer did not immediately return a request for comment Tuesday.

Meanwhile, state Senate leadership spoke out on the arrest, and said that Folmer would immediately be removed as Chair of the Senate State Government Committee.

Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati and Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman said in a joint statement: “We are shocked to learn tonight of the allegations made against Senator Folmer. We will fully cooperate with law enforcement regarding this deeply disturbing matter.”

“Given the severity of these charges, Senator Folmer is immediately being removed as Chair of the Senate State Government Committee. Further action in response to these charges will be taken by Senate Leadership in the coming days.”
Tiffany FitzHenry is a great researcher who posts on Twitter. She has written reports/threads about several hollyweird people recently. Below is what she discovered about George Clooney and his ties to the pedos. 

Get ready people. Some of your most beloved movie stars are about to have some very evil things come to light about them.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2019-09-15-at-7.06.29-PM.png?w=347&ssl=1]

Quote:You want to know something interesting?
There are 276 Global Intelligence files that mention George Clooney by name. You know, George Clooney, the Hollywood actor.
There are 1,507 Sony emails and documents that mention George Clooney by name. But that’s to be expected, right? I mean Sony at least pretends to be an entertainment company (spoiler, that’s not what they are at all).

There are also 98 DNC emails that mention Clooney, and 26 Podesta emails, which is noteworthy and interesting as well. To say nothing of all the State Department emails revolving around the Oscar winner. But I’m most interested in the fact that there are 276 Global Intelligence files about the dude that starred in Ocean’s 11. To me, that’s more than curious – it’s a glitch in the Matrix. A little rip in the carefully stitched fabric of the illusion. A rip, which I’m about to tear into a gravity swallowing black hole.

What Are The Global Intelligence Files
The Global Intelligence Files, published by Wikileaks, is a trove of more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor.

These emails reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher (yes, it fronts as a thing that shouldn’t even be a thing), but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment-laundering techniques and psychological methods.
And I'll just post her advise here.

"Warning: Only read on if you are prepared to let go of all your notions of what “actors” like George Clooney really are." 

Click on the link to continue reading: Behind The Illusion; George Clooney
That's quite an interesting link, Mystic. Thank you.

By the way, the dark under Clooney's eyes gives one a clue to what he's been through as a child.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
I trust most of you have heard about Ed Buck being arrested for his evil actions of luring homeless black men to his home for sex, shooting them up with huge amounts of meth, and getting off while watching them die from the overdose.  The last man escaped, fortunately, and went to the police.  Buck is now in jail awaiting trial.

Buck was/is a huge donator to the Clintons, and friends with all the other Pedo names, such as Wiener, Epstein, Rainier, and others.
They all run in the same circles.

The video in this link is very informative; the reporter talks about Ed Buck, the Clintons, Child Protective Services, and more.
I advise everyone to watch. We need to get the public to open their eyes to what's going on.
BREAKING: Former Elon University Professor Charged with Child Sex Trafficking
Quote:A Former Elon University professor has reportedly been arrested and charged with trafficking children for sex.

Peter Kiwitt, 61, was charged by criminal complaint with sex trafficking of a minor, sex trafficking of a minor using force, fraud, and coercion, and possession of child pornography. The charges carry with them a minimum penalty of 10 years in prison, a maximum of life, and a $250,000 fine.

Kiwitt had previously been arrested in 2017 for child pornography, which required him to register as a sex offender.
Rot in jail, you POS! 

Keep 'em coming President Trump!  This wouldn't be happening without your attention to this matter. 

Have y'all ever seen so many people arrested for human/child trafficking?   tinybighuh

Quote:Arizona county assessor charged in human trafficking adoption scheme

This undated booking photo provided by the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office shows County Assessor Paul Petersen.

The assessor of Arizona's most populous county has been indicted in an adoption fraud case, accused of arranging for dozens of pregnant women from the Marshall Islands to come to the U.S. to give their children up for adoption, according to an Arizona court filing. Utah also has charged Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen with 11 felony counts, including human smuggling, sale of a child and communications fraud. (Source: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office via AP)

October 9, 2019 at 2:31 PM CDT - Updated October 9 at 7:35 PM
By JONATHAN J. COOPER Associated Press
PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona politician ran an adoption fraud scheme that promised pregnant women thousands of dollars to lure them from a Pacific Island nation to the U.S., where they were crammed into houses to wait to give birth, sometimes with little to no prenatal care in what prosecutors called a human smuggling case.

Paul Petersen, the Republican assessor of Arizona's most populous county, was charged in Utah, Arizona and Arkansas with counts including human smuggling, sale of a child, fraud, forgery and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The charges span about three years and involve some 75 adoptions. Investigators also found eight pregnant women from the Marshall Islands in raids of his properties outside Phoenix, and several more are waiting to give birth in Utah, authorities said.
"The commoditization of children is simply evil," said Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes.

