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Child Sex Trafficking/Pizzagate/Pedogate/Organ-Harvesting
Quote:My talk with Joachim Hagopian author of Pedophilia and Empire. We discuss the dissolution, by exposure, of evil in our world, and the re establishing of empathy, truth, ethics, love, self empowerment and courage. BOOK FREE ONLINE: TO AUTHOR:

This article seems to have most all you need to know regarding Pizza Gate/Pedo Gate.   Please read and learn the truth about what's happening in our world. Children's lives depend on us helping them. 

Please let that sink in.

Here is a must-read document about child abuse/trafficking, rituals, etc.  Download it to your files to read.

Another good article to read: Finding the Finders and how the CIA made a child trafficking cult

This video gives names and info regarding the Finders.

And in Europe 1000s and 1000s of women and children have been proved to have are been raped and abused and suffered FGM by  a well known cult and nothing is done to stop it.
Disneyland and Disneyworld are two places where parents need to be EXTREMELY careful with their children. I mean don't take your eyes off them for one second! 

Click the title to see a video.

Quote:Thursday, March 29, 2018 11:56PM
A former Disneyland employee who had a manual on "How to Practice Child Love" has been sentenced to more than 125 years in state prison for multiple counts of child sexual assault, authorities said.

David Goodman, 25, of Banning, was convicted in February of multiple counts of lewd acts on a child, possession of child pornography and related charges.

Prosecutors say Goodman, who also volunteered at a children's theater group, intentionally befriended single mothers, calling them "easy targets" in his efforts to gain access to children.

They say when he was 21 he befriended two women in their early 30s who both have children. His victims ranged in age from 5 to 11.

"In a detailed confession letter, the defendant mentioned the best way to gain access to kids was by befriending single mothers who he described as 'easy targets,'" said deputy district attorney Melinda Spencer.

The prosecutor also said investigators found a manual called "How to Practice Child Love" on Goodman's computer.

At the time of his arrest in December 2014, authorities said Goodman had worked at Disneyland since August of that year.

The case first came to investigators' attention with a report of a then-21-year-old man masturbating in front of two children, ages 6 and 9, at a Yucaipa residence. Further investigation uncovered previous sexual abuse of victims described as boys ages 6 and 9 and a girl, age 5.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3472]

Allegedly, Obummer was involved in the Human Trafficking, so I guess he had to at least keep up appearances for his blind followers.

Here is a spreadsheet of the arrests since Pres. Trump took office, put together by an Anon on 8Chan.  LINKY

(Meme above posted by Swamp Drainer on Twitter.)

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After reading the spread-sheet, wouldn't it be prudent to examine the many areas that adults
interact with children...? It's known that predators seek accepted positions in preferable social
situations for their prey.

I fear the established conduits of trafficking will lead -not just all the way up to Barry Soetoro
but back to previous Presidents too.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(03-31-2018, 09:28 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3472]

Allegedly, Obummer was involved in the Human Trafficking, so I guess he had to at least keep up appearances for his blind followers.

Here is a spreadsheet of the arrests since Pres. Trump took office, put together by an Anon on 8Chan.  LINKY

(Meme above posted by Swamp Drainer on Twitter.)
One of the reasons Obama and his Group of Thugs looked the other way with Human Trafficking was because of Obama's Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Scam.

Quote:This spring, investigators discovered mass graves of human trafficking victims in Malaysia.
How did the U.S. State Department respond?
By upgrading its assessment of Malaysia’s human rights efforts. According to Reuters, trafficking experts in the department had given the country a poor rating, but political appointees overruled them.

There’s only one reason why the State Department would change Malaysia’s status: to ease the country’s inclusion in the Trans Pacific Partnership, or TPP — a massive 12-country trade and investment pact currently being negotiated by the Obama administration.

Congress recently granted President Obama fast-track powers to complete negotiations on the TPP without opening it up to scrutiny by Congress or the public.

But Congress did one thing right: It included trade restrictions on dealing with countries that have the worst records in combating human trafficking. Malaysia happens to be one of them.
The State Department Bowed To Obama and his TPP goal.

Quote:Environmental and human rights advocates know that the TPP, like too many trade dealsbefore it, is a bill of rights for corporations that will dramatically lower such “barriers to trade” as environmental safeguards, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and the public’s right to know.

