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They Figured Out How To Slow Climate Change
Yunno, after wading thru all the bullshit that goes along with the climate change/global warming fear mongering debates....

The elephant in the room that no one talks about, although there is enough finger pointing going on already--

Is the Elite have been calling for decades about...hold on.....DEPOPULATION!

Yes folks, depopulation, there it is.

There are more roads, highways, buildings, homes, retail stores that all hold in heat and increase temperatures during summertime than there was 30 years ago.
In turn, we are destroying forests, swamp-lands, woods, deserts etc etc  to make room for such things, which in turn effect nature in a negative way.

Homes are being built in areas NOT designed for living, yet we are to accommodate housing due to increase in population.

My point is.....

IF we are really and truly 200% dead serious about doing something to help this planet, we would come up with a way to eliminate families from having 5-7 kids just to get welfare checks for each kid.

Limit the number of kids per family.
Limit the number of pets per family.
Limit the hours the one can run the air conditioner.
Limit the hours one can run a heater in the winter.

Or face the consequences......i.e. a fine.
Which is what they are working towards, after reading several articles on them blaming A/C use and heaters for putting off CO2.

'Depopulation' always gives people the heebie jeebies when it is mentioned.
But how else is the planet really and truly going to 'heal' with all of us bleeding it to death.

Carbon taxes ain't gonna do a damn thing towards the climate except make the government richer.
And the hard working guy poorer, cause we are going to pay for this scam eventually.
Yes, scam!!

So why not really get down to the nitty gritty.
Controlling the population...that is pretty much what is needed, yes???

Yet no one wants to talks about it.
 Maybe that is the whole point of the NWO, to take charge of what many Nations cannot/will not do on their own.

But then again, I may be just rambling.
Forgive me, but this shit gives me a headache.

Here we have the U.N. pretty much thinking they can control a planet from doing what it has done for billions of years...EVOLVE.
And I just do not see how unless they take some drastic, and I mean drastic measures....and passing bullshit carbon taxes is not what I'm referring to either.

I just don't see the point of all this fear mongering if they are not going to address the increasing population, assuming humans are 100% to blame.

Hope I did not make this too confusing....sometimes on more complex things like this, it is hard to type on keyboard what is running in my head and make it truly coherent for others to understand.

But this whole climate change issue goes so much deeper than just passing regulations and taxes IMO.

Anyhoo, off I go.....

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: They Figured Out How To Slow Climate Change - by senona - 09-25-2016, 07:56 AM

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