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  A Look at the Many Sides of the Political Media
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 03-17-2017, 01:43 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Right vs. Left vs. Alternative Media

[Image: American-Flag_shutterstock_52044700.jpg]

I've come across several different views concerning President Trump's travel ban being stopped again by a judge in Hawaii.

Personally, I do find it suspicious that Obama re-routed his trip to make a stop in Hawaii and pay a visit with the Judge there, and shortly after, the judge put a stop on the travel ban. Something stinks to high heaven here!

But, that's just my opinion.  What do all the other views have to say?

Okay, let's get the conservative side up first, since that's how I listed it in the title:

This video comes from Fox news: http://video.foxnews.com/v/5362253703001...show-clips
(You'll have to click on the link to watch. )

I think the Fox news reporters did a good job covering the story.

Now, notice below how the Liberals choose words that give a negative spin on Trump and his fight to keep us safe.

The Liberal view:

                                            Trump travel ban: Second US judge block new executive order

Quote:Federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland have blocked US President Donald Trump's new travel ban, which was due to begin after midnight on Thursday.

The order would have placed a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations and a 120-day ban on refugees.
Both judges questioned the legality of the ban, which critics say is discriminatory.

President Trump insists the move is to stop terrorists from entering the United States.
He complained of "unprecedented judicial overreach".

An earlier version of the order, issued in late January, sparked confusion and protests, and was blocked by a judge in Seattle.
In Hawaii, District Judge Derrick Watson cited "questionable evidence" in the government's argument that the ban was a matter of national security.

US District Judge Theodore Chuang, sitting in Maryland, also ruled it was meant to be a ban on Muslims, and therefore violated the First Amendment.

Hawaii state had argued that the ban would harm tourism and the ability to recruit foreign students and workers, while in Maryland the plaintiffs argued it discriminated against Muslims and illegally reduced to number of refugees being accepted for resettlement in the US.

What did the judges say?
Judge Watson said the court had established a strong likelihood that, were the ban to go ahead, it would cause "irreparable injury" by violating First Amendment protections against religious discrimination.

In his 43-page ruling, he argued that a "reasonable, objective observer" taking into account the context of the Executive Order would conclude it "was issued with a purpose to disfavour a particular religion".

It notes statements made by Mr Trump such as a 2015 press release calling for "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", and his adviser Rudolph Guiliani, who said in a television interview in January: "When [Mr Trump] first announced it, he said: 'Muslim ban'. He called me up. He said: 'Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.'"

It also says there is a "dearth of evidence indicating a national security purpose".
In his ruling, Judge Chuang wrote: "To avoid sowing seeds of division in our nation, upholding this fundamental constitutional principle at the core of our nation's identity plainly serves a significant public interest."

(There is more, if you wish to continue reading: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39287656 )

"Hawaii state had argued that the ban would harm tourism and the ability to recruit foreign students and workers, while in Maryland the plaintiffs argued it discriminated against Muslims and illegally reduced to number of refugees being accepted for resettlement in the US."

Harm tourism?!  How about your tourism being harmed when the Islamic Extremists come over to "vacation" on your island and break all the windows in your pretty beach front hotels?  What about when they start attacking people in the street for no good reason, or beating and raping the women?!  

Recruit foreign students and workers?!  Well, those jobs should be offered to LEGAL AMERICANS first, right?  I bet a lot of young people would love to have a job and get started on planning their future, now that we have a president who is going to help us stand strong again by earning higher wages. Maybe they will be able to afford to get out of their parents basement!
I see no reason why foreign students couldn't come in.  They just have to be properly vetted first.

Now, moving on to the Alternative News:

                    Judges Inventing New Reasons to Obstruct Donald Trump’s Popular Immigration Reforms

Quote:These left-wing judges are competing with each other to throw invented legalistic roadblocks in front of Trump’s legal and proper defense of the nation’s borders, said Hans Von Spakovsky, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice who is now working for the Heritage Foundation.

“I don’t think the [various judges] have any professional shame about it — in fact, they’re being applauded by newspaper editors for actually ignoring the [Congress’] law and [Supreme Court] rulings based on their own personal policy preferences,” he told Breitbart.

The judges’ grab for power, despite the plain text of the Congress’ law and despite prior Supreme Court decisions, “is destructive of the rule of law, which is the entire basis of our Republic,” he said.

“It is a very bad development that threatens our democracy … [and] it looks like it is going to get worse [because] we’re going to have more and more litigation, and it is very clear that the progressive left wants to use the courts to fight way our democracy works,” he said, adding “I think what they doing is very anti-democratic.”

Read more here: Source

The article above brings out more interesting points not covered in the others, but the title is "leading" the reader's view.

