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  Got a Phobia? Share it!
Posted by: Jude - 09-10-2016, 10:07 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (22)

Had fun with this thread back over there on TOS so I thought I'd bring it here for some fun. Here is my opening post in its entirety:

"Ok, Just posted a thread on spiders and it reminded me of how I got my fear of the little buggers. It also made me wonder what other Phobias some members might have and if they remember how they developed them.

I am curious as to how Phobias develop. Some are from personal experiences while others are instilled in us from other people. Others as I understand are inherited.

So here goes...

My Phobia...Spiders!

When I was about 3 or 4 yrs old, I was outside and walking down a sidewalk in front of our house. Lo and behold I came across a big-ass spider (not sure what type of course) Northern Manitoba, Canada if anyone knows the spiders in the North.

Anyway, being young and invincible I decided to stomp on it to see it go all squishy. (Kids stuff) And I do mean it was big! Not tarantula big but the body I remember being the size of maybe a quarter. Big in my World.

So, I did it! Stomped it and lifted my foot to see the damage. I then noticed that there were what seemed like millions (not really) of little dust size things crawling over my foot and up my leg. I had shorts on at the time.

Yup! BABY SPIDERS! Crawling all over me and I was afraid to touch them. They kept crawling up my legs, into my shorts. I was screaming, my mother came out of the house and started screaming ( adding to my horror of course) and I started running and trying to roll on the grass to get these things off.

Well, mom came to the rescue and all was ok except that I didn't sleep properly for weeks and to this day...Can't get near 'em.

Well, you get it.

So that's mine...What's yours? "

I believe an admission of a phobia should be mandatory around here tinyangry 


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  The Perfect Woman...Myth or Reality?
Posted by: Jude - 09-10-2016, 08:36 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (8)

The Perfect Woman...Does she exist? Or is she but a mythical creature residing in the collective minds and fantasies of men to keep them awake at night...fighting wars, conquering far off lands, squandering fortunes, spinning tales of catch and release around the camp fire...

Let's delve into the subject using a mathematical approach so as to once and for all answer the question, shall we?


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Posted by: 727Sky - 09-10-2016, 12:01 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Quote:This is a test!  If you know all of the answers I am really impressed!


Great mental exercise for us aging folks.
Which of the following names are you familiar with?

1.  Monica Lewinski
2.  Bill Clinton
3.  Hilary Clinton
4.  Adolph Hitler
5.  Jorge Bergoglio
6.  Winnie Mandela
7.  Vladimir Putin
8.  Linda Lovelace
9.  Saddam Hussein
10. Tiger Woods

You had trouble with #5 didn’t you?

You know all the criminals, adulterers, murderers, thieves, sluts and cheaters, but you don’t know the Pope?? 
Lovely, just friggin’ lovely!

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  Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'
Posted by: senona - 09-10-2016, 05:35 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (13)

Oh what a hypocrite this woman is.

First she gets on Trump for calling people names.
Then turns around and does it herself. smh.
Yet she sees nothing wrong with her actions.

Quote:New York (CNN)

Hillary Clinton told an audience of donors Friday night that half of Donald Trump's supporters fall into "the basket of deplorables," meaning people who are racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic.

In an effort to explain the support behind Trump, Clinton went on to describe the rest of Trump supporters as people who are looking for change in any form because of economic anxiety and urged her supporters to empathize with them.

"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables," Clinton said. "Right? Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it.

CNN Link

Clinton went on to say that some of these people were "irredeemable" and "not America."

Quote:Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, quickly pounced on the remarks.
"One day after promising to be aspirational & uplifting, Hillary insults millions of Americans. #desperate," she tweeted.

Quote:One day after promising to be aspirational & uplifting, Hillary insults millions of Americans. #desperate https://t.co/OrBkowI4Sd
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 10, 2016

She later added, "Hillary, placing people in 'baskets', slandering them but admitting after 8 yrs, they are "desperate for change."

Quote:Hillary, placing people in "baskets", slandering them but admitting after 8 yrs, they are "desperate for change." https://t.co/OrBkowI4Sd
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 10, 2016


Hillary is such a fine role model of what not to say to be divisive.  /sarcasm (cough-cough)

And her supporters will follow her lead, calling their opponents these insulting slurs, trying to 'shame' them.
Rather than put forth a decent argument on their views.
They only know how to lash out with name calling of "You're a racist" etc etc. towards those whose views differs from theirs.

