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They Figured Out How To Slow Climate Change
So... basically speaking, Muslim extremists are eco-warriors then?
I had no idea that humans were such a bad influence on the world.

I can only think that the way forward is to create a system where companies
and countries can buy and sell their imaginary carbon emission quotas in the
unintentional way of creating a wealth-generating market.

Obviously, this kind of racket can't be used by the general public as it would
then be open to abuse. Chairmen of Corporations don't do that sort of thing
because they're better than the farmyard animals common folk.

If there  ever comes a time when to ease this planet of it's pollution burdens and
it's decided that the ivory trade isn't doing enough in killing those large, grey,
long-nosed farting machines called elephants, then I would suggest culling
the human race.

Of course, we'd start at the bottom of the wealth pile as those who have money
are better than most of their fellow species.

Does anyone have George Orwell's telephone number?
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: They Figured Out How To Slow Climate Change - by BIAD - 09-24-2016, 01:05 PM

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