Our next alternative site just comes out and says how most conservatives really feel about the matter, I think.    tinylaughing 

Treasonous Trip: Obama Secretly Jets to Hawaii and Screws Trump's Travel Ban

Okay, this site won't allow me to copy and paste, so...  
Read it here:  Article Link

And one more site that tells it straight from Trump's mouth, as he said it:  Info Wars, with Alex Jones.

Quote:Speaking from a rally in Nashville Wednesday night, the president said it was “unprecedented judicial overreach.”

“Let me give you the bad news,” Trump said. “We don’t like bad news, right? Let me give you the bad, the sad news. Moments ago, I learned that a district judge in Hawaii, part of the much overturned ninth circuit court, and I have to be nice or otherwise I’ll be criticized for speaking poorly about our courts…a judge has blocked our executive order. The order he blocked was a watered down version of the first order. That was also blocked by another judge and should have never been blocked to start with.”

“This new order was tailored to the ninth circuit’s dictates. The law and Constitution give the president the power to suspend immigration when he or she deems — fortunately, it will not be Hillary she…”

“We are talking about the safety of our nation,” he continued. “The safety and security of our people. You don’t think this was done by a judge for a political reason? This ruling makes us look weak, which by the way we no longer are. Just look at our orders…”

“We are going to take our case as far as it needs to go, even to the Supreme Court. We are going to win. I will not stop fighting for the safety of you and your families. Not today, not ever. We’re going to win it. We are going to win it. We are going to apply common sense. We are never quitting and we are never going away.”

U.S. District Judge Derrick K. Watson froze the order on Wednesday after the state filed a lawsuit against the president’s revised order last week.
The order, which temporarily bars the citizens of Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen from entering the United States for 90 days, was supposed to go into effect at midnight Wednesday.

Read the full article

Alex Jones is my favorite. He always shows documentation with his claims, or has people on who know what they're talking about.
If you're looking for "truth", I don't think it gets better than Info Wars with Alex.  Again, this is just my personal opinion.

So, there's several news sources covering the same story.  Did you notice how the wording can change the view of the reader? 
Do you see how the media brain-washes people to follow the narrative from their own view point?
(I did this myself when commenting about the liberals.  Sorry... couldn't help it! )

What is your opinion on these news sources? 

Which one do you think did the best job, presented facts to backup their claim,  while remaining neutral during reporting,  and allowing the reader to come to their own conclusion?

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  For Gordi...
Posted by: Jude - 03-16-2017, 09:42 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (5)

Move over son...We're being replaced.

You've probably seen this before but I thought I'd remind you of how old you're getting... tinybiggrin 

But not too old... tinybigeyes


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  Tales from Andros's Walk about
Posted by: Armonica_Templar - 03-16-2017, 07:56 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (8)

Chapter One

Trump Towers

The Briefing of a President Elect

The President Elect sat back and inhaled deeply, "This.. I see why I was advised to consider you for the post.." A member of Trump's staff was cut off by the President elect waving a hand, "General.. This report.."

"Yes sir..  We have to work with Admiral De'Chez.. I do not like the man but his son.. " Mattis looked the President elect straight in the eyes, "We both know you should of never been sitting here for this conversation.."

"So you are," The Aide was cut off again..

"Son.. My duty is not to a henchman be he Liberal or conservative.."

"They graduate this year dont they," Trump kept reading the file. "Your record alone was impressive.. This.. "

"I had to help clean up the good Captain's mess since he went active." Mattis took a deep breath, "You need to know this.."

Ivanka Trump smiled as she sat in the Chair next to her father, "The one kissing the brown hair female and the blonde.. "

Mattis got a look n his face, "The F#$%ing blonde.. Austin Artemis Parker.. The source of millions of hours of f#$%ing joint intelligence work.. Every time the two of them break up, Vice Admiral Jensen Deploys him.." One of the Secret Service Agents interupts and whispers in Mattis's ear, "God D@#$ it!! F#$%ing little A$$hole Rufus was correct.. Is Vice Admiral Jensen...."

"I was told to tell you that Operation Tailfish is a go.. " The Secret Service Agent nodded to the President elect as everyone stared at the Agent returning to his post..

"So why is," Ivanka went quiet as Mattis got up and scooted a chair next to her Father..

A scene appears on a hologram from a pad, "Mr. President Elect.. Allow me to introduce you to Captain Andros Nicodemus colt.. Circa 2089.."

Trump watches as as an Armored man jumps from a stealth bomber.. Squirrel wings deploy from Andros's armor as he seems to glide right towards the docks..

"That's New Jersey.. I recognize," Trump Pauses as he sees Captain Colt land on an Antenna of one of the boats.. "What is he," Trump is fascinated as Andros high dives into the water.