Lame in my opinion.

Just another dirty Democratic tactic taken from their "playbook".
When in doubt, use the race card.
And now, with a woman running, throw out the "sexist" card.

Pathetic really.
And desperate sounding.

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  Fancy Horse haircuts
Posted by: senona - 09-10-2016, 04:21 AM - Forum: Animal House - Replies (8)

This Lady started grooming her own pet pony when she was only 12 yrs old due to it having thick fur, but then she started to get creative and coming up with neat designs when clipping the fur.

And now at 27,  Melody Hames does it professionally.

[Image: 12346371_1694481467439959_98318354686561...uH9PjA.jpg]

Quote:Melody Hames, 27, began clipping her own pet pony at the age of 12, and is now an absolute pro at it.

She had to trim her pony frequently because it suffered from a condition called cushings, causing it to have a thick woolly coat which doesn't change in the warmer season.

[Image: 12339587_1694481560773283_82560211430947...RLrobk.jpg]

Quote:As she became more experience she decided to set up her own clipping company in Lancashire, JMC Equestrian. 
She set up shop in 2013 and business has been booming ever since.

She used to do normal clippings, but has expanded her horizons after getting quirky requests from clients.

[Image: 12314203_1694481717439934_36172046488333...RLrobk.jpg]

Quote:The clipper is now inundated with requests for fancy horse trimmings before shows.

Explaining how she decides patterns, she said: 'Often I will visualise it in my head and clarify it with a quick look at related objects which in turn can create new ideas and viewpoints.

"I sketched out different shapes for castles and also for the armour clip as I knew I wanted a specific kind of style castle and sword.

"This helps me visualise in my head and I run with it from there.

"I use a wide range of blades and clippers, I have blades and clippers to suit pretty much every situation, and ever breed as well as coat type.

"No stencils have been used to date or CGIs here - all hand crafted, it's very much like a craft to me that only comes with experience and practice."

[Image: 20d318a488b543e1a8737352877053ae.png]

All the designs she does are drawn free-handed and may take as little as 30 minutes to do.
Or several hours depending on how complex the design.

One of her most proudest designs was that of a Castle, which she said took a few days to complete.

[Image: 11146248_1629287880625985_59412985637603...2jJnT8.jpg]

Quote:She continued: "I would work for as long as it took though, over the space of days, to suit the horse.

"The castle is important to me as it kick started the larger scale custom clipping and gave me something to really work at. It got me a lot of attention.

What great talent!
And nifty idea to create designs with their fur.

Wonderful canvas to be working on, albeit one false move and it could mess up her design.
Although I bet she has a quick reflex to such things after all these years of working with horses.

Horse hairdresser makes ponies look fabulous with her crazy custom designs

[Image: 12314210_1694481567439949_34740457805653...RLrobk.jpg]

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  who believes in the Giant Nephilites
Posted by: guohua - 09-10-2016, 01:06 AM - Forum: Lost and Ancient - Replies (5)

Do you believe? Even if you don't believe all of the Bible, Nephilites were mentioned and there appears to be evidence of them actually walking the Earth. 
[Image: b445baecbc60c640dda018d41a641356.jpg] Big Bastards!

Quote:Genesis 6:4  The Nephilim were on the earth in those days,and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty menwho were of old, men of renown. 