The State Department’s wholly unjustified and unexplained change in Malaysia’s official human rights status is just the latest example of the political machinations at work behind the scenes of the TPP — political machinations that cost human lives.

The same week that the State Department let Malaysia off the hook, the Wall Street Journalreported on human trafficking on a Malaysian palm oil plantation owned by Felda Global Ventures — a supplier to Cargill, the U.S.-owned agricultural trader, and other U.S. importers.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Looks like the Royals may be about to come tumbling down.   minusculeknocks 


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Quote:[Image: 636118961627118400-Michael-Lacey-mugshot.jpg]

(Photo: Sacramento County Sheriff' Office)


A founder of the New Times tabloid has been charged in Phoenix in the apparent culmination of a federal human-trafficking investigation.
Authorities had spent months probing whether Backpage, the online classified advertising website he co-founded, served as a willing participant in the online sale of sex, including with underage girls.

An attorney for Michael Lacey, Larry Kazan,  told The Arizona Republic at the federal courthouse in Phoenix on Friday afternoon that his client had been charged. Kazan said he did not know how many counts Lacey faced because the 93-count indictment was sealed.

The courtroom was closed to the public, and it was not immediately clear what charges are included in the indictment. 
On Friday evening, a spokesperson for the Department of Justice said in an email that a judge had ruled the case was still under seal. The Justice Department earlier had said, in a posting on seized Backpage websites, that more information would be released by 3 p.m. Arizona time on Friday.
FBI officials in Phoenix confirmed there had been "law-enforcement activity" at the Sedona-area home of Lacey, one of the co-founders of 

An Arizona Republic reporter also witnessed FBI activity at the Paradise Valley home of Jim Larkin, another Backpage co-founder.

Backpage website seized

By noon Friday, users started posting on social media screenshots of what appeared to be a federal notice of the seizure of Backpage.
" and affiliated websites have been seized," the headline of the notice read.

[Image: 636586280424729058-backpage-capture.PNG]
This is a screenshot taken on April 6, 2018 from the Canadian version of Backpage. It appears to contain a notice that federal authorities have seized the site (Photo:

The notice said the seizure was "part of an enforcement action by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division, with analytical assistance from the Joint Regional Intelligence Center."
The notice was no longer present on the United States version of, though an error message appeared. The Canadian version of Backpage still had the Justice Department notice.

Backpage had shut down its adult section in January 2017, the same day Lacey, Larkin and other Backpage executives testified at a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing. The men refused to answer questions at that hearing

The types of ads that had appeared in the adult section of Backpage — with their racy photos -- migrated to the singles section. In recent weeks, in response to a federal law that would have held websites accountable for knowingly facilitating human trafficking, the ads were restricted to a phone number, photos and links to other websites.

Read full story, click on title.
[Image: 1523027650315-vancouver-nxivm-nicki-clyn...-park.jpeg]

Quote:Artvoice reported it all long ago and – following the arrest of cult leader Keith Raniere – the mainstream media is starting to catch up.

Vice [Vice,com] reporting in a story titled “All the Vancouver Actresses Linked to an Alleged Sex Cult” names Grace Park, Nicki Clyne, and Kristin Kreuk as active students of Raniere’s NXIVM cult.

Former Smallville actress Allison Mack and Clyne remain in the vicious and sinister cult. Kruek left the cult and spoke out about it after Raniere was arrested.  It is not known if Park – the former Hawaii 5-0 actress – remains in the cult or not. She has been utterly silent about her role. Park is still listed as a coach in NXIVM but has denied to Artvoice that she remains in the cult.
Raniere was arrested in Mexico last week, and deported to the USA. He was last known to be at the Oklahoma City’s Federal Transfer Facility – being held without bail and awaiting transfer to Brooklyn for arraignment on charges of sex trafficking, conspiracy and forced labor.

Artvoice reported that Mack is expected to be arrested for her role in recruiting women to be coerced into slavery – and branded, blackmailed, near-starved, forced to have sex with Raniere and sometimes beaten.

Raniere claimed to be the Vanguard or founder of  a “philosophical movement,” but which primarily sold expensive self-help courses. In reality he operated a pyramid scheme (Members who sold courses could make commission on new recruits) and a sex cult. He used the classes as a tool to find wealthy and or attractive women to enslave, many ex members told Artvoice.