"Mr. President elect, so you know those boats are secretly running Sonar to stop this," Mattis smiles as he watches Andros crawling up the backside of a different boat..

Everyone is silent for the next thirty minutes as Andros boards and kills the crew one by one.. 

"Templar one to Prettyboy one," Andros seems to whisper as the loud sound of the boats seems to stop..

"What was the package," Trump looks at Mattis..

"Wait," Ivanka is engrossed as she watches another person appear from the Dock.. "A female version of.."

"Progect DPR.. Our Templar one when Captain Colt is busy," Mattis tries to enlarge the screen then it goes black..

"I apologize Mattis," a calm voice speaks.. "That is the limit of what I can allowed to be shared.. Mr. President Elect suffice it to say certain members of the present Administration had the basic building blocks of bio-weapons prepared for shipment overseas.."

The line is then cut coldly..

"Bio-weapons," Trump got a serious look on his face.

Mattis sighs, "Last year.. Several members of the DoD were executed by Captain Colt on orders from the young man you met."

"The one who stayed out of the election," Trumps son asked?

"Yes.. " Mattis was stone faced, "Those kids as you called them are no longer children.. The ones executed it turns out were.. Well affiliated with certain Muslim factions involved in infiltration."

"They had Americans executed with out trial," Trump leaned back again.

"They were shipping supplies for various devices.. The only thing that arrived were there bodies of their inside men.. Chopped up into little pieces.." Mattis saw the look on the advisers faces, "I believe Mr. Macer let his mother extract the promise from him so the others would rig the election in your favor.. I think he was tired of the clean up from the present group."

Reading between the lines, "How many of these missions has the Captain been on?"

"One hundred and four.. Not counting the first set after Mrs. Parker and him broke up.."

Ivanka whispered to her brother, "The first thirty two medals.."

Mattis eyed Ivanka coldly for a moment as Trump raised an eye brow in intrest, "Yes..  What you might not be aware of is the.. Mr. President Elect.. I have permission to brief you partially on this.. Physically Mr. Colt was Fourteen, but it became my opinion after reading the files that I had an experience operative available.. What I am about to tell contains no redacted information and should anyone try and use this information.." Mattis looked at Flynn, "May god have pity on them because no ONE and I mean no one will be able to save them.."

"So I am supposed to be afraid of these kids from Tesla institute.." Flynn laughed, "What are they gonna do have me killed in a back alley.."

Mattis said nothing as Flynn's face lost color..

"Your kidding me," Flynn tried to laugh..

"The Clinton Foundation's wet works operative.. A piece of her was shipped UPS to all the dirty operatives of the Clintons on election night.. Ole bill even got a piece.." Mattis Chuckled after he spoke.. 

Mattis stopped when he saw a masonic ring on one of the Secret Service agents hands for a second.. No one caught the Agent as he turned its red cross it back around..


Chapter Two

I am not fat, I am big boned

A much taller teenager was fighting a heavy set kid, "Go down.. What the F#$%?"

The heavy set kid had his fist up oddly, "The night Chubby went crazy..."

An older man walked up to the scene and was wide eyed, "Son what is your brother doing?"

"Dad.. That.." Holding an ice pack over his eye, "They jumped us and Mr. Colt came flying off the second deck.. Chubby is.. Sir, He is fighting trust, dad.." 

The father turns as chubby takes a solid hits on his gut, "They are all Trust and chubby isnt.."

The father is wide eyed as a female is holding an Infant, "Tora Frost, Mr. Nicolas.. "

"Gets your hands up Chubbs.. One two," The Father is watching as his step son brings up his fist, "How is he taking that.. Georing is a ninth Gen.."

"Easy sir.. Chubby is a Marine sir," Andros grins.. "Well will be.."

To the old man's astonishment his stepson lands a right hook on the much stronger and faster Georing, "But he is a norm.. His mother.. I mean.. Get him son.. By the numbers.. Follow up!"

Chubby starts landing one blow for every four a panicked Georing lands..

"It aint fat A$$hat ..its padding," Chubby taunts Georing as several of the Trust adults are all nervous looking at Andros and Tora..

"How is," Chubby lands a blow on Georings nose breaking it.. "My.. My nose.."

Georing is backing up in fear as he cant drop the fat little kid..

"Thats it my boy.. F#$% em up.. " The Step Father has pride in his voice as his norm stepson has the ninth gen on the ropes, "Body shots now!!"

Goering is trying to get away from the heavy set kid as several blows land on his ribs and his hits are having now no effect..

"Now Sargent Chubbs," Andros growls..

