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Two people shot dead at university in Michigan.
And we're off again, another tragedy and another political-points news-cycle.

Quote:Two people shot dead at university in Michigan.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3308]

'Two people have been shot dead at Central Michigan University in the US.
The university said the shooting had started on the fourth floor of Campbell Hall at around
8.30am on Friday, local time.

The two dead were not students or staff at the university, police said.
There were no other injuries.

CMU Police Lieutenant Larry Klaus said the campus is still "on active lockdown and students
are sheltering in place".

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3309]
James Davis.

He said police had contact with the suspect, James Eric Davis Jr, the previous evening and that
he had been taken to hospital "due to what police believe might have been a drug-type incident
-an overdose or bad reaction to drugs".

He would not give any details on the possible motive for the shooting or the suspect's relationship
to the victims, saying only that it was believed to be "a domestic-type incident".
He also did not reveal the type of weapons used in the shooting.

Officials in Mount Pleasant, where the campus is located, described the suspect as a black 19-year-old,
5ft 10in tall and wearing yellow jeans and a blue hoodie. Rhey added: "He is considered armed and

Officers have been scouring the campus on foot and helicopters have been seen searching for the
suspect from above. Jeff Browne, Mount Pleasant Police public information officer, said anyone who sees
Davis should not approach him but should call 911 immediately.

He added: "The important thing is to know our community is safe (but we) ask that everybody stay inside
at this time."

Halie Byron, 20, said she locked herself in her off-campus house, about 10 minutes' walk from Campbell Hall.
She said: "It's scary thinking about how easy a shooter can come into a college campus anywhere
-a classroom, a library. "There's so much easy access."

Parents hoping to collect their children for spring break were told to go to a local hotel instead...'

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Perhaps the biggest gift and the biggest horror of human kind is the ability survive anything. If we could say NO MORE then we would have such a beautiful world.
The words of a song says it all, if we understood the words of this song the world would be a much better place
(03-02-2018, 08:06 PM)Wallfire Wrote: ...The words of a song says it all, if we understood the words of this song
the world would be a much better place...

I humbly agree WF.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Yes, perfect timing, although I don't think this one was a political move, but I could be wrong. 

Still, the common detonator is present... drugs. 

Maybe the Powers That Be should be concentrating on getting the kids off drugs instead of doing everything in their power to make sure they get on them.  tinyok 

There was also another shooting that hasn't been reported too widely.  I guess it wasn't staged, so no need for high coverage.  This one didn't carry out the plan.  Another shooting at the gun free zone campus of Central Michigan University, but the shooter went into the bathroom and shot himself before shooting any other students.
(03-02-2018, 08:54 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: ...There was also another shooting that hasn't been reported too widely...

It's always the same, if it isn't a baseball hat-wearing white male who has a gun rack in his
pick-up truck, then they'll leave it alone. The drugs situation in today''s schools is also a subject
they don't wish to discuss.

I mean if that's sorted, where the hell is the next generation of adults gonna get their fix from?!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(03-02-2018, 08:54 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Yes, perfect timing, although I don't think this one was a political move, but I could be wrong. 

Yes, I think I WAS wrong.   It appears they are using this one to tell us adults should not have guns... period, because the "children" can get their hands on them.  This story kind of breaks the reasoning that raising the age limit to buy a gun would do any good.

Notice how the headline is worded:  Police: Gun in campus shooting belonged to suspect's dad

Quote:MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. (AP) — A 19-year-old student suspected of killing his parents at a Central Michigan University dormitory had been acting so strangely the day before that campus police called his mother and then took him to a hospital for suspected drug abuse, authorities said Saturday.

Central Michigan University police Chief Bill Yeagley told reporters that James Eric Davis Jr.'s parents had just picked him up from the hospital and brought him to his dorm to pack up when the shooting happened Friday. He said the gun used in the shooting belonged to Davis' father, James Davis Sr., a part-time police officer in the Chicago suburb of Bellwood.

Yeagley would not say whether the father had brought the gun to campus when picking up his son, but he noted that Davis Jr. can be seen on video in the dorm's parking lot with the gun before he entered the residence hall where his parents were shot around 8:30 a.m. Yeagley also would not say what type of gun was used or whether it was Davis Sr.'s service revolver. He also would not say whether drugs had been found in Davis Jr.'s system.

Davis Jr. was arrested without incident shortly after midnight following an intensive daylong search that included more than 100 police officers, some heavily armed in camouflage uniforms, authorities said. Authorities found Davis after someone aboard a train spotted a person along railroad tracks in Mount Pleasant, where Central Michigan University is located, and called police, Yeagley said. Davis appeared to be hypothermic and "not making a lot of sense" when police arrested him, the chief said, and he was again being treated at a hospital on Saturday.

The shooting occurred on a day when parents were arriving to pick up students at the university about 70 miles (110 kilometers) north of Lansing for the beginning of a weeklong spring break.

Yeagley said that police had first come into contact with Davis Jr. on Thursday morning when he came running into a community police officer's office in his dorm "very frightened" but "not making a lot of sense."

"He said someone was out to hurt him, someone was going to harm him, and the officer calmed him down and tried to gain more information about what was going on. ... Mr. Davis was very vague and he kept talking about someone having a gun," Yeagley said.

Davis eventually talked about riding in a dorm elevator with the person, and police went to talk to the individual Davis had identified.
Yet Yeagley said that when officers determined that the person posed no threat — and reviewed video from the elevator that showed Davis and that person laughing and no sign of a threat — Davis said he was fine and was leaving campus Friday for spring break.

Hours later, officers spotted Davis in a dorm hallway with his suitcases, acting strangely, Yeagley said. When officers tried to talk to him, he again wasn't making sense, Yeagley said. They asked Davis to call his parents, which he did. An officer then spoke to Davis' mother, Diva Davis, told them about her son's behavior, their concerns about possible drug use and asked her whether he had a history of drug use, Yeagley said.
"The mother said she too was concerned this could be drugs," Yeagley said.

Following the shooting, police released a photo of Davis Jr. and urged the public to call 911 if they saw him but also warned that he shouldn't be confronted.

The Davis family is from Plainfield, Illinois, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) southwest of Chicago. Davis Jr. graduated from Central High School in 2016, said Tom Hernandez, a spokesman for Plainfield School District 202.

Bellwood Police Chief Jiminez Allen released a statement Friday night praising Davis Sr.'s work.
Davis' "contributions to our community positively impacted everyone he served and served with," Allen said.

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