One of his offshoot groups – and he had many – he called it DOS – which was a women-only secret society of “masters” and “slaves,” – with Raniere at the top – as the only man in the group – is what landed Raniere into trouble.  Some women were ordered under threat of extortion to have sex with Raniere. Women recruited into the group were coerced into giving “collateral” in the form of graphic nude photos and damaging information, which they were told would be released publicly if they told anyone about DOS or failed to obey what Raniere or Mack told them to do. Mack was second in command of DOS.  Women were branded on their pubic region with Mack and Raniere’s initials with a hot iron cauterizing pen not dissimilar to a cattle brand.

Vice quoted Artvoice publisher, who is widely credited with breaking the blackmail and branding story. Vice wrote, “Former Nxivm publicist Frank Parlato was first to expose the alleged ‘sex cult’ on his website before the New York Times picked up on the story last year…. Parlato says high-profile actresses and heiresses were prime targets for Nxivm recruitment, because they added glamour and success to an organization that was constantly fighting off bad press.

… Since 2006 the organization would bring on … Hawaii Five-O’s Grace Park, Smallville’s Kristin Kreuk and Battlestar Galactica’s Nicki Clyne. …
Read the full story: Source

I was surprised to learn Kristin Kreuk, the actress in Smallville, was a part of this cult. She is a very beautiful woman. Really sad that her life has been destroyed and she doesn't even realize it.
Quote:Vatican police arrest ex-diplomat over 'child pornography'.

'Police at the Vatican have arrested a priest who previously worked at the Holy See's US
embassy on suspicion of possessing child pornography. Carlo Alberto Capella was taken
into custody after an investigation.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3535]

Monsignor Capella was recalled from the US in September 2017 after US authorities told
the Vatican about a possible violation of child pornography laws by one of its diplomats.
He was ordained in 1993 and joined the Vatican's diplomatic corps in 2004.

The arrest could draw fresh attention to Pope Francis's efforts to snuff out child abuse in the
Catholic Church. He has pledged zero tolerance but critics say he has not done enough to
hold to account bishops who allegedly covered up abuse.

Monsignor Capella's career took him to India and Hong Kong before his brief stint in the US,
which lasted less than a year. After US authorities contacted the Vatican about the diplomat,
he was moved home. The Vatican said it would investigate the case...'

Yeah, it's not like he's above the laws that everyone else have to abide by!!

Quote:'...A state department official told the Washington Post that the US government had asked for
Monsignor Capella's diplomatic immunity be waived so he could be prosecuted in the US,
but the request was refused.

After Monsignor Capella was recalled from the US, police in Canada issued a warrant for his
arrest on suspicion of possessing and distributing child pornography online.
Pope Benedict XVI had made Mr Capella a Monsignor in 2008, granting him the rank "Chaplain
of his Holiness"...'

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Thanks @"BIAD".   According to Q, the Vatican is going to have a bad day; they are right in the middle of the Deep State.  See post 1021. 

Here is a video you Brits/Scots/and others across the water might find interesting.  Grand Torino is one of the speakers who comes on the 24/7 CBTS live stream.

Quote:Attorney General Ken Paxton announced today that his office’s prosecution of has resulted in the company pleading guilty to human trafficking in Texas and its CEO Carl Ferrer pleading guilty to money laundering. This comes less than a week after the attorney general’s office assisted the Department of Justice with permanently shutting down the website.

Ferrer will be sentenced to up to five years in prison once he’s fulfilled the terms of his plea agreement with Attorney General Paxton’s office. His cooperation in the ongoing investigation into Backpage could lead to other criminal charges against individuals associated with the company.

[Image: backpage.jpg]

(Read the full story, click on the title link)

(04-13-2018, 03:08 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:

(Read the full story, click on the title link)

When standing at certain angles, The Swamp can be seen in it's entirety and can take one's breath away!
So wide, so deep and the hanging vines are everywhere.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
They they just keep on coming.   Good job President Trump team!   minusculegoodjob 

[Image: dd92eefc8b0a7716134fb2784b340b7e]
(Photo: Todd Williamson/Getty Images for Amazon Studios) 

Quote:Allison Mack has been arrested for her alleged involvement in a sex cult.

On Friday, both the Smallville actress and Keith Raniere were charged with sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy, and forced labor conspiracy, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York confirms to Yahoo Entertainment. Raniere, the founder of the self-help group NXIVM and the alleged cult leader, was arrested last month.