Chubbs starts dodging the tired Georing's blows.. After Georing over extends Chubbs breaks the Ninth Gen's leg with a loud crack..

The crying and scared ninth gen tries crawling to his parents as Chubbs grabs him by the back of hair..

"Please.. I.. Did not ," Georing winces as chubbs jumps on his ribs with his knees, breaking them..

"You called my Mama a whore.. Now you will all submitt to the Chubbs or he will KILL you!!" Chubby was a little bruised, "Now your gonna apologize to my and Johnny's mama.."

A terrified woman walked up, " Omar.. He.."

The trust parents all bowed their heads to the terrified woman..

Shaking a man spoke, "Tora.. Daughter of the Director.." The comment made the woman turn to Tora, "Please do not kill my daughter you are holding.. I .."

Andros speaks in Tora's voice, "Are you requesting a boon from Chubbs?"

"Please.." The man gulps, "Mr. Chubbs.. I beg you to spare my sons life and that of my infant daughter.."

Omar smiles with Pride as he reaches over and holds his wife..

"All of you get on your hands and knees and kiss my Mama's feet.. " Chubbs stands up on the back of Goering, "Telling her she is pretty and you will never raise a hand to my brother or me.."

Andros adds in Chubbs voice, "And you sign Treaties with Alexander Delano Macer.."

"That is not part of the deal," Georing's father is pissed off..

"Is now," Chubbs grins. "I will spare your daughter instead of dipping her in bbq sauce for an appitizer.."

Omar growls, "Or me and my boys finish what you started.."

The Trust man angrily goes to the ground on his knees, he bends over and kisses Omar's wife's feet.. "You are pretty.."


Chubbs is munching on A chicken sandwhich with bacon and taco meat on it.  he is dipping in a ketchup, bbq, mayonaise, and mustard mix.. "So I can eat what ever I want.."

"Pretty much Chubbs.. You may never look pretty but your body produces the fat as a result of the unique conditions of your birth." Andros looks at Chubby's mother, "Jane.. Because you carry that weird switch on that cats have.. You got pregnant with and carried Johnny and Chubbs at the same time.."

"My blood mixed with My half brothers.. So his fat is just literally padding.. His body will forever keep a certain percentage of fat," Johnny watched as he brother sucked down his third milkshake..

"You have been starving him not meaning to.. His body has a version of the Ozzy gene when it comes to bad calories as the PC crowd calls them. " Andros motioned for A set of asian food to be brought over, "Chubbs you do have to slow your speed of eating.." Seeing Chubbs glare at him, "Hey Sarge.. Your the one that said you felt better eating slow. I ll be d@#$ed if I know.."

"I told you that?"

"Doctor Gera told me that .." Andros looks at Omar and Jane, "Well your son Chubbs also has slightly different brain chemistry.. IT appears that a his brain chemistry goes.. Well Omar it goes like his brother when he is pissed or upset.. You will need to teach him the ways of the trust like Johnny."

Jane looked away in shame, "You know how he was concieved.. I.."

"Your first husband is Chubbs father.. Omar is Johnny's father and that you cheated on your husband with Omar.." Andros looks at both boys, "Omar did deal with your mother's first husband.. Chubbs he beat the S#$% out of your mother.."

"Mr. Colt.. That is between us and not.."

Omar was interupted by Chubbs, "It is ok dad.. If he hit mama I hope you made him pay.. Mama loves you.. I consider myself the affiar child not johnny.. Dad.. Your my father..."

Omar has a tear fall, "Chubbs.. I mean.."

"I like chubbs.. Dad.. My question is what bloodline have I been adopted into.." Chubbs burps, " Asian food.."

"So my son is.. Technically trust," Jane looks at her two boys.. "He can eat anything he wants? There will be no health issues.."

"Swing up and see Doctor Gera.. Do not take my word for it, " Andros smiles as Tora walks up with a college age woman with her arm bent behind her back..

" I do not care that you are Director Frost's Daughter.." The college female is shoved forward, "What do you think you are doing?"

Andros stands up Chubbs and whispers in his ear..

"Mr. Colt," Jane is upset in her voice as her Husband stops her.. "Omar.."

The Twelve year old Chubbs swallows hard as he looks at the College age girl, "Kyla.."

Johnny hops up and whispers into his brother's ear..

"By right of," Chubbs listens as Andros whispers in his other ear.. "By right of Combat.. I Chubbs here.. Here by declare you a prize.." Horror crosses Kyla's face.. "As such Your marriage Contract with Georing is hereby annulled because he is a dumb F@#$.."

Omar Chuckles as several trust people are staring wide eyed..

Andros steps forward and speaks in Chubbs voice, "Kyla Boudine.. I hereby free you to marry who ever you want per my right as victor."

