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  Congress Releases Declassified ‘28 pages’ on Alleged Saudi Ties to 9/11
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-15-2016, 09:53 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - No Replies

[Image: Sept_11_Attacks_Secret_Files-bd300-3344.jpg]
In this Sept. 11, 2001 file photo the twin towers of the
World Trade Center burn behind the Empire State Building in
New York after terrorists crashed two planes into the towers
causing both to collapse. (Marty Lederhandler/AP)

Congress has finally released the 28 previously classified pages showing the alleged connections between Saudi Arabia and the hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Quote:The House Intelligence Committee voted to reveal the pages, which are part of a larger 2002 investigation of the 9/11 attacks by the House and Senate intelligence committees. Their classification has proven controversial because of allegations that they contain information linking Saudi Arabia to the hijackers.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called for their release, but the Obama administration has said it would do so only after careful review. Administration officials have also downplayed the significance of the information, noting that the 9/11 commission created by Congress thoroughly examined the issue and did not find evidence of a link between Saudi officials and the hijackers who staged the attacks on New York and Washington.


It's about time!  And I read that it's things like this that would be coming out as part of the agreement between the Cabal and the Earth Alliance to avoid prison or death.  There should be much more coming out soon on other topics, and also lots of "new" technology.  (Except it's only new to us. They've had it all along.)

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  The Secret Space Program (Videos)
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-15-2016, 03:06 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (3)

So, you don't believe there is a SSP?  Then you might want to take a look at over 30 videos compiled on this page.

The speakers are from many different researchers who have "insiders" that have shared information with them. 
The videos are from the 2015 SSP Conference, and all are very informative. Only the "best in the business" are invited to speak at these functions.  

Sorry, I'm having trouble choosing just one to post here because they're all so good. minusculethinking I don't want to single one out as being better than the others, so take a look and add this page to your library to watch all of them at your leisure:  LINK

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  Fake News And It's Getting Worse!
Posted by: BIAD - 07-15-2016, 02:59 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (4)

I've been avoiding this for some time because some of the leads seem to not pan-out and
really, it's only recently that I've come to understand that when you wish to blow the whistle
on the corrupt media systems, your only soapbox is that actual medium!

So, seeing the recent Dallas and Orlando shootings are being suggested to be fake, here's
a guy who was in the business that's come out and told what he knows.

Dr. Udo Ulfkotte was a German Journalist who reluctantly took part in faking reports and news
information for the benefit of certain security agencies and now, has gone public.


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  Iran state media alarmed at English text on clothes
Posted by: guohua - 07-15-2016, 07:08 AM - Forum: Middle Eastern Regions - Replies (2)

How Absolutely Asinine are these People of the Muslim Religion in Iran?
They Hate Anything Not Iranian or Muslim or Their Idea Of Right So Much! Really??
I mean is it the Fact It's The English Language They Hate and That Would Make It Primarily Christian?
Damn Fools!
[Image: _90387911_iran_keepcalm_fars.jpg]

Quote:State TV doesn't see the humour in the Western-inspired designs
Quote:A recent trend among Iranians to wear clothing emblazoned with English-language writing has prompted alarm in the official media.
A report on state-run Channel Two highlighted what it called a fashion to put "obscene", "Satanist" and "anti-religious" messages on men's T-shirts and women's tops.

Set to ominous music of the sort usually reserved for exposes of serious wrongdoing, the report features people sporting phrases such as "love", "not normal" and "no rules" on their outfits. One shot shows a person with their face blurred wearing a top with the words "Friday Night".

Of particular concern seems to be a women's range with the humorous slogan "Keep calm I'm Queen". It's apparently inspired by the popular British "Keep calm and carry on" image, but the TV channel has a different take, telling viewers that "queen" is a US slang term to describe "men who look like women".

Sellers appear taken aback by the media interest. One clothes shop owner tells the TV that there is strong demand for such products, but also blames their availability on an "import mafia". Other shopkeepers on a similar report by the Fars news agency - apparently unaware of being filmed - are heard complaining about "conservatives" making a fuss about a "minor issue".

The public's views appear to be mixed. One comment on the Fars website quotes Koranic verses on the need for hijab - the headscarf worn to comply with the Islamic Republic's clothing laws - but another responds: "If it were up to you [conservatives], we'd all wear black."
You can bet with that responses, he or she may be Publicly Whipped or Beheaded!