The adoptive parents are considered victims along with the birth mothers, and no completed adoptions will be undone, authorities said.

Petersen's attorney, Matthew Long, defended his client's actions during a Tuesday court hearing in Phoenix as "proper business practices" and said they disagreed with the allegations.

Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said Petersen should resign from his elected position determining the taxable value for properties in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix and its suburbs.

Petersen served a two-year mission in the Marshall Islands for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Reyes said. He was later recruited by an international adoption agency while in law school because of his fluency in Marshallese, according to a 2013 Phoenix Business Journal story.

Prosecutors say Petersen used associates there to recruit pregnant women by offering many of them $10,000 each to give up their babies for adoption. Petersen would pay for the women to travel to the U.S. days or months before giving birth and live in a home that he owned until delivering the baby, according to the court records.

Read full article here: Source
Hip-hip-hooray! for the good guys! Another one bites the dust. tinybiggrin

Quote:Federal prosecutors have filed multiple charges against a 23-year-old South Korean man accused of running what they call the world's "largest dark web child porn marketplace."

The now-shuttered English-language site, called "Welcome to Video," contained more than 200,000 unique videos or almost 8 terabytes of data showing sex acts involving children, toddlers and infants, according to the 18-page criminal indictment unsealed here Wednesday, and processed 7,300 Bitcoin transactions worth more than $730,000.

If you thought bitcoin couldn't be traced, think again!   tinysure

Quote:According to prosecutors, the vast online store was run by Jong Woo Son, a South Korean citizen currently serving an 18-month prison sentence in his home country after his conviction on charges related to child pornography. The site operated from June 2015 until it was seized and shut down by U.S. authorities in March 2018.

At a press conference Wednesday morning, U.S. officials said 337 suspected users of the site had been arrested worldwide to date.

"You may try to hide behind technology," U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie Liu said, " but we will find you and arrest you and prosecute you.

[Image: 191016-dark-website-graphic-logos-ew-138...t-560w.jpg]

More at the link: Feds take down the world's 'largest dark web child porn marketplace'
Amazing Polly once again connects the dots from Child Protective Services to many alleged Mafia members embedded into our government.

I've seen so many parents coming out this year telling their story how CPS came and took their child based on hearsay with no evidence to back up the claims at all. Even when the parents produced PROOF that the allegations against them were false, the CPS refused to give their children back. Some parents never see their child again.
What is CPS doing with these kids?

CPS is operating a child smuggling ring, disguised as a "protective" agency.  I'm not saying the entire system is corrupt, but there are certainly many tainted agencies across the country, and even the world.

Watch this video to see if your state or representatives are named.

I do not usually listen to her but one of her guest has some serious info on child protection services in AZ. Names are named if true not something many of us would doubt.
Nice find, Sky... thank you.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
We heard about this story and something that needs to be reported is that the Mormons have controlled Mesa AZ from the start, they were the first to populate Mesa, AZ and they controlled the Police and Politics in Mesa.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(10-16-2019, 07:51 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Hip-hip-hooray! for the good guys! Another one bites the dust. tinybiggrin

Quote:Federal prosecutors have filed multiple charges against a 23-year-old South Korean man accused of running what they call the world's "largest dark web child porn marketplace."

The now-shuttered English-language site, called "Welcome to Video," contained more than 200,000 unique videos or almost 8 terabytes of data showing sex acts involving children, toddlers and infants, according to the 18-page criminal indictment unsealed here Wednesday, and processed 7,300 Bitcoin transactions worth more than $730,000.

If you thought bitcoin couldn't be traced, think again!   tinysure

Quote:According to prosecutors, the vast online store was run by Jong Woo Son, a South Korean citizen currently serving an 18-month prison sentence in his home country after his conviction on charges related to child pornography. The site operated from June 2015 until it was seized and shut down by U.S. authorities in March 2018.

At a press conference Wednesday morning, U.S. officials said 337 suspected users of the site had been arrested worldwide to date.

"You may try to hide behind technology," U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Jessie Liu said, " but we will find you and arrest you and prosecute you.

[Image: 191016-dark-website-graphic-logos-ew-138...t-560w.jpg]

More at the link: Feds take down the world's 'largest dark web child porn marketplace'

What people need to remember is that nothing is safe on line, VPNs , TOR , Bitcoin ect does not give 100% protection. If TPTB want you they will get you. The only safety is the fact that its too expensive to check every one, but if for some reason you are "red flagged" then its game over.
The only reason VPNs and TOR have not been banned is that they are already cracked
This is disgusting... totally disgusting!  But, I'm glad some light is being shown on it so parents and descent people can get something done about it.
The media and certain people in power are trying their best to normalize pedophilia and indoctrinate our children at an early age that this is acceptable behavior; NEWSFLASH: IT'S NOT! 