Kyla shakes in fear bowing her head, "Mr. Colt of the Kean bloodline.."

"Kyla," Tora speaks as she shakes her head.. "On behalf of the Frost Bloodline.. I can not in good concious let this poor child not have a preceptor. As a free woman may I request you accompany Chubby as his preceptor to his medical check up with doctor Gera.."

"His preceptor.." She looks at the chubby Twelve year old, "I am not sleeping with him.."

Andros speaks first, "You are not required to.. But should you accept this job as his Preceptor.. Your College will be paid for COMPLETELY.. You will act more as his teacher separate from his mother.."

Jane becomes loud, "She is not..He is my baby.."

"And my son," Omar responds.. "She is NOT required to teach him the ways of sex Jane. That was the exception.. " Seeing his wife anger, "We get an over paid nanny.."

"Wait.." Kyla looks at Chubbs, "He is a norm.. Why, no how, would he qualify for a Preceptor?"

"Because Doctor Gera will insist.." Andros smiles, "Plus I think Jane and Omar want a vacation. And if you.."

"Baby.. We can go drive around the country.. We only need to give her room and board. "Plus the trust will not respect you jane as a norm. a preceptor can help negotiate the Marriages," Omar stuck his hand out..

Kyla did not respond, "I am free to say no.."

Jane sighs and takes her husbands hand away, "The Franklin Trust requires that if the deal is made the Senior Female responsible for the child has to agree.."

"All of my college up to my doctorate," Kyla narrows her eyes.. Andros nods yes as Chubby seems to be really happy, "I do NOT and will not F#$% him! so we are clear.."

"Ok.. But you have to Negotiate for Johnny as well.. Mrs. my trust head is stuck up my A$$," Tora growls..

"Kyla.. Keep in mind a small warning," Andros smiles evilly. "You have to be careful with supersized snowflake here.. He just went toe to toe with a ninth gen in straight combat.. You already have a ring in the boys nose.."

"She does not have a ring in my nose," The twelve year old chubbs is embarassed..

"Chubbs," Kyla shakes her head. "Do not let MR. Colt bait you.."

"Yes mam," Chubbs narrows his eyes at Andros..

Jane tries to hide her laugh as she squeezes her husbands hand..

"Sergant.. I have to leave.. The watch is yours," Andros winks.. "Remember you need to work those muscles under your padding.. USe it as an excuse to eat more.. Listen to Doc.."

With a milkshake in his hand, "Aye Captain.. I got the watch sir.. F#$% you sir on the exercise.." Chubbs jumped feint at one the trust members staring.. 

The person Chubbs jumped at flinched back..


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  Linda Moulton Howe video
Posted by: 727Sky - 03-16-2017, 01:25 PM - Forum: Alien Interference - Replies (3)

I usually listen to her before I go to sleep. This is one of her latest videos

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  Next Contest: Suggestions
Posted by: Armonica_Templar - 03-15-2017, 10:08 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (4)

I am curious when we will be having the next contest

My suggestion is perhaps we have several different styles lined up for an arc of contest..

Fan Fiction

You the author in your favorite universe



Write a story for an Actor that is no longer Acting
But the Actor has to be alive

Alternate history 

The story has to be set in an Alternate universe
(LFS- lol- Nazi's won, Americans lost ARW)

The stories are required to be in a fantasy setting


TV show pilot

you write a TV show pilot for a specific network



You have to write a romance novella


Can be set in different genere

but has to be pure military fiction


Childrens story

A childrens story as if it was going to be sold in a childrens market


Novel Sequel

Write a sequel to a novel that does not have one to your knowledge
or perhaps needs a better one



Why because it is halloween time


Non fiction

The hardest one
Find a non fiction idea and write at least a ten thousand word entry on the subject


JJ Abrahams Reboot

Pick a movie you love and do a Reboot for the franchise

This is just an idea

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  Brazil's President Flees Haunted Residence
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 03-15-2017, 04:14 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (4)

[Image: 700_42851b860c456466dc3640276f1ec5a7.jpg?v=1489584059]

Brazilian president, Michel Temer, claims his official residence, Alvorada Palace, is haunted, so he had to leave.

Quote:Haunted residence?
Michel Temer may be a powerful and influential man but there is little he can do against spirits. His official residence, Alvorada Palace, is a sumptuous and lavish home. Boasting a huge lawn, a chapel, a medical center, and even a football field it is a truly opulent domicile with a downside, the apparent existence of spirits. Temer moved into the still lavish but less so vice presidential abode recently after complaining of feeling "bad energy" or "bad vibes".