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  A generation has all but passed
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-15-2016, 06:48 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Quote:  Some would say, "The Greatest Generation"
              A Short Memoir

Born in the 1930s and early 40s,
we exist as a very special age cohort. 
We are the Silent Generation. 
We are the smallest number of children born since the early 1900s. 
We are the "last ones." 
We are the last generation, climbing out of the depression,
who can remember the winds of war and the impact of a world at war which rattled the structure of our daily lives for years. 
·       We are the last to remember ration books, green stamps for everything from gas to sugar to shoes to stoves.
·       We saved tin foil and poured fat into tin cans.
·       We hand mixed ’white stuff’ with ‘yellow stuff’ to make fake butter. 
·       We saw cars up on blocks because tires weren't available.
·      We can remember milk being delivered to our house early in the morning and placed in the “milk box” on the porch.  [A friend’s mother delivered milk in a horse drawn cart.] 
We are the last to hear Roosevelt's radio assurances and to see gold stars in the front windows of our grieving neighbors. 
·       We can also remember the parades on August 15, 1945; VJ Day.
·       We saw the 'boys' home from the war build their Cape Cod style houses, pouring the cellar, tar papering it over and living there until they could afford the time and money to build it out.

We are the last generation who spent childhood without television;
instead we imagined what we heard on the radio.  
As we all like to brag, with no TV, we spent our childhood
"playing outside until the street lights came on."  
We did play outside and we did play on our own. 
There was no little league.
There was no city playground for kids.
To play in the water, we went to hwy 90 and got on the seawall. We did not have a sand beach. 
The lack of television in our early years meant, for most of us,
that we had little real understanding of what the world was like. 
Our Saturday afternoons, if at the movies, gave us newsreels
of the war and the holocaust sandwiched in between westerns and cartoons. 
Telephones were one to a house, often shared and hung on the wall. If  we could afford one.....
Computer were called calculators and were hand cranked;
typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage, and changing the ink.
The ‘internet’ and ‘GOOGLE’ were words that didn’t exist.
Newspapers and magazines were written for adults.  
We are the last group who had to find out for ourselves.
As we grew up, the country was exploding with growth.  
·      The G.I. Bill gave returning veterans the means to get an education and spurred colleges to grow.
·      VA loans fanned a housing boom. 
·      Pent up demand coupled with new installment payment plans put factories to work.
·        New highways would bring jobs and mobility. 
·        The veterans joined civic clubs and became active in politics. 
·        In the late 40s and early 50's the country seemed to lie in the embrace of brisk but quiet order as it gave birth to its new middle class
(which became known as ‘Baby Boomers’). and the ones that came after that, they are called something I forgot, hot damned!!!!
·        The radio network expanded from 3 stations to thousands of stations
·        The telephone started to become a common method of communications and "Faxes" sent hard copy around the world.
·        Our parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war and they threw themselves into exploring opportunities they had never imagined.

We weren't neglected but we weren't today's all-consuming family focus. 
They were glad we played by ourselves 'until the street lights came on.' 
They were busy discovering the post war world.
Most of us had no life plan,
but with the unexpected virtue of ignorance
and an economic rising tide
we simply stepped into the world
and started to find out what the world was about. 
We entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity;
a world where we were welcomed. 
Based on our naïve belief that there was more where this came from,
we shaped life as we went.
We enjoyed a luxury; we felt secure in our future. 
Of course, just as today, not all Americans shared in this experience. 
·        Depression poverty was deep rooted. 
·        Polio was still a crippler. 
·        The Korean War was a dark presage in the early 50s and
·        by mid-decade school children were ducking under desks.  
·        Russia built the “Iron Curtin” and China became Red China. 
·        Eisenhower sent the first 'advisors' to Vietnam; and years later, Johnson invented a war there. 
·       Castro set up camp in Cuba and Khrushchev came to power.
We are the last generation to experience an interlude
when there were no existential threats to our homeland. 
We came of age in the 40s and early 50s.
The war was over and the cold war, terrorism,
Martin Luther King, civil rights, technological upheaval, “global warming”, and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life with insistent unease.
Only our generation can remember both a time of apocalyptic war and a time when our world was secure and full of bright promise and plenty. 
We have lived through both.
We grew up at the best possible time, a time when the world was getting better; not worse.

We are the Silent Generation;  'the last ones.'
Author unknown Â

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  For Mr. G- Operation Rebirth: 2016 election
Posted by: Armonica_Templar - 07-15-2016, 03:43 AM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (7)

"Mrs. Clinton, It is an honor to meet you.." Regina's short cut hair and smile shown as she shook, "I hope my son behaves this time.."

Bill Clinton stuck his hand out.. As Regina shook it, he put his hand on her shoulder, "Admiral De'chez is a very lucky man.."

