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Thousands of Migrants Head to U.S. Border
Thousands of migrants are heading to the U.S. border. The timing of this is interesting; just in time for midterm elections!
Who organized this?
I'm sure the democrats will be shouting the "family separations are evil" chant again soon in an effort to make the Republicans look bad. They don't consider that there are some very bad people in the mix with these migrants, not to mention child traffickers. We can't just let them in without vetting.

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.

Come in through the proper channels if you want into the U.S........ PERIOD!

One video I saw showed money being handed out to the "invaders". Who is paying them?
These are not migrants when they come swinging the flag of the country they are leaving; they are invaders!  They have no plans of assimilating to any other country's laws when they bring their own flag.

President Trump has spoken to Guatemala's president and told him to keep his people from reaching the U.S. border or the money from the U.S. will be stopped. Also, the Mexico President said he will do his best to keep them from reaching the U.S. border, but holding thousands of people back has been a laborious task for the Mexico police.

US, Mexico reach deal to stop Honduran caravan at Mexico's southern border

President Trump has said ANYONE crossing our border illegally will be arrested on the spot.

GOOD! If we allow these people in, more will follow.

Thousands of migrants are stuck on a bridge between Guatemala and Mexico, while probably a thousand have jumped into the waters below the bridge and taken boats reaching Mexico already. The U. S. Navy has boats in the water waiting at our border.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4646]

Others broke through the fence at the Mexico southern border and were met with tear gas.
Same Migrant Caravan Heading For The U.S. Just Toppled Mexico Border Fence

Quote:They’ve travelled across a continent  but thousands of Central American migrants are now trapped on Mexico’s southern border after trying to break through a frontier fence.

The migrants massed in the Guatemalan border town of Tecun Uman, heading for Mexico en route to the United States – claiming they’re fleeing violence and poverty back home. Mexican riot police fired tear gas at crowds who tried to force open a gate, forcing them back into no-mans land.

Thousands of US-bound migrants trapped at Mexico-Guatemala border

In the video link above, they show women and children at the border fence looking helpless while President Trump is speaking about the bad, bad people trying to come into our country, a low-level tactic of the brain-washing media. This caravan is using women and children as shields, the same tactic used by ISIS. Don't be fooled by what the media shows you.

Watch the video in the link above to see more on this story.

Guatemala's president says thousands of migrants heading for the United States have turned around and are going back to Honduras. Still, we have thousands who are trying to make their way to the U.S.
Let's hope they are diverted to other countries that will take them.

I also want to say I am not heartless. I do feel for the women and children who really are seeking a better life, but the U.S. is no longer the land of Obama who allowed people to just come through and give them housing, food, and medical needs for free.  You MUST come through legally if you want to live here. This is the only way we can keep our country free from terrorists, gun runners, child traffickers, etc.

I wish them all the best.

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I'm wondering why they don't just blow the friggin' bridge, problem solved!

I went and picked up my jeep yesterday, and they guy that helped me get it running had an interesting take on this. He said he'd line the border with troops and medieval trebuchet catapults, shoot the human wave, and catapult any who got through back to the south. He even said he'd make bets with bystanders on how many times he could make them bounce when they landed.

Cold? Maybe. Callous? Perhaps... but that's the feeling out here in the real world, and it's not getting any better with the constant human wave attacks in this invasion force. The same guy also said he'd love to see ANTIFA show their silly asses here - but he knew they'd never do that, because they have a gut understanding of what would happen to them...

It's guys like him that induced me to move back home. I know they've got my back when it hits the fan!

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(10-22-2018, 05:56 AM)Ninurta Wrote: I'm wondering why they don't just blow the friggin' bridge, problem solved!

I went and picked up my jeep yesterday, and they guy that helped me get it running had an interesting take on this. He said he'd line the border with troops and medieval trebuchet catapults, shoot the human wave, and catapult any who got through back to the south. He even said he'd make bets with bystanders on how many times he could make them bounce when they landed.

Cold? Maybe. Callous? Perhaps... but that's the feeling out here in the real world, and it's not getting any better with the constant human wave attacks in this invasion force. The same guy also said he'd love to see ANTIFA show their silly asses here - but he knew they'd never do that, because they have a gut understanding of what would happen to them...

It's guys like him that induced me to move back home. I know they've got my back when it hits the fan!

Eh, they make a television series on lesbian nun-ghosts that can offend religions and people's
views on sexuality, so the jeep-guy's suggestion isn't that far-out!!

My only input would be to use the ANTIFA-idiots as fodder for the catapults.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(10-22-2018, 05:56 AM)Ninurta Wrote: I'm wondering why they don't just blow the friggin' bridge, problem solved!

Or send in a hurricane to take care of them.  tinybighuh

Hurricane Willa on verge of becoming Category 5 storm off Mexico's Pacific coast

I think the Deep State Clowns are the ones with the weather control devices though, so they may be using the hurricane to punish Mexico for agreeing to help President Trump to keep them from reaching our border.
Whoever is responsible, it looks like the caravan is in for some bad weather ahead.  Latest report I read said the count was up to 10,000 people now.