How about those skulls found in S. A. in the 1920's, I understand they had DNA testing done and that all the results were never released to the public. Why?
[Image: Elongated-Skull-Peru-Red-Hair-450x549.jpg] 
Quote:DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls In Peru Are In And The Results Are Absolutely Shocking
Actually they did come back with very strange results. Read More:
Quote:How can we explain elongated skulls that are thousands of years old that contain genetic material “unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far”?  For months, many of us have been eagerly awaiting the results of the first DNA tests to ever be performed on the famous Paracas skulls.  The results for one of the skulls are now in, and the scientist that did the testing is declaring that this skull represents a “new human-like creature” unlike anything that has ever been discovered before.  So are these actually Nephilim skulls?  Do they come from a time when the world more closely resembled “the Lord of the Rings” than most people living today would ever dare to imagine?  There are those who believe that extremely bizarre hybrid races once roamed the planet.  With each passing year, the scientific evidence continues to pile up on the side of those that are convinced that the Nephilim actually lived among us.  As the knowledge of this evidence becomes more widespread, what is that going to do to the commonly accepted version of history that all of us have been taught?
If you are not familiar with the Paracas skulls, the following is a pretty good summary from a recent article by April Holloway
Quote:Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru.  It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 – a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years. A DNA analysis has now been conducted on one of the skulls and expert Brien Foerster has released preliminary information regarding these enigmatic skulls.
As Holloway noted, it is researcher Brien Foerster that has been leading the charge in reviving interest in these elongated skulls.  Now that the DNA results are in, interest in these skulls is almost certainly going to skyrocket.  The following quote from the geneticist that conducted the DNA analysis comes from Brien Foerster’s Facebook page.  Please keep in mind that this geneticist was not told the history of these skulls in advance.  So he was able to examine them without any preconceived notions.  What he found was absolutely shocking…
Quote:Whatever the sample labeled 3A has came from – it had mtDNA with mutations unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far. The data is very sketchy though and a LOT of sequencing still needs to be done to recover the complete mtDNA sequence. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
As I have written about previously, forensic analysis of these skulls show that they were not deformed by “cradle-boarding”.  There are many examples of skulls that have been “cradle-boarded” down in South America, but the skulls that Foerster has been investigating are much different from those skulls.  The following is more from April Holloway about these skulls…
Quote:The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavierthan conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been for decades.
In fact, in a previous article I discussed how a sample of red hair from one of these skulls was sent to a lab to be analyzed.  The tests on that sample of hair also showed that these skulls are not human.
Or at least they are not fully human.
So can we conclusively say that these are Nephilim skulls?
Of course many researchers are extremely excited about these findings, but they are warning everyone to stay cautious.  For example, consider what L.A. Marzulli is saying about these skulls…
Quote:Our Geneticist has had his mind blown as the email indicates, but we must be cautious with our conclusions until all the evidence can be examined.
With that in mind, take a good look at the two skulls in the picture above.  I took this photo when I returned to the Chongos Necropolis a few weeks ago.  The skull on the left shows only one parietal plate and a complete absence of a parietal suture.   Is this a genetic trait that is only found in the Paracas skulls?  If so, what does it signify?
Chongos is one of the most enigmatic places I have ever found myself in.  On this visit to the area we were accompanied by the mayor and an armed escort!   Chongos is where the sample for the DNA testing and the subsequent results I posted above, has come from.
Are these really Nephilim skulls?  In my opinion, the evidence is beginning to stack up in that direction, but we must be cautious and patient for all the evidence to come in.
Not done yet,,,, Do I have Your Attention?

Yes, Giants were real in my mind and the DNA results of those Skulls I think prove it.
Our Governments keep the Truth Hidden in Vaults or Destroyed.

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  Would You Pay 500, 1000 or even 2700 dollars
Posted by: guohua - 09-09-2016, 07:53 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)

Quote:Penn State Students Denounce Steep Price for Chelsea Clinton Event...
That's right, Penn State actually thought the Clintons care about the people and Not Money!  smallroflmao
Come on people, do you really think that ANY Clinton wants to mingle with the peasants for Free!

Quote:College Progressives at Penn State University were not happy with the steep entry price to a “Conversation with Chelsea” event featuring former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton, the least successful member of the Clinton political dynasty.

The event, which took place Wednesday in State College, Pa., charged $500 just to get in the door, and $1,000 for a photo with Chelsea. For $2,700, attendees would be granted access to a special reception with the guest of honor.

College Progressives at Penn State really wanted to be a part of the so-called “conversation,” but quite rightly noted that $500 was a hefty price that would exclude many college students from attending.
“Although we certainly support Chelsea’s right to campaign on her mother’s behalf, we do not agree with Mrs. Clinton choosing to make this ‘conversation’ available exclusively to individuals who can afford or are willing to pay at least $500,” saidEthan Paul, vice president of College Progressives of Penn State. “It is particularly deplorable that a $2,700 donation—the legal limit—gets a personal conversation with Mrs. Clinton.”