Regina blushed as Hillary tried not to roll her eyes, "This is the Fabled Tesla Institute for Higher Learning.. " Trying to hide her repulsion, "Their is no reason to be formal Regina.. You.. You can call me Hillary.."

Quickly Chelsea stepped up as her mother almost faltered, "On behalf of my Family it is an honor to meet you.. " Chelsea's father came out in her voice, "Is that a a new pair of Prada your wearing.." Looking at Regina's shoes, "I thought those were supposed to be on the market for the secret release for another month?"

Regina blushes, "I had a ..A good friend get them for my birthday.." 

The Clinton's look at each other for half a second as Bill whispers to Hillary, "I think her younger lover got them for her.."

A loud voice comes outside the entrance of Mess Hall alpha, "GOOD MORNING TIFHL!!!!" Andros walks in wearing boxer briefs with a white shirt over his muscled frame, "This is the last great Dinosaur in news.. Currently with Ambush News.. Your reliable source on what is going on with the wizards of oz's." andros walks up to the front of the line, "Good Morning sexy lady.."

An older hispanic lady blushed, "Littleman.."

"Why did you not come to my bed last night.. I almost slept alone," Andros made the older slightly overweight hispanic lady blush..

"Madre Dios," The older woman unconsciously bit her bottom lip.. "You keep teasing me young man and I will take you up on it.. Besides my husband is.."

Andros sounds very sweet, "Is welcome to join us.. "

She points at andros, "You four are causing me more grey hair then my children." Sighing as she walks to the back, "Almost slept alone.. Please.."

"Today with Ambush news we will bringing you live coverage of Job interviews for the position of head manager.." Andros looked around the corner as Mrs. Garci walked back up..

"Littleman.. I just finished cooking this.. Two of my personal breakfast burritos .. I assume my other favorite rats are coming for breakfast," Mrs. Garcia hugged andros.. she whispers, " thank you boys for taking care of that issue my son was having.. his commanding officer is now qualified for a medical retirement.."

hugging her back, "It's ok pretty lady.. It is no big deal.."

"No big deal littleman," tears fell down her face.. "You boys ever need anything.. Day or Night.."

"How did you know it was me," Andros looked at the lead server.. "James F#$%ing ratted me out.."

"Now dont go getting mad at him Littleman.. You are a good man.. I confirmed with Alex that you did a quick insert.. I did not owe them.. I owed you thanks.." Andros gave her hug as she whispered, "It has taken me a little while to realize it is just a front with you.. Your are bad boy but a good man.. My husband explained the principle to me.."

"He is a good man Roberta.." Andros sounds much older, "Make sure he keeps taking the meds Doc gave him.. No ONE else has those meds.."

A blonde haired woman yawned as she walked half asleep.. Freezing, as she is wearing a bathrobe, "The Clintons.. UH.. LITTLEMAN!!"

Regina narrows her eyes, "Austin I thought you were engaged.. He is only sixteen and you are twenty.."

Austin Glared back at Regina and walked over to Andros, "Baby.." austin kisses andros, "good morning Mrs. Garcia.."

Mrs. Garcia narrowed her eyes, "SmartA$$ you did not sleep.. I put two on there andros.." Looking at austin, "You better keep your claws in him better honey.. I might take him up on his offer.."

Andros sees Austin narrow her eyes, "Ladies and Gentlemen of TIfHL.. "Andros kissed austin, "We have a very interesting day ahead of us Today.. "

From the other side of the Mess Hall, "BB.. I want to thank you for this opportunity .."

BB smiled as his fourteen year old hand shook Trump's hand, "Et ain nutin.. De big boys be here listenin today Mr. Trump.. " BB's white teeth contrasted his black skin, "Youse be good for biznes.. I maiiid ju meyes recomendashun tos de Committee.." Seeing the clinton's. "God Blessed gator bait.. De wood go to his mammy.. Chit!!"

Regina sees the Trumps and gets very pissed.. She comes storming over to BB, "BB.. This is a PRIVATE breakfast with my son, myself, and the Clintons.." Seeing BB narrow his eyes, "Be a good boy and ask your guest to leave.."

"Cheri," BB's cajun/ klans speak speak accent comes through.. "I's don tank so.. I's got millions of greenbacks ridin on dis elecshun.. Dat woman is a dishonest crook.. She don stay bought.. "

"Mrs. De'Chez," Donald Trump sticks his hand.. "It is a pleasure to meet you.."

Grudgingly Regina shakes donald Trumps hand, "I do apologize for BB overstepping his.."

