
Full Version: Mood Music
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Yeah. Today we party. I am going to command at least one of you to join me while partying, online. It is an executive order by the Biden Administration. minusculebeercheers 



  1. (intransitive) To assemble in masks; to take part in a masquerade.
  2. (intransitive) To frolic or disport in disguise; to make a pretentious show of being what one is not.
  3. (transitive) To conceal with masks; to disguise.

Bill Gates wants to block the Sun. And i want to block Bill Gates.

This should bring back a few memories
Calm Sunday morning going on. And some DUCKSTEP!

So long good friends. I must go now.
I have forgotten no one. As the Shadows move from right to left, you are in my days, with the fragrance of Spring, and it brings me a smile

[Image: Beer-Logic1111-2.jpg]

[Image: 12541001-10208566291057653-74295728845690731-n.jpg]

Sleep time. Dancing girl. 'Nuff said.

Well that sucks! I dunno why it's age restricted, there ain't no nudity or anything. I'm prudish about that...

I woke up feeling totally grumpy. 

I always listen to some calm music in the tiny hours of the night when i wake up. it helps a bit. This time it is helping a LOT! I am feeling calm, and i view the future as neutral with some opportunities and some risks (as opposed to total unavoidable devastation).

I am not expecting you to listen the whole 12 hour piece, i have listened for half an hour now. Just one or two minutes gives you the whole idea.

"ADHD Relief, Deep Focus Music with Pulsation, ADD Music for Concentration, ADHD Music"

[Image: 73Ix.gif]