Within NXIVM, there was reportedly a secret “sorority” called DOS, also known as “Lord/Master of the Obedient Female Companions.” Mack, 35, was allegedly a DOS Master who recruited and directed slaves to have sex with Raniere, also known as “Vanguard.”

“As alleged in the indictment, Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere,” U.S. Attorney Richard P. Donoghue said in a statement. “The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labor, to the defendants’ benefit. This Office and our law enforcement partners are committed to prosecuting predators who victimize others through sex trafficking and forced labor.”

Yahoo reached out to a representative for Mack, who had no comment.

Allison played Chloe Sullivan, the school news reporter, on Smallville.  Remember her? 
I have that show on Hulu, and I go back and watch some every now and then when I want to escape the evils of the real world; it seemed like a simpler time. 
Now, just knowing that this innocent-looking girl (on the show) is part of this sex trafficking cult will ruin it for me.  I will probably never watch it with the same eyes as I did before.   tinycrying 


See a video on the source page by clicking the title.
From an earlier posting:

Quote:"Isn't it odd...? Isn't it strange that as the parents of Madeleine McCann arrive at the tenth anniversary of their little girl's
disappearance, the Police announce that they have a woman in mind as a suspect?
Imagine the quantum symmetry needed to make this occur.

Madeleine McCann suspect 'is female': Police hunt woman spotted close to disappearance in 'hugely significant line of

Now here we are at the eleventh anniversary and once more unto the breach, dear friends!

Quote:‘HE WAS LIKE AN EEL’ Maddie McCann kidnap suspect slipped through dad’s grip after trying to grab ANOTHER girl.

The Spanish dad, known only as Andres, says the alleged kidnapper sneaked into the room where his daughters aged
five and 13 were sleeping during a holiday in 2001 - but escaped 'like an eel' after a brief confrontation.

'A Spanish dad claims Madeleine McCann's suspected kidnapper slipped away in the dead of night after trying to daughter
from a Portuguese hotel in 2001.

The father, known only as Andres, says the alleged kidnapper sneaked into the room where his daughters aged five and 13
were sleeping during a holiday in 2001 - but escaped "like an eel" after a brief confrontation.
He said he instantly recognised the man in the 2013 e-fit as the person who had gone into his daughter's hotel room 12 years earlier.

He told La Voz de Galicia: "I don't know if the man kidnapped Madeleine, but for me his is the man who tried to take my daughter."
Madeleine McCann was four-years-old when she disappeared from a hotel room in Praia da Luz, Portugal, while her parents,
Kate and Gerry McCann, were out having dinner in May 2007.
Madeleine, who would now be 14-years-old, nor her alleged kidnapper have been found despite an 11-year international search.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3662]

Andres, 45, from Galicia, an autonomous region of Spain, told a local newspaper that the incident six years before still affects him.
His family were driving through Portugal and ended up having to stay the night as a small hotel in Abrantes.

He told the local paper that he and his wife were complimented on their "beautiful girls" as they arrived at the hotel by a man
in his mid-40's. The dad claims the man was the only other guest at the hotel that night and that his family were split between
two rooms.

He says his oldest daughter called him in the middle of the night and asked him if he had just been in their room.
The father hadn't but he went into his daughter's room and stayed in there in case the man returned -which he did a few minutes later.
He confronted the man who said he "had come to check on the children".
The dad added: "Even today I don't know how he managed to escape me, he slipped like an eel."

He claimed when he complained to the reception about the man he was told he was "a regular guest who likes children but
doesn't hurt them" according to The Local. Andres was interviewed by both Spanish police and Scotland Yard, but says he
never heard anything back from either.

Maddie's parents have been warned by cops not to discuss the disappearance of their daughter ahead of the 11th anniversary
next week. Madeleine vanished on May 3, 2007.
Her parents Gerry and Kate left their three children –including toddler twins Sean and Amelie –sleeping in their apartment while
they dined at a tapas bar -120 metres away.
When Kate returned to check on the kids at around 10pm that evening, she discovered that Maddie was not in her bed and was missing.

Police have spent more than £12million in the search for Madeleine...'

A usual annual 'bump' regarding Madeline's disappearance with the use of a dubious tale or a genuine account
that's not been followed-up by the UK police?
I find it odd that the Reception Desk of the hotel knew the man but... *tumbleweed*

And the original story can be found here.

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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