"I felt something strange there. I wasn't able to sleep right from the first night. The energy wasn't good. We even started to wonder: could there be ghosts?" He was quoted as saying. His wife Marcela also felt the strange presence and supported her husband's decision.

Marcela also enlisted the aid of a priest to hopefully clear the residence of unnatural or evil energy, but apparently, the attempt was not a success, perhaps another priest more specialized in the removal of spirits may be enlisted. The residence stands empty for now until something can be done about it.

There has been much come to public awareness over the last decade to explain many of the "paranormal" experiences people have.
And, when you are a public official living in the "official residence", I'd say it has been set up with all kinds of technology to scare the residents, if need be.

Quote:The elected president was impeached for breaking laws related to budgets so Michel Temer, the vice president at the time, was immediately sworn into office. This, alongside his movement from one opulent house to another, has come at an inopportune moment, there is much unrest within the country, and these occurrences are doing little to appease it.
(Highlights added by me)


Ah-ha!  The president was impeached for moving out?   Well now, that sheds some light on things. tinysure

Yeah, so it's my opinion this was only some high technology being used on the man to scare him out of the house so they could have an excuse to impeach him.
It doesn't even have to be installed in the home; they can also send out people who can astral project to cause the feeling of "being watched", or cause other mischief. There is also the "voice of god" technology used through cell towers to affect one's thoughts. 

Just in the off chance that this was a real haunting, it could be that the house was built on a ley line that has an existing portal to other dimensions located nearby.  I do believe in ghosts, but with so much technology to explain things now, I'd say, in this case, it was done by humans.    tinywondering

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Posted by: 727Sky - 03-15-2017, 01:56 PM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (6)

keep getting a message that says you must enter 85 characters or less when trying to make a reply... Never saw that before ?

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  Are Bill and Hillary Clinton Dying?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 03-14-2017, 08:02 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (5)

According to this article, Trump was told that Bill and Hillary are both in ill health, and are dying.
He took mercy on them hearing this and chose not to go after them for their many crimes against humanity.

[Image: ill-clintons-700x350.jpg]

Quote:President Trump has been told that Bill and Hillary Clinton are dying, according to a White House insider who works closely with the president.

A merciful Trump took pity on Bill and Hillary Clinton upon hearing of their ill-health. Not because he approves of pedophilia, corruption, or murder. No, because he is a spiritual man who can see that karma has caught up with them and is about to pay them back with a vengeance.
“Their fate in hell far exceeds any punishment we could impose on that pair. We must concentrate on the network of crooks, pedophiles and traffickers that exist right now and prosecute them with the full force of the law,” Trump told the team in a closed-door meeting at the White House.
Trump also believes that the Clintons are a fading force in US politics. Bill’s career is well and truly over and Hillary is a thoroughly defeated figure, languishing at rock bottom in nationwide approval rating polls.
It is believed that a blockbuster Clinton trial would destabilize a country already racked by division, and a guilty verdict would transform the deeply unpopular duo from despised and rejected figures into undeserved martyrs.
President Trump, playing the long game, does not wish to give the DNC this gift.
According to the White House insider it is former president Obama, who has been ignoring the customary peaceful transferral of power, who is viewed as the greater threat to the Trump presidency.

The White House insider also explained that the leaks coming out of the White House would “soon dry up” as Obama-era holdovers were removed, and staff loyal to the president were appointed to key positions of trust.
The leaks, “half-truths and outright lies“, have been pounced on by mainstream media and used to smear President Trump.
On Friday dozens of US Attorneys were given notice to hand in their resignations, as Trump continues cleaning house and streamlining government.


Not sure if I believe this, but I guess it's possible.  Bill looks like he's already dead, and she is well on her way. 
I wish I could feel the same mercy for them that Trump does... but, I don't!   tinyok

On the other hand, maybe this is a cover to allow them to "die", while they are secretly escorted to their underground bunkers to live out the remainder of their lives. They have to know the truth is coming out, and when the public finds out, the shit will hit the fan!

I am really looking forward to the day when her faithful "servants" learn just what a big criminal she and Bill really are. Until it is shown in documented evidence, her "fans" will remain behind her.  What a blow this will be to them.   tinysure  
GOOD!  Maybe that will knock them down off their high horse a few yards! smallgreensmoker

NEXT:  OBAMA! smallupset

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  1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against Government & MSM For Staging ‘Sandy Hook’
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 03-14-2017, 05:15 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

Quote:In a shocking twist of the Sandy Hook saga, Filmmaker and renowned Author William Brandon Shanley decided to pursue a number of lawsuits in excess of more than $1 Trillion against the mainstream media and government back in 2014. Shortly after, he was framed and thrown in jail. Now he’s out an refiling these lawsuits, albeit sightly fearful for his life.