Others agreed. College Progressive Secretary Kathryn Van Develde said “putting such an expensive price on involvement in elections really hurts college students who already feel there is no point to politics.”
Chelsea Clinton lives with her husband, failed hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky, in a $10 million luxury condo in Manhattan.
[b][i]The price of admission includes a tattoo on the participant's forehead that says "I am a moron!"  :mediumserious: [/i][/b]

These People are surprised by the Clinton greed? Where the hell have they been for the last 30 years? HEY, Progressives!! YES YOU STUPID! The Clintons Only Care About Money and Power! 
  You're Shocked Aren't You:mediumomg:

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  Take A Seat and Have A Drink or Smoke
Posted by: guohua - 09-09-2016, 06:02 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto - Replies (13)

So get cleaned up Or Not and come have a drink or Whateve! minusculebiggrin  
Some of you need to Relax![Image: tumblr_n2pmzzBSjz1rnp09eo1_400.gif] 
So Dance [Image: beoynce-swing.gif] and drink [Image: champagne-mistakes-holding.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif] [Image: tumblr_m3ep5dfqof1qfw2dno1_250.gif] [Image: c0471eea-e4b1-459c-bf05-154b7faab1fd.gif]
And worry about that Shower or Bath Tomorrow!
[Image: tumblr_mdddr30NDD1rbhnqko1_400.gif]

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  The Mammoth Pirates
Posted by: 727Sky - 09-09-2016, 03:52 AM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (3)

Absolutely beautiful pictures at the above link:
With the ban on Ivory some enterprising Russians have found a way of getting rich while really causing a muddy mess. They are using high pressure water pumps to find Mammoth tusk that have been buried in the permafrost for several thousand years. Click the link for the many pictures and for a detailed description of their methods , the money, the life, and the damage. The blasted Mosquitoes would be enough to drive off all but the most hardy IMO.

Quote:By Amos Chapple

With the sale of elephant tusks under close scrutiny, “ethical ivory” from the extinct woolly mammoth is now feeding an insatiable market in China. This rush on mammoth ivory is luring a fresh breed of miner – the tusker – into the Russian wilderness and creating dollar millionaires in some of the poorest villages of Siberia.

One 65-kilogram tusk was sold for $34,000 and the same 2 guys found three more tusk..

They are also finding woolly rhinoceros skulls and if they are lucky the horn which can bring around $14,000 in parts of S.E. Asia.... However most will spend their summers excavating only to return empty handed....

Because the area villagers are very poor many used borrowed money to buy the water pumps for their digs... It might get very interesting when the loans are called depending on where they got their money from ?

Quote:Ravaged landscape is the obvious result of the tusk hunters’ methods, but the impact on Yakutia’s waterways is far-reaching.

At the end of the valley, this stream, thick with runoff from the tuskers' hoses, runs straight into the river. In a region famed for its fish, the men working this site now don’t bother to take fishing rods.

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  Little People, UFOs, & Secret Underground Bases in the Smoky Mountains
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-07-2016, 09:21 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (6)

I came across this podcast, The Higherside Chats, hosted by Greg Carlwood, where he is speaking with Mary Joyce who has been investigating the area in the Smoky Mountains and Western NC mountains since the late 1990s, and eventually wrote a couple of books about the area.
She talks about a lot of strangeness witnessed by Native Americans, Military personnel, and others in the podcast.  

I was intrigued because I grew up in the foothills of the Smokies, and I used to live in  the Pisgah National Forest in NC in my early twenties. 
Yep, I've just been surrounded by high strangeness all my life!   tinylaughing 

I know some other places like Stardust Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch get a lot of attention for the weird things that go on there.  But, now let's take a look at the other side of the country and learn what's going on in my neck of the woods. tinyhuh
I'm really interested in learning more about the Little People some have seen.  This is one thing I haven't experienced or seen... yet.

A link to a discussion about the little people can be found on Mary's website here: LINK

[Image: Underground-Military-Access-250x250.jpg]

Quote:While many people have their spotlight shining on the New Mexico Desert, they’re missing all the sweet, similarly secretive stuff going on in the polar opposite of the country, the mountains of North Carolina. And while giants dominate the narrative of other ancient humanoids, the lesser discussed legends of the little people living throughout the Carolina hills continues to persist. Listen as Greg and Mary take a complete 180 to discuss the legends and lore that are prominent throughout this region.

Here is a synopsis of the Podcast and where you can find it discussed:

Quote:2:20 Listen as Greg and Mary begin by giving some geographical context to the particular area under discussion. Mary details her initiation into the weird world of Secret Military Bases, UFO, and giants and how this led to the creation of her website Skyships Over Cashiers.
3:25 Opening Pandora’s box, Greg and Mary begin by discussing the existence of deep underground military base locations discretely scattered throughout the mountains of North Carolina. As Mary explains, of the 5 facilities studied in her book, The Smokey Mountain National Park is the most prominent and easily identifiable one. She also details the site within Mount Mitchell, the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi and the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, a facility remaining from the days of the Cold War.