"No Cher.. Yo may be de Mammy of de Macer villa, but Sandra de woman wit Alex's heart.." Smiling BB continued, "She tolt me dat de Clintons had violated de rules she don set.. So Don her, I's brought him heir.. Alex don said he not get invole wit dis beauty pagent.. If de not play by Mamy tolliver's rule's.. Well to h e dubba ewe hock eee Shticks to dem.. She don told dat crook's house slave to not go an do dis.."

 Regina gets a pissed off look on her face, "I was never told they talked with Sandra.."

Chelsea quickly walked over, "I want to say for the record.. We recieved no communication from.."

"You don getting stoopid.. Youse callin Sandra a liar," BB whislted.. "You know wat.. Neva min.. Go right ahead.. Trump congratulations on a easy win."

Before Hillary or bill can speak, sounds come from down the hallway..

"Good morning Mr. Letch," Come from the students outside..

As more and more repeat it  BB takes a deep breath, "Chit!! Cousin Rufus is already here.. Dis aint good.. Dis aint good.."

A teenaged freshman walks in causing Andros to growl loudly, "Senior Tactile and Strategic Adviser on DECK!!!"

Wearing body armor with five stars as all the students stand up and come to attention.. Rufus walks over to the front of the food line, "Good morning Mrs. Garcia.." rufus Letch looks at Andros not standing, "I am still working on the respect thing with that a$$hole.." Rufus hugs Mrs. Garcia, "At 0730 arizona time, you should be recieving a phone call from a retiring General.. If he does NOT properly address those issues he has with you let me know.. He will lose his medical retirement and sleep in the brig.."

Mrs. garcia holds back her tears, "You four rats.." She composes herself and grabs a plate , " One bagel.. Two strips of bacon.. White gravey.. and a glass of OJ.. rufus.. I mean mr.."

"You may call me rufus," Letch quietly responds.. "Have Bach bring me my coffee.. thank you Mrs. Garcia.."

Andros waits for Rufus to tell everyone to carry on.. As Rufus sits down, John waynes voice comes from Andros.. "All right Pilgrams.. Stand for the pledge of allegiance.."

Rufus sits down his OJ and stands up with his hand over his heart..

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  '73 dead' after truck crashes into crowd at Bastille Day celebrations in Nice 'terror
Posted by: guohua - 07-15-2016, 12:35 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (8)

People Of France, Our Prayers and Well Wishes and Thoughts Of love Are With You During another Attack Of Terror!
Oh Sad!

Quote:At least 73 people are dead and more than 150 injured after they were mown down by a truck in a suspected terror attack during the Bastille Day celebrations in the French city of Nice.
Eyewitnesses say there was an exchange of gunfire in the aftermath of the incident before the driver was shot dead. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, according to unconfirmed reports in the French media.
Guns and grenades were later said to have been found inside the truck, which mounted the pavement at approximately 40mph and steered directly towards hundreds of people watching a fireworks display.
Anti-terror police swooped in as the city was put on lockdown and residents were warned to stay indoors for their safety. Gunshots rang out in the streets, with gunmen targeting hotels and cafes in the port city in the south of France.
One witness called Antoine said: 'We were at the Neptune beach and a firework display had just finished. That is when we saw a white lorry. It was going quickly at 60-70 kilometres an hour.'
The gunman jumped out of the truck after ploughing through the pedestrians and began opening fire, witnesses said. Officials said the driver was shot dead near the scene. A second suspect is thought to be on the run.
Eyewitness Wassim Bouhlel said that he saw a truck drive into the crowd and then witnessed the man emerge with a gun and start shooting.
'There was carnage on the road,' Bouhlel said. 'Bodies everywhere.
[Image: 3649421600000578-3691019-image-a-20_1468534278356.jpg]

Quote:A truck ploughed through a large group of people in Nice during a suspected terrorist attack which claimed 'dozens of lives'
[Image: 3649251A00000578-3691019-Horrific_images...390896.jpg]
Quote:Horrific images depicting men and women lying on the side of a road close to the Promenade des Anglais
Quote:A spokesman for the Alpes Maritime prefecture advised locals to 'stay indoors' as gunfire was heard, and a lorry was driven into a crowd on the Promenade des Anglais.
Eyewitnesses said there were 'bodies everywhere' with at least 100 people injured. 
The truck driver crashed his vehicle and jumped out and started shooting.
Police are also searching for an accomplice.
At this stage, police are describing the incident as 'a major criminal attack'. 
Sebastian Humbert, prefect for the Alpes - Martime area said: 'A truck rammed into the crowd over a long distance, which explains this extremely heavy toll.'