Not sure where the invasion march is right now, or the intended route they are going to take along the way. The hurricane is predicted to make landfall in Mexico tomorrow as a possible cat 5!  I need to go see if there are any updates.

Here again is the live view people can save to keep a watch on the hurricane's path.    Global Map
Didn't take long to find something.

Quote:Ann Jones‏ @AJ19844 57m57 minutes ago

Replying to @QProofs

Willa hits too soon for Caravan. They r in Tapachula Mexico. Willa hits N of Mexico City Wed. towards TX. Maybe w/ the aftermath of Willa @POTUS offers military aid to Mexico & sends them to border in TX?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4651]

I know many have taken buses and others are in boats, so I'm sure they are further up the path, just don't know where yet.

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(10-22-2018, 02:05 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Not sure where the invasion march is right now, or the intended route they are going to take along the way.

A mass of people like that can only travel so fast on foot, maybe 10 to 20 miles a day on good days. I suspect many of them will now board "convenient" forms of transportation to speed that journey up. If there are really 10,000 of them, they will probably get to a release point in Durango and disperse from that release point to hit the border at several different points to maximize the chances that at least some of them will get to sneak through - we only have so many border control agents, and what we have can't be at every single point on the border even if all of them were out at the same time, 24/7. 3000 - 4000 will probably head for Tijuana and consequently San Diego, and the rest will disperse along the border in smaller groups. Some will hit checkpoints as a distraction to allow others to sneak across elsewhere.

That's just my best guess. It's what I would do if I were running an invasion force. The best place to stop them would have been when they were all packed together on that bridge.

Guerilla war is often just a matter of force concentration or dispersion as the situation demands. Dispersion forces your opponent to either concentrate force at a particular point, thus pulling it away from other vulnerable points, or pulling it apart in too many knots to get an effective force concentration in any one place. You may send a fairly large force to a particular point where it is expected in order to distract the opposition and force a concentration there to defend that point, while the rest of your forces in smaller groups attacks unguarded or weakened points created by the diversion and concentration of your opponents.

Look for them to report that the "caravan weakened and started to fall apart as weary travelers fell by the wayside or turned back with only a few making it to the border", and don't believe a damned word of it - you already know what is really happening when that is said now.

Yes, I'm thinking of this "migration" in terms of guerrilla war, because that's exactly what it is - an invading guerrilla force.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

That's true they can only travel just so fast and Remember,,,, An Army Travels On Its Stomach! Who's feeding this Mass Of Human Waste?
Speaking of Waste, are they Shitting and Pissing in the Streets? Are they just throwing that Baby Diaper on the ground like they do in the Desert?
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Well, now we have a second hurricane forming, named Vicent, and it's south of Willa.  This one they say will merge with Willa to make an even a stronger, or wider, storm. I don't know if that will happen in the water, or over land. Guess we'll find out.

People keep saying we need to send our military to the border.  I think if President Trump doesn't already have the border in a state of emergency, he should so he can order them to go on down there.

Hmm... I just had a thought. DING, DING, DING!!  minusculebiggrin

Maybe the good guys formed the hurricane just so President Trump COULD order a state of emergency.   minusculethinking
It looks as though Mexico's police and military have been ordered to stand down.  I guess there were just too many of them.

Quote:Donald J. Trump‏   Verified account @realDonaldTrump

Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in. I have alerted Border Patrol and Military that this is a National Emergy. Must change laws!

smalltappinghead   I need more ammo!  
Quote:From @JudicialWatch team in Guatemala:

1700 turned around today back into Honduras at one checkpoint (Chiquimula), coming in on buses.

If they are all coming on buses they might get up to get hit by the hurricane after all.   :smalleyeroll: 

Am I bad for thinking this way?   tinysure

I don't want the women and children to get hurt, or even the men if they are good people. But there are some bad, bad people mixed in ; those are the ones I hope the hurricane gets.
This is Troubling.
Quote:Spanish-language network reporter reveals who is ‘infiltrating’ migrant caravan heading to US
I think this report may just make you hope President Trump does send our Military to our Southern Border.
Quote:A reporter for the Spanish-language network Univision revealed that he had met people from a Muslim-majority country were infiltrating the migrant caravan from Honduras headed towards the U.S. border.
Yes, Muslims.
Quote:“They infiltrated themselves in this caravan”

Quote:Univision correspondent Francisco Santa Anna was reporting from a bridge in Guatemala where the migrant caravan was attempting to cross into Mexico on their way to the United States. Santa Anna said he had himself met people from Bangladesh.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
According to PrensaLibre ("Free Press"), 100 ISIS operatives were caught in the caravan in Guatemala and deported back to their home countries.


The article is in Spanish, if you can read it, cool, if not the following paragraph sort of sums up the salient parts:

Quote:Según el mandatario, en su administración se han capturado "cerca de 100 personas completamente ligadas a temas terroristas, con ISIS y que no solamente las hemos detenido dentro de nuestro territorio, sino que han sido deportadas a sus países de origen".