It seems book author and film maker William Brandon Shanley, the producer of The Made-for-TV Election starring Hollywood movie star Martin Sheen, was getting a little too close to the truth.

Well, this is interesting!  Maybe we'll get some answers now.... or, maybe not, being as many of the people involved are now dead or have disappeared.

Imagine that!   tinysure

[Image: 1464890989kk.jpg]

Quote:The good news is there is no physical evidence anyone died at Sandy Hook School. What is most troubling, however, is that former New Haven Register Reporter, Michael Bellmore, 27, and Western Connecticut State Police Commander, Major William Podgorski, 49, a lead Sandy Hook investigator, are dead, as well as JoAnn June Egletes, 53, a secretary to Attorney Irving Pinsky who had the temerity to file a $100,000,000 lawsuit against the State of Connecticut for terrorizing his client. Other key witnesses are also missing, dead, have resigned, retired or otherwise vanished from the scene.

The constellation of correlations of anomalies and documentary evidence convince us beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was an emergency drill redirected to deceive the public. If truth be told, public servants and surrogates ate all the best parts of the picture. That pattern exposes with utmost precision their pompous perfidy in 3D living color for the whole world to see.Here is what we (and many other contributing investigators and researchers) found in our investigation:

* The final report from the Connecticut public employees does not include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting.

* The Town Clerk of Newtown entered into secret negotiations with the Connecticut state legislature to avoid releasing their death certifications

* The Connecticut State Attorney General opposed the release of the 911 calls and had to be denied withholding them by courts
* A special panel of the state legislature recommended state employees who released information about Sandy Hook be subject to an E-felony

* The crime scene was destroyed. Those who were involved in the demolition of the school building itself were required to sign life-time gag orders about anything they saw or did not see

* There was no surge of EMTs into the building, no line of ambulances, no physical proof anyone died–and not even the parents were allowed to see their children

* Life Star medevac helicopter service was not alerted to the bloodbath

* According to Sedensky’s report, there were 489 students and 82 staff and faculty present, for a total of 571 combined that should have been evacuated from the school, but you can search in vain: there is no aerial footage of a mass evacuation

* Sandy Hook Elementary School appears to have been closed in 2008 because of the presence of bio-hazards and the expense of upgrading to meet ADA requirements

* The Newtown Bee published an interview with the school principal, Dawn Hochsprung, during the shooting itself, but she was officially already dead

* The “iconic” photograph taken by Newtown Bee Associate Editor Shannon Hicks was staged, “smoking gun” proof that this event was a drill

* The FBI report on the shooting, which was commissioned by President Obama, has been massively redacted, rendering it virtually unintelligible

* The “parents” (who may be playing roles) and first responders have received millions of dollars from fundraising sites, with millions more coming from the federal government

* Paul Preston, a school safety expert, received confirmation from several contacts in the Department of Education that the Massacre had been a drill and no one had died

* Two Connecticut State Troopers have confirmed to Wolfgang Halbig that the 11,000 page report he has in hand, prepared by State Attorney Steven Sedensky, was “the script” for the Sandy Hook drill that terrorized the nation

* According to Connecticut State’s Attorney, Stephen Sedensky’s own report, there were no fingerprints on the .22 rifle that Adam allegedly used to shoot his mother and, even more surprisingly, that of the large number of shots that were fired from the 5.56 calibre Bushmaster (close to 150 rounds), none of the bullet fragments could be matched to the weapon.

For those of us who followed the Sandy Hook case, we knew something just didn’t add up and after you read Shanley’s statement and watch the documentary listed below, you will understand why:



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  Atlantis Egypt Missing Link Discovered, Changing History!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 03-14-2017, 04:05 PM - Forum: Lost and Ancient - Replies (3)

Dive in to this three-part video series and discover some amazing ancient artifacts Dr. Carmen Boulter presents to prove history is not what we were taught!  She shares pictures of her never-before-seen discoveries that will impress even the most skeptical historian.
Why were ancient Egyptian artifacts discovered in Turkey?

All videos are current, the first being released this year.


Quote:Changing History Forever!
In this earth-shattering episode full of historic revelations, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Pyramid expert Dr. Carmen Boulter back to the show for some History Changing Revelations about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut’s tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period. Exclusive PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE provided in this Part 1 episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, Changing History Forever!

Amazing Akhenaten Discovery Dates Egypt Back to 10,000 BC
This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing of the artifacts reveals the extraordinary data that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal like includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. It raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from Royal Atlantis and is linked with advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been portrayed by mainstream Egyptologists in a way that suggests that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic "mad king", says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt. Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and exotic origins in a secret sacred tomb in Turkey? The newly released Bombshell Photographs answer that question with a resounding YES!