He said the driver has been shot dead by police. They are currently hunting for a second attacker.

The Gendarmerie Nationale tweeted: 'Emergency operation in progress. Keep calm and avoid downtown area. Follow the official accounts to be informed.' 

Bodies could be seen lying on the floor by the beach, as the police and other emergency services tried to deal with a mass panic. 

British holidaymaker Esther Serwah, 59, was staying in a hotel a short walk from the scene.

She said she had been on her way to the Promenade des Anglais for dinner with her daughters when people started screaming at her.

Mrs Serwah, from Surrey, said: 'I was just walking to the Promenade and then I saw everybody running and I just didn't know what was going on.

'People were screaming at me in French but I didn't understand.

'Some people were lying on the streets dead and people were running over the bodies.

'Everybody was saying it's a terrorist attack. It's just horrible, horrible, horrible.

'I'm in shock. I'm still shaking.' 
See the other pictures and read the rest of the article here: Source
So very, Very Sad, It's just another Senseless Terrorist Act!
They are being aloud into our country as well with out any thorough vetting of their background, very Dangerous.

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  Is It A Ghost?
Posted by: guohua - 07-14-2016, 08:46 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (1)

Sure looks like a Ghost or Possibly a Guardian Angel To Me.
The Motorcyclist did die, but they say he died at the hospital.
So I'll let you all be the judge. The news station video has a good close up.
[Image: 5787cf711a000023006fa6e7.jpeg?cache=pst48dfgej]

Quote:STANTON, Ky. (LEX 18) A chilling image taken at the scene of a deadly motorcycle crash in Powell County is being shared on social media.
The crash occurred 5:30 Tuesday afternoon on Highway 15 near Stanton. Officials tell LEX 18 the person on the motorcycle was the only person involved and he was taken to a hospital where he later died.

A photo take at the scene is hard to believe. The photo shows the image or outline of a man above the man's body.
Saul Vazquez, the man who took the photo, posted it on Facebook and said he took it from the cab of his truck. It has since been shared over 16,000 times in just 10 hours.
Lots of people are drawing their own conclusions about the photo, but either way it's causing a huge conversation on social media. LEX 18 reached out to Vazquez, all he would he would say is that the photo has not been altered.

Yes you might want to watch the attached video in the article.

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  Off topic
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-14-2016, 08:10 AM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (3)

We need an off topic forum where our members can post anything of interest that does not fall within our already discussion forums... Just my opinion.... Thanks for the consideration

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  Obama Administration’s Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program (CAM)
Posted by: guohua - 07-14-2016, 05:23 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (2)

Well More are coming and taxpayers are paying for their Jet Plane Ride Ticket To America!
Obamacare is Failing and American's will again be with out Coverage and Illegals Kids Are More Important!

Quote:More than 7,300 immigrant parents have applied to have the U.S. government bring their children to the U.S. from Central America via the Obama Administration’s Central American Minors Refugee/Parole Program (CAM), according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ annual Ombudsman report.
 Yes you read that right,,,,, and guess whose's paying for it?  tinysure
Quote:The CAM program allows immigrants who, in most cases, would not normally qualify for legal family reunification programs, to petition to have their children living in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras to come to the U.S. as refugees or parolees.

USCIS and the State Department created the CAM program in 2014 in response to the unprecedented surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. That fiscal year, Customs and Border Patrol apprehended 51,705 unaccompanied minors from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras illegally entering the U.S. — a 1,464 percent increase over the number of unaccompanied minors CBP processed in FY 2009.
Everyone feeling All Warm Hearted and Fuzzy knowing you're paying for a Kid To Come To America To Join A Family That's Here illegally?
You feeling like a Liberal Yet or a Movie Star?
Quote:The vast majority of the petitioning parents would not otherwise be qualified to bring family members to the U.S., including illegal immigrants granted executive amnesty and others shielded from deportation by Temporary Protected Status.

“By far, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) was the immigration status held by the largest percentage of petitioning Qualifying Parents—approximately 89 percent,” according to the Ombudsman. “Slightly more than eight percent were submitted by legal permanent residents. Other forms of lawful status held by a smaller percentage of Qualifying Parents included DACA, Deferred Action (non-DACA), parole, and withholding of removal.”

While the Obama Administration has billed the CAM program as an effort to help mitigate the illegal flow of Central Americans to the U.S.-Mexico border
critics say it is another example of the administration circumventing Congress and opening up another questionable immigration pathway.

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