According to the president (of Guatemala - Nin), his administration has captured "close to 100 people completely linked to terrorist issues, with ISIS and that not only have we arrested them within our territory, but they have been deported to their countries of origin."

If the Univision met Bangaladeshis, then obviously not all of the infiltrators have been caught.

Lock and load. If the government doesn't grow a set of balls on the border, we may have to.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

I remember reading a book way back in the late 70s that I just read as a story. But when I look at what is happing now in Europe and the USA it makes me wonder.
"The camp of the saints" was the books English name (Le Camp des Saints), and it took me most of last night on the net to find its name, Perhaps I should read it again.
You can find some info here source
(10-22-2018, 05:03 PM)guohua Wrote: @"Ninurta" 
That's true they can only travel just so fast and Remember,,,, An Army Travels On Its Stomach! Who's feeding this Mass Of Human Waste?
Speaking of Waste, are they Shitting and Pissing in the Streets? Are they just throwing that Baby Diaper on the ground like they do in the Desert?

The logistics have to be very good and have a lot of money, seems that some one with a lot of money is at it again. Who could that person be ????. could his name start with an S
Militia and Biker groups are heading to the border to help protect us from this invasion. 

There is a video out there that War Drummer posted, but is has the wrong numbers of people to contact to help.  Other Patriots are saying to Stand Down and let the President and the military handle it. 

I know people want to help, but I think our military can handle it.
Its been reported that the UN is helping with the logistics of this invasion. Now the question I have is how is the army going to stop the "refugees".
The only thing the army has are guns, now im sure the people who are in charge of this march will use the same system as was used in Europe.
Lots of women and children put at the front and all the young men hiding behind them.
How is it going to look with the world news teams filming women and children been tear gases and the army pointing guns at them. What if the "refugees" dont stop, will the army shoot women and children ?
If the army does not stop them, then whole country's will just walk into the USA, destroying the USA, just like Europe.
So if Trump orders the army to shoot, he is a monster, if he does not give the order he is weak and not fit to be the POTUS.
I see this as a master move by Soros and the UN.
So to all people from the USA, what do you think ???

PS remember the timing of this, close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, pulling heart strings.
(10-24-2018, 10:50 AM)Wallfire Wrote: Its been reported that the UN is helping with the logistics of this invasion. Now the question I have is how is the army going to stop the "refugees".
The only thing the army has are guns, now im sure the people who are in charge of this march will use the same system as was used in Europe.
Lots of women and children put at the front and all the young men hiding behind them.
How is it going to look with the world news teams filming women and children been tear gases and the army pointing guns at them. What if the "refugees" dont stop, will the army shoot women and children ?
If the army does not stop them, then whole country's will just walk into the USA, destroying the USA, just like Europe.
So if Trump orders the army to shoot, he is a monster, if he does not give the order he is weak and not fit to be the POTUS.
I see this as a master move by Soros and the UN.
So to all people from the USA, what do you think ???

PS remember the timing of this, close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, pulling heart strings.

I've seen posts on Face Book stating that Soros and some Democrats are behind organizing and paying for the caravan invasion at the U.S. border.  Well, I think this is quite obvious; right in time for midterm elections.

You're right. If they shoot with women and children in front, we will look like monsters; if not, we'll be invaded. 
I don't know what the plan is, but President Trump sounded very confident at the rally in TX. He said they wouldn't get through and he seemed to be in a good mood.
One never knows with our President. He always seems to be a few steps ahead of the Cabal Elite. They just can't seem to bring him down. 

We'll have to wait and see how this goes.  In the mean time, I'm cleaning my gun and getting ready, just in case.
I AM a "monster" (and have no shame whatsoever about it) - so don't invade my den!

You've been warned - not my problem if you don't speak English. If that's the case, you probably shouldn't be invading an English-speaking nation to begin with.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

(10-24-2018, 10:21 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I AM a "monster" (and have no shame whatsoever about it) - so don't invade my den!

You've been warned - not my problem if you don't speak English. If that's the case, you probably shouldn't be invading an English-speaking nation to begin with.



你已经被警告-如果你不说英语,不是我的问题。 如果是这样的话,你可能不应该入侵一个讲英语的国家开始。

I translated to Chinese for you, Just in case there is a Chinese Tourist in that Crowd.  minusculethinking
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
We know there are Arabs in the crowd, so this is for them:

أنا "وحش" (وليس لدي أي عار على الإطلاق) - لذلك لا تغزو عرينى!

لقد تم تحذيرك - ليس مشكلتي إذا كنت لا تتحدث الإنجليزية. إذا كان هذا هو الحال ، ربما لا يجب أن تغزو دولة ناطقة باللغة الإنجليزية لتبدأ بها.

And for the Spanish speakers:

YO SOY un "monstruo" (y no me avergüenzo en absoluto) - ¡así que no invadan mi guarida!

Te han advertido, no es mi problema si no hablas inglés. Si ese es el caso, probablemente no deberías estar invadiendo una nación de habla inglesa para empezar.
Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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