In this stunning episode, Dr. Boulter she explains that her new discoveries, inspired by her intuitive sense as well as her expertise as a researcher, reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to Turkey and escaped their vicious treachery. She also explores the possibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were Atlantean supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement.

Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, 'The Pyramid Code' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to build the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called 'The New Atlantis' will unveil her cutting edge and exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations!



New Explosive Archaeological Discovery Shows Egyptian Royal Pharaoh Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti Deep Connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis in Ancient Artifacts dated to 10,000 B.C.!

In this stunning Part Two episode with Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Expert Dr. Carmen Boulter she explains that her new and historic discoveries at a remote site in Turkey of an extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts reveal a connection to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb opens up all kinds of questions for our dating of Ancient Egyptian as well as Atlantean history. As Dr.Boulter explains, 'this is history in the making and the stunning discovery will forever change the story of early humanity and the rise of civilization!'

Atlantis, often scorned by academics as a myth, was said by the Greek Philosopher Plato to have been an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic that sank into the ocean due to its spiritual demise. Later, during the 20th century, the Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise in modern times near what is now Bimini off the Coast of Florida. When a huge structure known as the Bimini Wall was seen by researchers near Bimini in 1968 it sparked a new wave of interest in the reality of the legendary Atlantis that continues through to the present.

Excitement, Mystery, Controversy, Intrigue
A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and her classic five-part Netflix series 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantis Royal Family: Atlantean Princess
The groundbreaking discovery throws a completely new light on the age of the royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal lineage includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. With the discovery of an Atlantean Princess at the site with the Ancient Egyptian Amarna Artifacts, It raises all kinds of important questions about humanity's early history.

It strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with legends of their advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

Stunning, Controversial, Explosive and Fascinating, you don't want to miss this extraordinary, history-changing Dark Journalist episode!


(See even more pictures in this one, not shown in the previous episodes.)

Akhenaten Nefertiti Starseed Royal Atlantean Lineage
In this fascinating and stunning third installment of the special investigation of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts recently discovered in Turkey, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Dr. Carmen Boulter from the University of Calgary. Dr. Boulter provides us with an update of this unprecedented discovery of objects that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb that closely resemble the Amarna period of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Queen Nefertiti and King Tut.

This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband’s fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But the early testing of the artifacts reveals that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna Royal Family was a Starseed lineage transferred down from the Royal Adepts of Atlantis and is linked with extraordinary spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.

The Discovery of The Century: 10,000 B.C.
A great deal of intrigue, controversy and excitement hangs over these amazing findings that were excavated in Turkey inside a concealed mountain vault tomb. Dr. Boulter is a leading expert on Ancient Egypt and the classic five-part Netflix series she produced 'The Pyramid Code' changed the way we look at the level of technological and spiritual development in ancient times. Her deep involvement in this amazing find has not only given it great credibility, it has also resulted in rigorous scientific testing being done on these objects. The explosive initial results give an earth shattering date of 10,000 B.C. to these classically Dynastic Egyptian artifacts. That predates the historic Egypt by 8,000 years!

Atlantean Colonies and Missing Links: Gnossus and Crete
The extensive collection of Ancient Egyptian artifacts that were discovered reveal a missing link to the Lost Continent of Atlantis. The evidence of an Atlantean Princess found among the ruins of the Secret Tomb in Turkey and the presence of objects that appear to resemble Goddess artwork from the the civilizations of Crete and Gnossus, suggests that these were legacy cultures of true Atlantean colonies. These colonies maintained the ancestral memory of an advanced civilization that possessed high technology and spirituality that claimed the stars as their true home. Their stories of a lost motherland strongly coincides with Plato’s classic legend told to him by the Egyptian Priest Solon about an advanced culture located somewhere in the Atlantic, which “sank beneath the waves” 8,000 years earlier due to the spiritual decadence of its denizens.

Hall of Records
The “Sleeping Prophet”, Edgar Cayce predicted that ruins of this lost continent would rise again in modern times, near what is today the Bahamian island of Bimini. The 1968 discovery a structure located in shallow water, dubbed the “Bimini Wall” sparked a renewed interest in the reality of Atlantis. Cayce also saw that a Hall of Records containing records from Atlantis and the key to their advanced technology was located beneath the Sphinx on the Giza Plateau in Egypt!

Dr. Boulter’s new documentary series, called ‘The New Atlantis’ will reveal her exciting new findings of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history and which she posits formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Maya and Inca Civilizations.

Stunning, Controversial, Explosive and Fascinating, you don't want to miss this extraordinary, history-changing Dark Journalist episode!


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