6:15 As one of the largest underground facilities, Mount Mitchell is said to be it’s own self- sustaining habitat containing access to water and electricity and running up to 20 stories subterranean. With such an elaborate infrastructure in place, Mary elaborates on how this may give credence to the concept that Mount Mitchell is home to numerous UN troops. Listen as Mary explains that in 1972 under President Nixon, the US entered into the World Heritage Treaty, granting access of American lands to the UN and opening the floodgates for UN troop occupation.

13:30 Armed with a wealth of knowledge from former military associates, Mary catalogs the transportation of military equipment to these areas through aerial drops. Listen as Mary then details the extreme measures taken to discourage any type of investigation into the events in these areas, including but not limited to a “people repellent”.

16:20 After photographing several anomalous UFOs above the mountain range near PARI, Mary was compelled to document her findings, bringing about the birth of her site Skyships Over Cashiers. Listen as Mary identifies the numerous craft types she’s witnessed including the typical saucer, diamond shaped crafts, and oddly enough hovering boulders resembling volcanic rock. As the conversation continues, Mary and Greg discuss potential interactions with the pilots of these crafts, and whether their appearance in national parks in conjunction with growing list of disappearing people are related or simply just coincidence.

20:00 Greg and Mary continue down the path of weird by discussing her visit to the rolling mountains of Tennessee. Contacted by a man whose family lineage can be linked to the Euchee Indians and Ireland, Mary details the story of how his family fled their homeland and in their journey, brought with them little people who have resided on their family lands for centuries.

24:00 On the polar opposite end of the spectrum lay the giant. Listens as Greg and Mary discuss the history of giants, and the systemic efforts by academia to erase all proof of their existence.

31:20 Greg and Mary discuss the testimony of Hawk, a key witness to many Mount Mitchell anecdotes. A former Vietnam veteran and medic, he enlisted in the National Guard and was assigned surveillance duty. Listen as Mary details his eye witness account including the opening of the side of Mount Mitchell.

37:00 With the influx of military supplies heading into these mountains never to be seen again, Greg and Mary begin to speculate what the future holds. Listen as they discuss the circumstances for which the elite may be preparing, and the conditions currently being incubated throughout society that may lead them to exercise use of force.

41:00  Greg and Mary discuss what she refers to as the “blue moon”, or an object that has been photographed in the orbit of the sun.

45:00 Returning to the legends of the little people, Greg and Mary discuss the network of tunnels that runs beneath university grounds in Carolina. Accompanied by the discovery of small skeletons these tunnels built from red clay are presumed to those of the little people who inhabit the inner earth.

52:42 Listen as Greg and Mary discuss the history of the little people with the Cherokee. After migrating from the Great Lakes, the Cherokee were greeted by little people already occupying the area. Under the light of the moon, the legend states, little people with a blue tinted skin would emerge to tend to their gardens, collecting produce retreating back to within the mountains.

58:30 Greg and Mary examine Native American mysticism and occult practices. With their culture decimated by the white man, and most of the people marched through The Trail of Tears, Mary explains that the remnants of the Cherokee tribes in the southeast corner of the US are all but lost.

1:01:42 Listen as Greg and Mary discuss her work regarding a large mysterious petroglyph rock located in the land of the little people that predates the Cherokees known as the Judaculla Rock. Another example of an ancient artifact is “Lead Head”, which was unearthed after a flood in 1940 exposed the artifact that had carvings of what resemble a leprechaun.

1:10:42 Returning the the legends of giants and the Cherokee, Mary elaborates her research involving the Judaculla. Mary hypothesizes the mysterious Judaculla of the Native American legends may in fact be Bigfoot.

1:16:10 Listen as Mary describes her involvement in a Bigfoot gift exchange research project. While paused for now, Mary explains this type of research is best conducted during winter months when food supplies are more scarce. She also details interactions between local residents and Bigfoot habitats as well as the consequential aftermath.

1:24:32 Greg and Mary discuss the purpose of the Black Knight satellite. In an interesting turn of events, they discuss Tesla’s interaction with what he believed to be a transmitter from either Venus or Mars.

1:33:45 Check out Mary’s video about the the two kids in Roswell.

Here is a link to Mary's website where a lot of "strangeness" can be found: Link

Here is a link to the podcast and the source page:  LINK

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