Quote:A drag queen accidentally flashed children a glimpse of his crotch during a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ event in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

The performer, known as Sasha Sosa, was reading to children at Hennepin County Library when the incident was caught on camera.

Child Protection League Action posted a series of images from the event asserting that they represented taxpayer funded “debauchery and sexual grooming.”

[Image: Drag%2Bqueen%2Bstory%2Bhour%2Bflashing.jpg]

According to the group, Sosa is aged 18 or 19 and regularly performs at strip clubs alongside ‘Gemini Valentine’, who was also present at the library wearing a revealing leotard.

The Hennepin County Library also reportedly failed to carry out a background check on the pair before the event.

The exposure of children to sexual themes at such events has caused fury amongst many conservatives.

Earlier this year we reported on photos showing young children lying on top of a drag queen during a ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ event in Portland.

Creepy “drag queen” at Dallas Public Library reads book “What Color is Your Underwear” to small children.

One of the participants at a Drag Queen Story Time event in Houston, 32-year-old Alberto Garza, later turned out to be a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.

A second “drag queen” who’s been actively involved with readings of LGBT books to young children and infants at “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) public library events throughout the greater Houston area of Texas has been outed as a convicted sex offender and pedophile, as well as a “transgender prostitute.”

William Travis Dees has a rap sheet of heinous sex crimes that he committed against children as young as four that dates back as far as 2004. It was that same year, in fact, that Dees was convicted and jailed for committing sex crimes against not just one but four different prepubescent children, ranging in age from four to eight.

Just check out this picture from the social media of one of these drag queens, James Gary Love aka “Cassi Nova”:

[Image: From%2BCassi%2BNova%2527s%2Bsocial%2Bmed...would..jpg]

The message reads: "Feeling cute, might lure some kids into the sewer later, IDK." — Read more here.

Here's what's going on:
  • These are adult men who dress up in women's clothes. 
  • Some of them perform in strip clubs. 
  • One of them posted on Facebook that he/she "might lure some kids into the sewer".  
This is extremely worrying! It is grooming and sexualization of children.

Who is behind these events? Who is paying for all this? And why are the parents so silent about it?

However, according to neo-con columnist David French, Drag Queen Story Time is “one of the blessings of liberty.”

Blessings of liberty you say? It is NOT your liberty to brainwash our children with this sick ideology; you are not these children's parents!
People need to rise up NOW to stop this sickness before it sweeps into more areas of our country!

Two posts in the same thread, back to back. If you skipped over the last one, go back and read it. It's important information.

As I stated above, those in power are trying to make pedophilia, sex among our youth, and any other sick, perverted behaviors appear to be "normal".  No, just NO!
Now, here we have people trying to normalize cannibalism.   minusculepuke

[Image: 301019blood.jpg]

Quote:Forget bugs, some people are now using their own bodily fluids to make ‘human blood sausages’.

Click off now if you’re eating your lunch.

A video out of Spain posted by RT shows blood being taken out of the body via syringe, mixed with grated meat, boiled and then eaten.


The clip was posted without any additional information but it could be related to Raúl Escuín, a woodcutter from a remote village in Spain who makes sausages from human blood, claiming it’s vegan friendly because no animals are harmed.

“It’s something that I have been thinking about since I was a child,” he told The Local. “It just doesn’t seem that weird to me.”

Ok, then.

There’s a “taboo” about this sort of thing for very good reason – it’s disgusting.

As we previously highlighted, not only is the consumption of insects being mainstreamed, but VICE even gave a platform to perverts who use bugs and worms as part of their sex play.

As we devolve into the Clown World Order, things only appear to be getting more demented.

“It’s something that I have been thinking about since I was a child,” he told The Local. “It just doesn’t seem that weird to me.”

This is what "they" are doing to the children who are abducted as sex slaves. I feel bad for these people when they grow up because they just don't see the evil in this behavior. And now they are out there influencing others with their demented behavior.
It's sick!  These people are sick!
New stuff on old stuff.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(11-01-2019, 06:15 PM)BIAD Wrote: New stuff on old stuff.

Thank you so much for this video @BIAD!  smallgreenbananadancer

I've been searching for the documents so I could bring it to RN. The Kate Awakening has some good information on The Finders too. I was watching one of her videos last night, but she has more to bring, so I was waiting.  Now I don't have to.

Important information regarding The Finders. I hope people will look into it.
@"BIAD"  Awesome Video  minusculethumbsup2
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Here is a link to the vault FBI records about The Finders.  People might want to bookmark this!

(11-02-2019, 06:07 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Here is a link to the vault FBI records about The Finders.  People might want to bookmark this!

Thank You @"Mystic Wanderer" 
My husband and I was looking at that report yesterday, we found it Very Interesting.
When you read the sanitized pages of the report, you get a good idea of how corrupt this was.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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